Vietnam War Presentation
Transcript: Anti-war Protest Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh Vocabulary This war is also known as the 'First Indochina War' or the 'Dirty War in France' The conflict pitted a range of soldiers, those led by France and supporting Bao Dai against the Veit Minh led by Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap. Majority of the fighting took place in Tokin in North Vietnam, but eventually engulfed the entire country including other parts of French Indochina. Following the reoccupation of Indochina by France after WWII, the Viet Minh launched thier rebellion. the first few years if fighting involved low-level battles. However after the communists reached the Northern border of Vietnam in 1949, it then turned into a conventional war. It lasted from December 19, 1946- August 1, 1954 Communism in Vietnam In Vietnam, the North were communist The major leaders of North Vietnam were Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in a small Vietnamese village. His early years were mainly spent in France focusing on his studies. In December 1920, Ho became one of the founding members of the French Communist Party. In the September of 1945, Ho Chi Minh announced the formation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. After the French Indochina War subsided, some of the Viet Minh were reluctant to accept the Geneva agreement. Ho however argued that this was only temporarily and was convinced that the Vietnamese were sure to elect a communist government to rule a reunited Vietnam. When it soon became clear that Ngo Dinh Diem had no intention of holding any election, his opponents began to think of alternative methods of achieving their goals. This led to another conflict. Ho Chi Minh's strategy involved getting South Vietnamese forces to concentrate on organizing support. In 1959, Ho sent a trusted advisor, Le Duan, to visit South Vietnam. He returned to inform his leader of Diem's policy of imprisoning the leaders of the opposition was so successful that unless the North used armed resistance, a united Vietnam would never be achieved. Ho Chi Minh died in 1969 " If we have to fight, we will fight. You will kill ten of our men and we will kill one of yours, and in the end it will be you who tires of it." - Ho Chi Minh French Indochina War Counterculture- those who are against what is typically 'normal' Naplam- a gasoline in the jelly-like formed used by the U.S. in the Vietnam War The movement against the involvement of America in Vietnam began in 1964 and immensely grew in the later years. It eventually split the country between those who advocated Vietnam, and those who wanted peace (Doves vs. Hawks). Those who took part in the peace movement were students, mothers, hippies, educators, and even clergy. The opposition falls into three main categories: resistance to the draft; moral and legal arguments against U.S. intervention; and the reactions to war media shown. Examples of protests were the Kent State University and Jackson State University Massacres. In Kent, protestors provoked military soldiers causing them to fire, leading to 4 civilians killed and 11 wounded. Jackson resulted in 2 deaths and 12 injuries. Organizations of this time consist of the Committee for Non-Violent America (CNVA), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union (NBAWADU).