Toy Presentation
Transcript: CATEGORY Open Ended/Collectables CATEGORY Open Ended CATEGORY PRICE PRESCHOOL PRICE Cooperative Games INDICATOR OF SKILL Quercetti Migoga 80 piece Marble Run’M-Magnetic-Marble-Maze/product_id/6525.html# KDI 4. COGNITION 4.2 Problem Solving: Solving problems of more complexity - Engage children in problem solving that is relevant and doable through hands on investigations and through their own research. Zoo’M Magnetic Marble Maze PRESCHOOL E.22. Exploring objects: Children explore objects with their hands, feet, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. F.38. Identifying visual images: Children respond to and identify pictures and photographs. Self Correcting 22. Exploring objects: Children explore objects with their hands, feet, mouth, eyes, ears, and nose. 24. Exploring same and different: Children explore and notice how things are the same or different 29. Filling and emptying: Children fill and empty, put in and take out. $29.99 +tax CATEGORY 14.95+ tax INFANT Discovery Tubes’M-Magnetic-Marble-Maze/product_id/6525.html# Open-Ended KDI 34.95+ tax TODDLER INDICATOR OF SKILL 24.99+ tax KDI Price 17. Fine-motor Skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hang-eye coordination in using their small muscles 43. Pretend Play: Children express and represent what they observe, think, imagine, and feel through pretend play. Self Correcting, Structured (Materials fit together in a specific way) Geometric Stacker SCHOOL AGE PRICE 4. COGNITION 4.9 Spatial Relationships, directions, map. Understanding left and right. Giving clear well organized directions 4.11 Games with rules. Conforming to the rules of the game. Using Strategies to improve performance during the game 86.99 plus tax PRICE PRICE CATEGORY Elephant Shape Sorter SCHOOL AGE 46.99+ tax Wooden Stacking Robots References Best Start Expert Panel on Early Learning. (2007). Early learning for every child today: Framework for Ontario early childhood settings. Toronto, ON:Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services. Kool, L. (2013). Infant and toddler. Retrieved from Kool, L. (2013). Preschool and kindergarten. Retrieved Jan 11, 2013, from Quercetti migoga 80 piece marble run. (2010). Retrieved Jan 11, 2013, from Wooden Stacking Robots. (2010). Retrieved Jan 11, 2013, from stacking robots CATEGORY KDI C. 17. Fine-motor skills: Children demonstrate dexterity and hand eye coordination in using their small muscles. E. 34. Shapes: Children identify, name, and describe shapes. E. 38. Patterns: Children Identify, describe, copy, complete, and create patterns.