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Transcript: Bazargan, M. (2004) Airline Operations and Scheduling. Farnham: Ashgate. Burke, E., De Causemaecker, P., De Maere, G., Mulder, J., Paelinck, M. and Vanden Berge, G. (2010) A multi-objective approach for robust airline scheduling. Computers and Operations Research [online]. Vol. 37 Available from <> [Accessed 21 April 2014]. Grosche, T. (2009) Computational Intelligence in Integrated Airline Scheduling. Heidelberg: Springer Verlag. Holloway, S. (2008) Straight and Level: Practical Airline Economics. 3rd ed. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishing. Wensveen, J. G. (2007) Wheels Up – Airline Business Plan Development. 2nd ed. Malabar: Krieger Publishing. Wensveen, J. G. (2011) Air Transportation. 7th ed. Surrey. Ashgate Publishing. Yan, S., Tang, C. and Fu, T. (2008) An airline scheduling model and solution algorithms under stochastic demands. European Journal of Operational Research. [online]. Vol. 190, No. 1. Available from <> [Accessed 29 April 2014]. Mission of Scheduling Bibliography Overview of Presentation Definition of the term "Mission of Scheduling" and how it is applied within airline operations. Highlight the inputs required within the scheduling process. Appraise the necessity of scheduling for international airlines Robust Scheduling "An airline's schedule is its core service attribute insofar as safe, reliable delivery of a schedule is what satisfies customers' most basic air travel need; the need to be somewhere else by a certain time." Robust scheduling offers a means of reducing delays and disruption. Robust scheduling aims to build schedules that have an improved performance in operation. The robustness of a schedule is demonstrated through the flexibility within the schedule and its stability (Burke et al. 2010). Wensveen (2011) Scheduling Process models Scheduling is one of the factors that make or break an airline (Wensveen 2007). Fleet routing and flight scheduling are essential to a carrier's profitability, its level of service and its competitive capability in the market (Grosche 2009). What Does Scheduling Aim to Accomplish? Mission of Scheduling Wensveen (2007, p65) “Airline scheduling can be defined as the art of designing system wide flight patterns that provide optimum public service, in both quantity and quality, consistent with the financial health of the carrier”. 21096422 Wing Yin Li 21099536 Wintana Neamen 21079079 Soyun An 21054414 Stefan Hug An airline has the responsibility to provide adequate service to the cities it serves. operate efficiently and economically. Therefore, airline management must continually search for the balance between adequate service and economic strength for the company (Wensveen 2011). Airline schedule planning Definition: Airline scheduling Adequate service Economic strength Sale and competitive effectiveness Operational dependability and efficiency Holloway (2008) Scheduling is a complex process The schedule performs four main tasks: to provide adequate service, provide economic strength, provide for sales and competitive effectiveness, and to provide operational dependability and efficiency Scheduling can make or break an airline Scheduling : Why do international airlines need to undertake it? Conclusion


Transcript: <3 Story I love you Just a little appreciation You make me so happy :) Reasons why you make me happy <3 - You show me its okay to be myself no matter who is around - You prove to me everyday that I will never regret making you my babydad - Seeing you love on Karter makes my world light up - Whenever you are laying/cuddling with me, I feel like I'm on top of the world - I love whenever we are out and you grab me by the waist, you make me feel like no one will ever hurt me. - The way we talk about life situations, I love how we are always so converversal about everything we discuss - The way you yell at me when I do something stupid, you make it known you care a lot about me Reasons why I love you <3 - I love how you never give up on me no matter how hard things get - I love your smile and how it can easily light up a dark room - I love how you love me and how you continue to love me every single day - I love how handsome you are when you dress up & we go out on a date - I love how you love me a little more than I love myself - I love how you show up for Karter no matter what, regardless of how we were both raised. - I am obsessed with you when you are in a good mood and it brings out my real smile - I love how you are so comfortable with me - I love watching you be the best daddy ever to our perfect little boy - I love everything about you. From your head to your feet, to your heart, to your mind, to your voice, to the way your nose is shaped, and the way you breakout, the way your hand fits in mine, the way your bicepts seem harder every single time I touch them, to the fact nobody can make my coochie wet with just looking at me, other than you <3 Things I am excited for this upcoming year - Our 4 year anniversary! - Valentines day! - Karters 1st birthday - My first birthday spent with us as a family - Karter's first vacation - Our first apartment - Literally anything that includes you but those were just a few examples <3 I'm sorry... <3 I know I am not perfect, and I know I made alot of mistakes in the past and I continue to make them. You deserve better and I just want you to know I strive to be the best version of myself possible every single day for you and for our son. I love you so much and I can't express my love enough for you. You make me the happiest I have ever been, and I hope I end up with you until the end of the time. Here's to 4 years <3 These 4 years have been the best years of my life and I am so happy they have been spent with you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, and only you. Forever. Thank you for loving me throughout everything when I have struggled to love myself. You mean the world to me and there is nobody else I would rather spend my forever with. So with that being said.. WILL YOU BE MY VALENTINE? ...


Transcript: by marquel A sudden movement of the Earth's lithosphere (its crust and upper mantle). Earthquakes are caused by the release of built-up stress within rocks along geologic faults or by the movement of magma in volcanic areas. They are usually followed by aftershocks. See Note at fault. The layer of the Earth between the crust and the core. It is about 2,900 km (1,798 mi) thick and consists mainly of magnesium-iron silicate minerals, such as olivine and pyroxene. It has an upper, partially molten part, which is about 660 km (409 mi) thick, and a lower, solid part. The upper mantle is the source of magma and volcanic lava. The layer of soft tissue that covers the body of a clam, oyster, or other mollusk and secretes the material that forms the shell. In the theory of plate tectonics, the process by which new oceanic crust is formed by the convective upwelling of magma at mid-ocean ridges, resulting in the continuous lateral displacement of existing oceanic crust. See more at magnetic reversal. eathquakehttp: Sea floor spreading what happen when earth goes though these things MANTLE Plate tectoincs Theory that the Earth's lithosphere (the crust and upper portion of the mantle) is divided into about 12 large plates and several small ones that float on and travel independently over the asthenosphere. The theory revolutionized the geological sciences in the 1960s by combining the earlier idea of continental drift and the new concept of seafloor spreading into a coherent whole. Each plate consists of rigid rock created by upwelling magma at oceanic ridges, where plates diverge. Where two plates converge, a subduction zone forms, in which one plate is forced under another and into the Earth's mantle. The majority of the earthquakes and volcanoes on the Earth's surface occur along the margins of tectonic plates. EARTHQUAKE Mantle

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