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Investor Pitch

Transcript: Hardware OF Our Printer Market disrupption 5 3 USP:- AFFORDABLITY, PORTABLITY AND AFFORDABALITY Double rack and single pinion: The basic mechanical rack and pinion system is complimented with additional rack. The clockwise and anticlockwise movement of the pinion dictates whether rack1 will transcribe on the paper of rack2 will transcribe on the paper respectively. Dependent on the required braille character to be printed, the pinion will be commanded accordingly with the help of the Stepper motor controlled with slave1 microcontroller. X-Z axis movement of the paper: As the double rack and single pinion mechanism will be stationary, the paper on which the braille will be transcribed is moved on the X and Z axis according to the appropriate position of the braille character. the X-Z axis motor will be controlled with slave2 microcontroller. According to the research and literature review, the current iteration of braille printers in the industry is not cost-effective. The existing market options typically range from 1000 to 1500 USD or 1.2 lakhs INR. In the Indian market, the majority of braille education schools cannot afford such expensive printers, leading them to rely on traditional hand braille transcribing methods. Our braille printer is specifically designed to address this issue by aiming for a cost of around 20 to 25 USD or 1500 to 2000 INR. With a remarkable 90% reduction from the current market price, our braille printer becomes affordable and accessible to the Indian market. With over 250 schools for the blind in India, our braille printer not only caters to the niche market within the country but also positions itself in the global niche braille printer market. The braille printer contributes to making blind education more accessible in rural areas. Its primary objective is to be cost-effective and socio-economically available to every person in need. This innovative project strategically addresses the existing gaps in the braille printer industry, offering a valuable and potentially profitable solution. With over 250 schools for the blind in India, our braille printer not only caters to the niche market within the country but also positions itself in the global niche braille printer market. Rewards & Recognization 1. Winner at DIPEX 2024 (Cash prize of 10k) 2. Winner at MSBTE state level (Cash prize of 100k) Our Intervention "DRISHTI" 2 "Printing Paths to Knowledge: Drishti's Affordable Braille Revolution" BRAILLE PRINTER & ITS IMPORTANCE 1.Discover Drishti's Affordable Braille Printer: Bringing affordable, high-quality braille printing to education. Empowering visually impaired learners with accessible materials. Join us in revolutionizing literacy and fostering inclusivity in every classroom 2. Its a braille printer is equipped with an double rack and single pinion design as the core of the transcribing process, and is also supported with appropriate actuators for the process of braille printing. The working principle is divided into two parts, Hardware and Software 1.Abdullah shaikh 2.Krish Tawade EDUCATION FOR ALL 1 RIGHT TO EDUCATION (RTE) The Constitution (Eighty-sixth Amendment) Act, 2002 inserted Article 21-A in the Constitution of India to provide free and compulsory education of all children in the age group of six to fourteen years as a Fundamental Right in such a manner as the State may, by law, determine. The Braille Printer Market 1.Opporutinty in the makerty 2.One dimensional characteristics of the market 3.Baille printer market oligopoly HOW BLIND PEOPLE LEARN ?? In order to learn or educate there are 2 basic need for a human 1. Read 2. write Due to the physical challenges face by vison impared people to understand our written laguage therres a system called Braille writting What is a Braille ?? Braille is a unique tactile writing system of raised dots that blind and partially sighted people can read by touch. The ability to understand braille means that people with sight loss have the same access to written word as sighted people and are able to enjoy reading for life. Software Of Our Printer 4 Works on Core Concept Of Master And Slave Algorithm Master Microcontroller: The master microcontroller will be interfaced with either the computer or with an mobile phone app that will send the string of data that is to be transcribed. this string of data will be converted into a hexadecimal code containing required information to print for each and every character of the string and will be sent to the slave1 microcontroller. Also according to the number of characters and number of words, the instructions regarding X-Z axis movement to be simultaneously executed will be sent to the slave2 microcontroller. Slave1 Microcontroller: The slave1 microcontroller will take the hexadecimal code from the master, according to its function it will convert the hexadecimal code into set of instructions to drive the nema 17 stepper motor of the "double rack and single pinion". Slave2 Microcontroller:

