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Hotel Rwanda Background Presentation

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Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: Hotel Rwanda The story of a Genocide For years the Hutu's and Tutsi's had problems. These two groups live in Rwanda. The Belgians, the last colonial superpower in Rwanda, chose a group to have power over another and it made things worse. The Hutu’s felt as though both groups started out equally with the same chance and the Tutsi's getting more power was unfair. The Hutus were the majority and the Tutsi's were the minority. The reason behind all the madness and what made the Hutu's attack the Tuitsi's was the plane carrying Rwanda's president was shot down, most likely the work of an extremist. The Hutu’s accused the Tutsi’s of the crime and made it their duty to wipe out the Tutsi’s out. But why the Tutsi's?.... ....because they had the same desires of a powerful society. The Tutsi's abused their power. Rene Girard speaks about desire and when that group desires what people within that group possesses it creates conflict. Conflict turns into violence and one person in the group is singled out and they are the classified as the “scapegoat.” The Hutu's used the power of creating an army and having Belgum back them up to make the tutsi's a scapegoat. Rene Girard goes into depth about how people tend to travel in groups because if they didn’t they would be in danger of being bullied and becoming a scapegoat Hotel Rwanda is a 2004 historical drama film about the hotelier Paul Rusesabagina documents his acts to save the lives of his family and more than a thousand other refugees The hotel was the only thing standing that gave hope for survival for the Tutsi’s. George Ruggi was an Italian- Belgian apart of the radio station to encourage the Hutu’s killing the Tutsi’s. Rumor spread that Belgium soldiers were the source of the weapons used on the attack of Jan 25th 1994. Paul had a large sum of money and supplies the Belgium soldiers wanted and needed. He paid them to have their army protect the Hotel from Hutu’s trying to invade and kill the Tutsi’s. Paul shares his story of bravery in hopes that others realize any little thing you do can help Everyone should want to help out in any crisis because if you needed help you would want someone to help you when someone hurts you or your family... it's hard to move foward but in order to do so... You must Forgive!

