Weed Presentation
Transcript: Presented by JERI MABUTI DAHLIA NEEDS SALINAH DEAN CANDACE VALDEZ-PANOKE MAYRELLE LAFORETEZA THANK YOU! LEGALIZING MEDICAL MARIJUANA W.onder Would it be benficial to the public? 83% of Americans support the legalization of MEDICAL MARIJUANA (2017) http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/apr/18/83-percent-americans-favor-legalizing-medical-weed/ 49% of Americans support the legalization of recreational cannabis use (2017) Why is it not legalized right now? Many Americans are fine with the use of prescription drugs,alcohol and cigarettes, which can be physically harmful to the human body. Why is it not legalized right now? Many Americans also like taking part in recreational cannabis use, which have no proven harmful effects to the body. Why exactly is the government delaying the legalization of even medical marijuana in the country? I.nvestigate Why should medical marijuana be legalized? CONS CONS Medical marijuana is not a legitimate medicine. The brain is not fully developed until were 25, and using any kind of mind-altering substance impacts that development and needs to go through the FDA process. May affect development in young brains, however, if the effects are not known if they are good or bad. Irritant to the throat and lungs can cause a heavy cough during use. Smoking marijuana is associated with large airway inflammation, increased airway resistance, and lung hyperinflation and regular marijuana smokers report more symptoms of chronic bronchitis than nonsmokers. PROS PROS 01. 02. 03. Cannabis shows considerable promise in reducing chronic pain from a wide spread numbers of causes: CANCER, spinal cord injury and disease, severe epilepsy, PTSD, nausea, and glaucoma. Studies show that marijuana is less toxic than many of the drugs that physicians prescribe everyday. No reported cases of lung cancer or emphysema and DEATH have been cause by cannabis use. 04. There is a higher chance of Americans who are prescribed opiods to become addicted to their medications. S.peculate Speculations Many people believe that Marijuana can do more harm than good with daily use. How can we change the stigma on Marijuana? The FDA has approved of many medications that have negative side effects How can the FDA not approve of medical marijuana, but approve of drugs that have negative side effects, and can be potentially worse for your health overtime? According to mic.com, “marijuana is still considered a schedule one drug, meaning that it’s the DEA’s most serious category of illegal substances”. How can marijuana be considered a schedule one drug, when there has been a lot of research that proves it has many benefits? According to a report from THE HEALTH EFFECTS OF CANNABIS AND CANNABINOIDS, the report states that “The evidence suggests that smoking cannabis does not increase the risk for certain cancers (i.e., lung, head, and neck) in adults.” How can tobacco be approved, when it has been proven that tobacco is a huge reason people get lung cancer? Milesklee. “What Schedule Is Marijuana? DEA Schedule 1 Drugs and Why Classifications Matter.” Mic, Mic Network Inc., 25 Jan. 2017, mic.com/articles/166529/what-schedule-is-marijuana-dea-schedule-1-drugs-and-why-classifications-matter#.glcwyWEmu. E.valuate Why is marijuana so great? 2015 study shows little association b/w habitual and long term use of MJ and lung adenocarcinoma No association with squamous cell carcinoma of the lungs Can cause injury to airways, respiratory symptoms. No significant changes in lung function Marijuana has no association with lung cancer Marijuana has no association with lung cancer Dr. David Walters says that prescription drugs (Vicodin, OxyContin, morphine) have more harmful effects than marijuana. Dr. Walters has esophageal cancer. Prescription drugs have a greater abuse potential, impair one’s ability to operate machinery, prohibits people from doing daily activities, and have a high OD rate. Marijuana is less toxic Marijuana is less toxic The book MARIJUANA AS MEDICINE talks about how people suffer from chronic pain and diseases. In the book it stated that, “Cannabinoids have shown significant promise in basic experiments on pain. Peripheral nerves that detect pain sensations contain abundant receptors for cannabinoids, and cannabinoids appear to block peripheral nerve pain” Helps alleviate the pain or slow down the progress in some diseases. Helps alleviate the pain or slow down the progress ... TESTIMONIALS TESTIMONIALS " " Weed is not more dangerous than alcohol. Medical marijuana: cannabinoid oil extracts helps prevent a toddler with cerebral palsy from having seizures. HOORAY FOR CANNABINOIDS !!! Conclusion TIMELINE: PAST FUTURE NOW Medical Marijuana should be legalizd in America. LESS VISITS TO THE DOCTOR. LESS MEDICAL BILLS TO PAY HAPPIER CITIZENS IN AMERICA http://globalmarijuanamarch.ca/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/Toronto_Global_Marijuana_March_0036253_ANDRE_M_11.05.13.jpg http://illinoistimes.com/images/art9633.12288.widea.0.jpg