Investor Pitch

Transcript: Tushar Who we are? APPLICATION PITCH WHY US ? WHO ARE WE? PAIN POINTS Pain Points The content creator could not find out the right opportunities to showcase their skills Content creators and professional need a platform to connect with each other There is need for new and professional content The content creators need a platform to maintain their professional portfolio Opportunity Opportunities Click to edit teshlshxt Product Product Core : Website and Application Actual : Social Networking (Need Based Content) Augmented: Advertising, Line-feeds, digital marketing BUSINESS MODEL BUSINESS MODEL Delivery Value DELIVERY VALUE - Multi-sided Platform - Win-Win situation for both sides - Secure platform - Easy to use Capture Value CAPTURE VALUE - We are providing a platform for everything - Our platform will generate need based content - People will get chance to showcase there skill set - Personalized data (Data Analytic with AI Suggestion) - Report the spam content - Like and dislike the content - Bookmark and save the content - Download the content CHANNEL | Physical Resources | Intellectual Resources | Human Resources | Financial Resources | KEY RESOURCES - Server - Mobile - Laptop - Customer Support - Marketing Team - Legal Team - Development Team - Brand Name - Brand Logo - Music - Videos - Seed Funding - Bank Loan - Stock Options Physical Intellect Human Resources Financial Resources Types of Key Activities Production Problem Solving Platform/Network KEY ACTIVITIES KEY ACTIVITIES PRODUCTION These activities relate to designing, developing, and delivering a product in substantial quantities and/or of superior quality. Production activity dominates the business models of manufacturing firms. In our application will be having developer’s as a producer because will be producing the application and the platform. In the nut shell will be requiring:- - Designing - Developing - Security Production Problem Solving For our platform specific will be launching the beta version so that will get feedback from the user and keep on updating our application. All the social media applications first launch there beta version such as Whatsapp, Facebook, Snapchat etc. PROBLEM SOLVING PLATFORM Business models designed with a platform as a Key Resource are dominated by platform or network related Key Activities. Networks, matchmaking platforms, software, and even brands can function as a platform. Platform Our key activities have been highlighted as below:- [Optional] Coordination with key players like: AWS Music Companies Film makers Agents Talent Hunt Organizers Coaching Centers Customer Service - Upskilling of employees and making them tech savvy. - Creating awareness about the usage of the product by employing the marketing plan. - Development and maintenance of online, app-related data. 1. Optimization and Economies of scale 2. Reduction of Risk and Uncertainty 3. Acquisition of resources and activities KEY PARTNERS KEY PARTNERS Simply what will do is instead of doing in-house development will outsource developer for the development of application and if it requires will out-source the customer support team as well so, this way we will not own anything and will use until and unless we want to use it. Optimization and Economies of scale This motive is brought on by competitors joining in strategic alliances in one area while remaining competitive in other areas. Our direct competitor was Tick-Tok that’s already out of Indian market and other competitors are FB, Instagram, Snapchat etc. that we have to tackle and reduce the risk. Reduction of Risk and Uncertainty It is rare for any business to have access to all the necessary resources and activities to create the most value to their customers. It is important to realize which assets are more cost-effective to outsource and to rely on other businesses to bring resources that one could not come up by oneself. For us all the strategic work will be done by us only and will export the development and customer service team. Acquisition of resources and activities a. Transaction Revenues b. Recurring Revenues REVENUE STREAMS REVENUE STREAM a. Marketing Plans b. Operational Plans c. Financial Plans PLANS PLANS - Influencer Marketing - Dabble with original Content - Ads - Viral Trends - AI Technology - Localization of Content - Casting - Quiz - Shows (Auditions) - Challenges/ Hash tag campaigns - Duet - Authenticity - Community MARKETING Marketing OPERATIONAL PLAN Operation Financial PROPOSAL La Vie (French word - Life) Anchor Ancla (Spanish word - Anchor) Lets Shoot Talento (Spanish word - Talent) Mastery(Meaning- comprehensive knowledge or skill in a subject or accomplishment.) dexterity(Meaning - skill in performing tasks, especially with the hands.) Anubhooti (Perception) Pahachaan (Identity) Engaging (occupy, attract, or involve (someone's interest or attention)) Artista IES(Integrated Entertainment Solution) NAMES SUGGESTION Names

