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Vietnam War Background Presentation

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Vietnam War Background

Transcript: Wounded Statistics MIA and POW Statistics Some Service Statistics Americans who deliberately killed civilians received prison sentences. However, returning soldiers were frequently spit on, hit, kicked at, and even beaten because public opinion (based on media coverage) was that they all committed heinous acts and fought in a war many Americans opposed. War atrocities committed by American Soldiers produced outrage from anti-war critics and protestors. Though the United States made it a priority to minimize and prevent attacks on Vietnamese civilians, isolated incidents received unprecedented media attention. MIA: 2,338 POWs: 766 114 died in captivity As of January 2004, there were still 1,875 Americans unaccounted for from the Vietnam War By the numbers and public opinion Vietnam War Background Why was the war so unpopular? Casualty Statistics Total deaths = 58,202 61% of soldiers killed were 21 and younger 11,465 were under 20 5 of those were only 16 Highest state death rate: West Virginia = 84.1% National average was 58.9% for every 100,000 males in 1970) American wounded = 303,704 Severely disabled = 75,000 Amputation or crippling wounds to the lower extremities were 300% higher than in WWII 70% higher than in Korea Multiple amputations occurred at the rate of 18.4% v. 5.7% in WWII Total # military personnel who served in Vietnam Era (1964-1975) = 9,087,000 Total # American military personnel = 2,709,918 (roughly 9.7% of the Vietnam Era generation) Peak troop strength = 543,482 (April 1968) In contrast, Communist and Viet Cong atrocities were so common, they received very little media attention. Attacks on civilians were a key strategy of the North Vietnamese military. Communists who deliberately killed civilians received medals and commendations.

Vietnam: Background

Transcript: Background Vietnam Perla Background 1. What role has geography played in Vietnam's History? 2. Why have foreign powers been interested in Vietnam? Question 1 Climate offered many challenges to American soldiers Most of the Vietnam land was mountains and hills Only 20% of land was leveled. Question 2 Vietnam is ideal for farming climate soil rivers French wanted colonial possession Japan wanted the natural resources Andrea 3.) Summarize what happened in Vietnam after World War II. 4.) Why did the US refuse to support Vietnamese Independence from the French? Background Question 3 - Vietnam was divided at 17th parallel -Vietminh controlled North, French controlled South. -Ngo Dinh Diem became president of South in 1955 -National Liberation Front (NLF) formed by Southern Vietminh in 1960. Goal was to overthrow Diem. - NLF became known as Vietnamese Communists, or Vietcong. (VC) - many South Vietnamese join NLF, the countryside fell to VC control. 1.) Valued France as an ally against communism. 2.) Disliked Ho Chi Minh's affiliation with communist party. 3.) Feared Domino theory in Asia. Question 4 Aliyah Background 5.) Why did President Kennedy increase US involvement in Vietnam? 6.) What was the Domino Theory? Question 5 The fear of communism and the domino theory. It was the idea that if one country in a region came under the influence of communism, then the surrounding countries would follow in a domino effect. Question 6 Jayla Background 7.) How did it affect the US's role in the Vietnam conflict? 8.) Considering everything you have learned, why should people today care about this? Question 7 - The government in Southeast Asia used the domino theory to justify its involvement in the Vietnam war. - also for its support for a non-communist dictator in South Vietnam - Communism failed to spread throughout Southeast Asia. Learning about the past will prevent past problems from repeating themselves. The domino theory can be incorporated in real life situations. People need to be aware of what it is and how it can effect others. Question 8

Vietnam War Presentation

Transcript: Anti-war Protest Vietnam- Ho Chi Minh Vocabulary This war is also known as the 'First Indochina War' or the 'Dirty War in France' The conflict pitted a range of soldiers, those led by France and supporting Bao Dai against the Veit Minh led by Ho Chi Minh and Vo Nguyen Giap. Majority of the fighting took place in Tokin in North Vietnam, but eventually engulfed the entire country including other parts of French Indochina. Following the reoccupation of Indochina by France after WWII, the Viet Minh launched thier rebellion. the first few years if fighting involved low-level battles. However after the communists reached the Northern border of Vietnam in 1949, it then turned into a conventional war. It lasted from December 19, 1946- August 1, 1954 Communism in Vietnam In Vietnam, the North were communist The major leaders of North Vietnam were Ho Chi Minh was born in 1890 in a small Vietnamese village. His early years were mainly spent in France focusing on his studies. In December 1920, Ho became one of the founding members of the French Communist Party. In the September of 1945, Ho Chi Minh announced the formation of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam. After the French Indochina War subsided, some of the Viet Minh were reluctant to accept the Geneva agreement. Ho however argued that this was only temporarily and was convinced that the Vietnamese were sure to elect a communist government to rule a reunited Vietnam. When it soon became clear that Ngo Dinh Diem had no intention of holding any election, his opponents began to think of alternative methods of achieving their goals. This led to another conflict. Ho Chi Minh's strategy involved getting South Vietnamese forces to concentrate on organizing support. In 1959, Ho sent a trusted advisor, Le Duan, to visit South Vietnam. He returned to inform his leader of Diem's policy of imprisoning the leaders of the opposition was so successful that unless the North used armed resistance, a united Vietnam would never be achieved. Ho Chi Minh died in 1969 " If we have to fight, we will fight. You will kill ten of our men and we will kill one of yours, and in the end it will be you who tires of it." - Ho Chi Minh French Indochina War Counterculture- those who are against what is typically 'normal' Naplam- a gasoline in the jelly-like formed used by the U.S. in the Vietnam War The movement against the involvement of America in Vietnam began in 1964 and immensely grew in the later years. It eventually split the country between those who advocated Vietnam, and those who wanted peace (Doves vs. Hawks). Those who took part in the peace movement were students, mothers, hippies, educators, and even clergy. The opposition falls into three main categories: resistance to the draft; moral and legal arguments against U.S. intervention; and the reactions to war media shown. Examples of protests were the Kent State University and Jackson State University Massacres. In Kent, protestors provoked military soldiers causing them to fire, leading to 4 civilians killed and 11 wounded. Jackson resulted in 2 deaths and 12 injuries. Organizations of this time consist of the Committee for Non-Violent America (CNVA), Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC), and the National Black Anti-War Anti-Draft Union (NBAWADU).

