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Website Design Project

Transcript: most people prefer delivery save customer's time Within England, this region Photo based on: 'horizon' by pierreyves @ flickr Help Book Name brief description The Plan Brief Books Category Huang, Shih-Hsuan Assignment 2 Pay and Download straight from the web Target Audience Add to basket Hardware & Software Requirement About us Top Ten Books Flow Chart My Website Plan More Detail Add to Basket Delivery Requirement Book Profile Help Goals & Objectives Target Audience Hardware & Software Requirement Delivery Requirement Simple Mockup of my website Flow Chart Reference Books Contact Customer Service Sign up Log in People who are interested in reading people who would like to get qualifications An example of how to create a website- Circlepad Magazines Goals & Objectives Google Ebay Yahoo My Business Description Witch's Book site Book Profile Book Name Breif Description Travels Novels FAQ we hope people can get more knowledge and get relaxed from the products we offer. At the same time, we make profit Detailed Info Home OECD online bookshop: Contact Info Security & Privacy My bookshop does: sell books online and people can take an order sell e-books, which can be downloaded straight from the website and also save customers' money and time. provide chatting rooms for customers and vote for top ten popular books that they think Privacy Booking online References Magazines Reference Book Home Novels sign up/ log in More detail Delivery How to publish a website to the internet:

Website Design Project

Transcript: Ha-Yen Nguyen Website Design Project Google Google I use Google for basically everything. When doing a paper, I'll research things and I'll browse the internet for fun or in my free-time I imagine it looks like a big building in the center of the internet (almost like a town or city hall) inside, would look like a customer service center & multiple people to answer questions also, you would see a big projection of the world's most recent or popular searches updating constantly since Google is in the center of the internet, there would be bridges, roads, and even elevators branching out, leading to different websites Google Classroom Google Classroom I imagine Google Classroom to be in the form of a regular school Each classroom (taught by a teacher) would have rows of desks with open laptops like a student would with their laptop, words would be typing themselves and you can see work begin done, but you only see the laptop not the student I use Google Classroom to do work assigned by my teachers I use Google Classroom to do work assigned by my teachers or take online quizzes/tests I also use it to study. Sometimes, my teacher will post resourceful links on Google Classroom for us to prepare for tests. I also use it to study. Sometimes, my teacher will post resourceful links on Google Classroom for us to prepare for tests. Instagram Instagram I use instagram to stay connected with my friends and family. Its a fun way to see what we're up to i imagine there would be photographers with flashing cameras, taking photos constantly (even though we can't see the subject of their photo since the cameras are polaroid-type cameras, the printed picture would fly up through a portal all around would be flickering hearts, the one you see when you "like" a photo Instagram would be located in a hall of other social media apps (facebook, twitter, etc.) Quizlet Quizlet In the internet, Quizlet would be located in the school because it's an educational website I imagine it being in the library, almost like tutoring there would be a digitical copy of the student learning/memorizing with another person (who represents the website) wearing a white t-shirt with a blue "Q" to represent the Quizlet logo. for example, when you are using the flashcards feature on Quizlet, (from inside the internet) it would look like a study buddy is quizzing you with flashcards. when you're using the test feature, it would look like you were taking a real test at a desk If the internet was set up like a city, Netflix would be the movie theater to get a ticket, you would need to sign in and multiple people are watching the same screen but each person sees a different movie It would look like any ordinary movie theater the chairs would be able to recline with red leather and the walls would be black (the Netflix colors) Netflix Netflix

.Website Design.

Transcript: 2000 1990 2005 In the States the normal pay yearly would be around $62,386, though if your not experienced your yearly fee could value to a lesser amount. Or be high consisting on the time, effort and effectiveness of the web design. It all matters on how much you do. -Not all web designers work alone. sometimes multiple humans come up with one hit site, they could have people all helping out each other such as; ones knows how to program it, another human knows what people want and others knot designs look best. The Internet has blossomed *Evolution* -Web Design became a 'thing' in 1998 and has slow progressed from there. -1991 through 1993 the world hit an obsession hard and sky rocketed from there. -For the longest time the appeal of a website was strictly text, until 1996 when the first Gif was uploaded. -Not all humans in the tech-y world have passed collage or University, its a known fact that Steve Jobs didn't. .Website Design. 2010 .DETAILS. Tumblr was founded 2007<3Feb. Life isn't a cup of tea all the time. Courses can be taken from almost anywhere around the world, whether desire a collage or University or you want a Associates degree or Bachelors. The cost at The International Academy of Design And Tech ranges around the degree you applied for. At the least it would be around $32,200 or at the most $63,000. The better the degree the higher the pay. Online classes are available as well. Education Pay Over time the website design has evolved so much from plain text sites to uploading loads of videos, pictures, Gifs, animations, HTML's different colors and styles of blogs. Background 1995

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