Investor Pitch

Transcript: Investor Pitch By MEI Hospitality Opportunity The Opportunity The annual Market Growth report shows a large increase in the need for luxury glamping locations. The USA saw a revenue jump from 1.8 billion dollars to 2.35 billion between 2020 and 2021 with a projected 14.1% increase every year until 2028 where the industry is projected to make nearly 10 billion dollars! The Problem The United States of America is far behind the rest of the world in this industry offering very few glamping locations lacking in the essentials of the business. The Problem The Solution The Solution We revolutionize and set industry standards in the United States of America by opening the first ever 420 friendly 21+ luxury Glamping Resort. We have done the research and have planned to offer only the best experience to our guests ensuring we capture more than our market shares. The Market The Market The glamping market breaks down into age categories showing a major share in the 21-36 age groups do to the convenient amenities and protection offered by geodesic domes. Market Size Market Size Industry Worth In the USA Market Share Glamping Accommodations in the USA $115,384,615.38 $ 6 Billion Dollars 52 Competitive Analysis Our research shows that the comp set in North America (specifically the USA) has an average of 4-16 domes per location with an ADR of $532 Competitive Analysis Our Differences One major thing that sets Midnight Haze Retreat apart from the competitors is that we are strictly 21+. Offering our guests a get away where they can let loose and not have to worry about screaming children interrupting their relaxation. Our Difference Product Product We offer luxury geodesic domes with skylights and bay windows. All domes have a bathroom, loft bed, and kitchenette to serve all our guests needs. The property will consist of 15 guest domes, a spa dome (with mud bath), theater/event dome, a main hall with restaurant and bar, a custom outdoor pool/hot tub with lazy river, rock feature with waterfall, and a swim up bar. Exterior Dome View 2nd Exterior View Interior View Living Room Bathroom Other view Specialty Dome Breakdown As an added amenity for our guests we will offer 2 specialty domes. A large theater/event dome, and a spa dome. Specialty Domes Theater/Events This dome will serve many purposes, the first use will be as a theater where we will show a variety of movies. When we aren't using this dome our guests will have the option to rent it out to play video games or their own movies on the large movie screen. This dome will also be used for special events (hosted by the company or rented out for a variety of different uses i.e weddings, business retreats, meetings, etc....) Theater/ Event Dome To stick with the idea of a nature retreat/resort we will be offering a spa dome with a sauna and mud bath. Nothing says serenity like starring at the stars while soaking in an all natural mud bath. Spa Dome Spa Dome Management Team Our Management Team Marcus Rusk-Kruschke Ivy Cebulla Elizabeth Miller C.E.O / Owner C.F.O / Owner C.O.O / Owner Marcus has 6 years of experience in the Hotel Industry. At the peak of his career he oversaw 27 hotels in the Colorado and Idaho areas on top of opening 6 newly constructed properties. Ivy has a proven track record of being one of the top employees in every position she has held. She's been assisting with a small business and has helped them gross over 1 Million dollars monthly. Elizabeth started in the Hotel Industry a few years ago and has worked her absolute hardest to work her way up and now manages one of the most reputable Marriot properties in the Denver-Metro area. Vital Team Members Vital Team Members Sarah Griego Executive Assistant Virginia Stamper Executive Assistant Both Sarah and Virginia have been and will be playing a vital role in this company. Both girls are hospitality professionals with extensive customer service experience. These two will be helping out with all aspects of the business and eventually with the companies expansion Business Model Midnight Haze Retreat is the first glamping experience of its kind; taking all the best aspects of camping, eco retreats, and resorts to make an industry changing property Business Model Revenue Model We will be offering a total of 15 luxury domes to start (8 of which will be 420 friendly priced at a higher rate than the regular domes). Dome rentals range in price based off of what each dome has to offer. Since our domes will have all the amenities they will be priced between 300-800 nightly. Revenue Model Financial Projection Financial Projection Low end revenue projection: $1,642,500 (Based off of 50% occupancy at $300 a night) High end revenue projection: $2,628,000 (Based on 80% occupancy at $600 a night) *All revenue projections are based solely on dome rentals which do not include revenue from food,bar,gift shop, or spa bookings* Comparison Conclusion The average 80-120 room hotel typically makes 40,000-60,000 a year after their