Rwanda Hotel

Transcript: Hotel Rwanda The Issue "Rwandan Genocide" The Hutus and the Tutsis have had a long tribal hatred since anyone can remember. Tutsi were typically more dominant and controlled wealth such as cattle. Hutu were without wealth and not tied to the powerful. People could move from being Hutu, to Tutsi, and the other way round, depending on their wealth and status. The wake of the genocide was when the president of Rwanda (who happened to be Hutu) was killed on a plane, April 6th, 1994, setting off the Hutus in an outrage killing innocent Tutsis people. The next 100 days following was a series of mass murders, rape, beatings, seperations of family's and torture. Approximately 800,000 were killed during the genocide. Juvenal Habyarimana Real Life Event? Hotel Rwanda was in fact a movie based on a true story. Every major actor played a role of a real Rwandan citizen. Paul Rusesabagina Nick Nolte (Romeo Dellaire) and Don Cheadle (Paul Rusesabagina) Paul Rusesabagina and Tatiana Rusesabagina Main Characters and Their Struggles Paul Rusesabagina: General manager of the luxurious Belgian-owned Hôtel des Milles Collines in Rwanda Used his international connections and well-crafted street smarts to care for and protect the 1,200 refugees Despite having no electricity or water for several weeks, he managed to cater to the needs of the refugees though it was not easy. Tatiana Rusesabagina: Wife of Paul Rusesabagina Managed to protect 4 children amidst the 100 days of genocide. Colonel Oliver (Based on Romeo Dellaire) In charge of Canadian UN troops Attempted to keep as many Tutsis safe as possible while ensuring the safety of his troops Balancing the relationship between a UN officer, and a friend of Pauls. Keeping as many people safe as he possibly could How the Issue Affects Canada Much money under Canada's name was spent after the genocide in 1994 to re-establish Rwanda’s social institutions and infrastructure. Canada has a dedicated day on April 7th to remember the numerous amounts of lives lost during the Rwandan Genocide as well as a Day of Reflection on the Prevention of Genocide. Convinced of the importance of freedom of the press as a foundation for democracy, Canada has contributed to activities supporting the capacity building of Rwandan journalists to help professionalize Rwanda’s media. During the genocide itself, innocent Canadian troops lives were lost at the cost of providing a better environment for the Rwandans. to happily live their lives in peace. Issue Resolved The Rwandan genocide was conclued in mid July 1994. The following factors contributed to the conclusion of the genocide: TRP (Tutsis Rebel Police) finally took power and pushed the Hutus to Congo. The RPF (Rwandan Patriotic Front) overtook the Hutu government in Kigali. The Security Council authorized UNAMIR (United Nations Assistance Mission for Rwanda) to use force to protect civilians from further slaughtering of the Tutsi people. Today, current and previous Prime Ministers and Governor Generals pay a visit to Rwanda to commemorate the tragic genocide. Summary:Rwanda Hotel The massacre of hundreds of thousands of people during the Rwandan genocide of 1994 is documented through this film. Paul Rusesabagina is the hotel manager at the fancy Les Milles Collines hotel in Kigali. Soon enough, the violence escalates, and the Hutus begin their genocide of the Tutsis. His wife, Tatiana is a Tutsi as Paul is a Hutu. She urges Paul to use his influence to help local Tutsis, who are being harassed and beaten with increasing frequency. As time passes, keeping refugees at the hotel graually becomes more and more dangerous. Paul is seen as a traitor by some, putting his life in danger, and the predicament of his "guests" grows more precarious every day, but despite good intentions on the part of a journalist and a UN peacekeeping colonel the rest of the world is not eager to intervene and stop the massacre. The Real Conflict The Rwandan genocide itself was the real conflict. Massacring over half a million people was a tragic event for Africa. The fact that a genocide occured in the same country an individuals of the same race turned against eschother devestates individuals throughout the world. Many other countries along with navy and army forces could have intervened. To this day, the UN has been granted much praise for their efforts, but a large portion of people do not understand that this force backed out of the mission for an unsupported reason. The UN believed that Rwandan police forces were involved in mass killings during the genocide. Though this did not continue for a long period of time, the trust Rwandans had in the UN was lost and all loyalty that they had originally possessed was irrevocable. Questions Did Canada play a big role during the Rwandan Genocide? Did they have a huge impact on ending the genocide? Do you believe Canadian citizens were affected by the genocide? If so, how?

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: Synopsis: Hotel Rwanda is about one of the most horrifically ugly events in history, when the Hutu extremists of Rwanda create mass killings of genocide, massacring hundreds of thousands of minority Tutsis, who had been given power by the Belgian colonists, while the rest of the world looked on and did nothing. Paul Rusesabagina (Don Cheadle) is the hotel manager at the fancy Les Milles Collines hotel in Kigali. Paul is a Hutu and a very successful businessman, his wife, Tatiana (Sophie_Okonedo of Aeon_Flux), is a Tutsi. She urges Paul to use his influence to help local Tutsis, who are being harassed and beaten, but Paul will only use the political capital he's built up to help his own family, if and when they need it. Soon enough, the violence escalates, and the Hutus begin their genocide of the Tutsis. European guests and staff at the hotel are flown out of the country, and Paul is left in charge. He finds that his conscience won't allow him to watch as the innocent are slaughtered, so he turns the hotel into a refugee camp. Paul is seen as a traitor by some, putting his life in danger, and the predicament of his "guests" grows more precarious every day, but despite good intentions on the part of a journalist and a UN peacekeeping colonel, the rest of the world is not eager to intervene and stop the massacre. There are alot of horrific events throughout this movie. Synopsis of Research: Acording to my reasearch alot of these events actually did happen while it was not actual footage, the events were real. The Hutus people were extreamely angry that the Tutsis gained social status over the Hutus. This was not the sole reason for the somewhat shocking attack on the Tutsis but it was a contributor. The charactors in the film where based on real people involved in the Rwandiand Genocide. Some Inacuracies: The movie falsly sisplays the reason for the Hutus people killing the Tutsis. Continued: the movie over emphasized Paul Rusesabagina's heroism in the Movie Hotel Rwanda. The Actual Paul: The Charactor in the Film: Hisorically Acurate? While all of the events did actually happen the presedent of Rwanda says that the character Paul was over credited and he didnt act as a hero the way it was displayed in the Film and he is quite offended. The movie also over gerneralized the reasoning behind the genocide it was not as radom as the movie leads the audience to belive so. There was a great social devide thanks to the Begion rule. Hotel Rwanda: Historically Acurate? Cameron Beall March 13, 2011 Period 5 Conclution: I really enjoyed this film, as ironic as that may be considering the horrid genocide. I knew that the film was based on true events, however i didnt know the exact reason for the genocide. I like the assignment but i would have liked to do a happier movie.