Investor Pitch Template

Transcript: TEAM get back to you yet? If they did, put their NO ELECTRICITY Profit Guaranteed Kiran Israr Design, Install & Commission Let everyone know your TRACTION & ENGAGEMENT Business Services your solution to the market? GO TO MARKET Education Drinking Water PEDO has more than 300 sites that can be potentially integrated with other Renewable Energy Sources. CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION PROVIDE ELECTRICITY USING REWABLES THE ASK AHMAD AMIN Did any of your customers MEET TARIQ GUJJAR ADD PICTURE HERE CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Write down all the reasons $ 34.02 k $ 68.04 k STUDENTS RANGING FROM GRADE 1 TO GRADE 10 $ 17.01 k MARKET SIZE SCHOOLS ARE OUR TARGET MARKET. THE DETAILS ARE GIVEN BELOW; 44% OF RURAL PAKISTAN IS DEPRIVED OF ELECTRICITY Hospitals Business Market Integration and Acquisition parts here in this box. SOLUTIONS USAID, ADB, and KFW are developing pilot projects. COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATORS YOUR Take all the information you WHAT IS THE POTENTIAL? Investment opportunities on selected sites positive feedback here Position similar solution? If so, put their details here. USPCASE nominated as Energy Think Tank of KPK HERE CUSTOMER SEGMENTATION EnSync COMPETITIVE DIFFERENTIATORS to make money from the same market with a Position $ 0.5 Million Are there other people trying KIRAN ISRAR Position COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE Add details, including pictures WE WANT TO PROMOTE RURAL EDUCATION $ 340.2 k ADD PICTURE HERE Health In these circles GOES Bankable Services Explain as visually as you can Integration Technology is Operational Worldwide. BUSINESS MODEL Technical Feasibility Services progress so far. CUSTOMER FEEDBACK Put the different kinds of customer put in so far and summarize the most important RURAL COMMUNITIES 44% UNELECTRIFIED that you are better than the competition COMPETITIVE LANDSCAPE How ready are you to take SUMMARY ADD PICTURE HERE LOGO System Design Services Universities-Industry Partnerships under umbrella of HEC PAINS KHURAM SHAHZAD THANK YOU FOR YOUR ATTENTION! LOGO YOUR HERE GOES To add more team members, just resize the existing cirlces and copy paste them. And don't forget to delete this tip!

Investor Pitch

Transcript: Presented by The Executive Team to Investor THANK YOU! MAS INC. ABOUT OUR MISSION Our passion at MAS Inc. is to make life better, one commute at a time. We are the worlds first advertisement-supported commute share company. We are in an industry of our own and we own the share of clock not the share of anyone's wallet. TEAM TEAM MASYULA WIDA FOUNDER AND OWNER SERVICE OFFERING World’s first advertisement supported commute share company. PROBLEM PROBLEMS 01. 02. 03. People commute everyday to get to work or appointments by paying with their money as well as their time. Torontonians don't realize the value of their time as they're spending more time travelling than their money. Government is not getting paid enough for the transportation they're providing all over the city and do not realize the monetary opportunities associated with their service. SOLUTION SOLUTIONS We give the population a choice; a choice to either PAY WITH THEIR TIME or to PAY WITH THEIR MONEY. We propose a solution by allowing them to save money by using their time towards the services we provide. We want to help people save their hard earned money and use their time to pay for their commute instead, which in other words, is to make a smarter choice everyday. COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES (FOR CUSTOMERS) COMPETETIVE ADVANTAGE There is no other company, government or service that gives an option to either pay with TIME or MONEY OR COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGES TOWARDS CUSTOMERS Our idea is not to bore the audience with traditional adveritising but to get them to participate in our content that will help them save money. Customers will watch ads that are made for them, content that are within their interests and their needs and wants. Use our app to get vouchers like never before. The plan is to have promotional offers like never before. Our idea is to completely move onto 1 on 1 advertising rather than throwing a message to the crowd and hoping someone recieves it. Competetive Advantages Cont. Options like use 5 minutes of your time to pay for your next SUBWAY RIDE using our app. Options to use 25 mintues of your time to get a free ride on a ride-share using our app. World’s first platform for Undivided Attention COMPETITIVE ADVANTAGE BUSINESS INNOVATION (For Clients) OUR SERVICES Best feature about our platform is self explanatory enough. They're being offered to take rides for free just to have fun with your content. Best place to innovate the content and raise marketing standards like never before. A platform to experiment with new levels of interactive media to have the most effective marketing ever! Request feedbacks, introduce products or services with a twist, test marketing, gaming demos, tell stories, enhance word of mouth, and get personal in ways. Interactive Media The creation and display of content in order to ultimately acquire customers as it tends to be informative and entertaining as well as be less or more sales-driven Engagement is critical since audience shouldn't be interrupted and should be targeted when they're ready for it We have more active audience rather than passive audience Focusing on 1-on-1 advertising and targeting a specific persona Content Marketing We can target ads and acquire information of our target audience. Interested customers will provide their information to get additional notifications regarding the ad they see. Best way to improve the database that will help to get better results and also save money on every email by improving the RFM value. Improvement of database Reach your targeted audience precisely. We provide segmentation elements like demographics, interest, psychographics, lifestyle and video remarketing. Profile Segmentation PROGRESS APP DEVELOPMENT Our app that we call MAS app, is under construction. The app is alligned with our mission and is our tool that will help us to finally give our audience the option to monetise their time into something useful that can help them to save their dollars on commuting for starters. MAS APP OUR MAS APP - TEASER MAS - TEASER TIMELINE TIMELINE 2016 2018 2017 2019 NOW Q and A Q and A

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