Hotel Rwanda

Transcript: Hotel Rwanda We learned a lot more information about the Hutus and the Tutsis. We learned that Hutus had more power than the Tutsis. We found this movie interesting because of how they killed the Tutsis, by chopping them up instead of just shooting them. And it was interesting that the U.N. didn't help the orphans because they were tutsis. 2. 8. Balkanized- a small geographic area that could not successfully be organized into a stable state because it is inhabited by different ethnicities with complex, long-standing antagonisms toward each other. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Hutus and the Tutsis have problems with each other and therefore cannot make a successful state because of all the conflicts and killings. 9. Landlocked state A state that does not have a direct outlet to the sea. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because Rwanda is a landlocked state, is is completely surrounded by four other countries. We lerned about this in chapter 8 (political geography) Connections Connections Connections Ethnic Cleansing- A process in which a more powerful ethnic group forcibly removes a less powerful one in order to create an ethnically homogeneous region. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Hutus are killing all the Tutsis. We learned this in chapter 7 (ethnicity). We chose Hotel Rwanda because it was full of information and it was a true.It was full of emotions, some parts were sad and other parts were happy. It was an interesting movie. Connections 10. Racism The belief that race/ ethnicity is the primarily determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race/ ethnicity. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Hutus thought they were better than the Tutsis, so they tried to kill all of the Tutsis. Also the U.N didn't help the refugees because they weren't like them. This relates to chapter 7 (ethnicity) The U.N.- A supernatural military that keeps peace between two nations. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the U.N. in the movie try keeping peace between the Hutus and Tutsis. How it relates to APHG 1. Information from: HotelRwanda.Dir.TerryGeorge.2004 Connections 5. Push Factor- A factor that induces people to leave old residences. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Hutus are making the Tutsis move out, but they are also making some Americans move from their residences. 6. Genocide-the deliberate and systematic extermination of a national, racial, political, or cultural group. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Hutus are killing all the Tutsis because of cultural issues Connections Connections 3. Refugees-people who are forced to migrate from their home country and cannot return for fear of persecution because of their race, nationality, membership in a social group, or political opinion. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Tutsis are being forced out by the Hutus. Tutsis cannot return because of fear from the hutus. 4.Underclass- A group in society prevented from participating in the material benefits of a more developed society because of a variety of social and economic characteristics. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the Hutus don't let any Tutsis do anything with them and the Hutus are treated better than the Tutsis. 7. folk culture-culture traditionally practiced by a small rural group living in a relative isolation from other groups. This relates to Hotel Rwanda because the children that were at the hotel were dancing which is part of folk culture. Also the Tutsis are a small group of people. This movie relates mostly to chapter 7 because it talks about ethnicity and chapter 7 talks about ethnic cleansing which the Hutus tried to do in Rwanda. By: Ashley Koch and Karina Medina

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