Vietnam War Presentation

Transcript: 1) The speech 1) Violence at home Problems at Home South Vietnam (USA supported, Ngo Dinh Diem) Third Verse: Problems at Home 2) Satirical Song • Imperialism A newspaper article about a fake address given by President Johnson and its reception, written satirically in support of Johnson. • Anti-war and Anti-draft Protests • Chemical Weapons, Napalm & Agent Orange Lack of Results Compares Johnson's reasons for going into war with the atrocities happening in Vietnam (demonstrates lack of good justification) Poor justification and support for war by government and citizens is mocked Although "Everyone is talking about" many great reasons to dislike and end the war, refrain stubbornly says to "Give war a chance". The article describes a false world in which the government and public are in complete support for the Vietnam War and openly speak of the USA's poor (but supported) motives and actions. Reasons for Involvement • Communist Government 2) The 4 Main Points Not historically true, but helps emphasize the lack of justification and the blind acceptance of bloodshed 1) 3) The Implicit Vietnam War The song describes problems that everyone is claiming/claimed made up the Vietnam War 3) The Implicit "Reporter" takes stance that the war is justified when it is clearly not The situation Bad reasoning behind the justification and support is exposed through satire as completely illogical and wrong Some words and phrases show the writer's true feelings about the war Fourth Verse: US did not achieve goals North Vietnam (Communist, Ho Chi Minh) Atrocities of War 1960-1980 4) 1) The Explicit Briefly refers to the poor treatment of anti-war protestors 1960-1980 How It's Satirical Second Verse: Reasons for US Involvement Amanda Woodworth Justin Law Mary Lonsdale Megan Hempsey Period 2 The Outline 2) 4 Main Ideas: Popular Support of Johnson Each Verse deals with 1 idea 1960-1980 4) 1960-1980 2) Satire: The Written Response Satire: Ex: "Johnson reaffirmed every American's conviction in the Vietnam War as he described to the public the perfectly reasonable, only 80 percent jingoistic, purpose behind United States involvement." Mocks the ability of people to completely ignore the casualties of the war in belief that the war is for a better cause The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize society's stupidity or vices • Draft & Draft Dodgers • My Lai, +500 civilians killed by US How It's Satirical 1) • Fighting Communism 1960-1980 Irony established by the verses and the chorus leads to examination of reasons to support the war Refrain Ignores Verses 2) Satirical Article The Musical Response Reports that during his speech, Johnson revealed that the US entered the war purely to assert US power and to impose its ideals upon other nations • Kent State The chorus indicates the war is good but the verses give all the reasons why the war was bad First Verse: General overview, brief description of civilian deaths The Explicit • Tiger Force, +1,000 killed by US The use of humor, irony, exaggeration, or ridicule to expose and criticize society's stupidity or vices

Vietnam Background

Transcript: The Vietnam War Vietnam was under foreign rule, notably the Chinese, but the Japanese and French also colonized many regions At the end of WWII in 1945, the Vietnamese pushed Japan out of the country, however, the French fought to control land until 1955 when the Vietnamese had finally taken back their country Time to step in Background information for your reading Beginning in 1950, Americans were overseas to help organize the Army of the Republic of Vietnam (ARVN) and provide leadership and guidance for the militia. American involvement escalated and in 1965, we were fully involved in the conflict. The war would continue until 1975, when the North Vietnamese would officially unite the country as a communist nation. The turmoil continues... Between 1955 and 1960, the North Vietnamese and Viet Cong attempted to overthrow the south’s government November 1963: President Diem was finally overthrown and executed; the next year was marked by determination from the North Vietnamese to take over the rest of the country. They were now aided by China and Russia. The complexity of the landscape—American soldiers were unprepared for the physical conditions they would encounter in Vietnam The ability to acclimate—many soldiers became sick or infected because of the unfamiliar food and conditions. Morale—resistance back home and the difficulties the soldiers witnessed made many soldiers lose hope. Drug use became common among soldiers. The ability to find the enemy—guerilla warfare was a huge factor in the war. The enemy was no longer easily identifiable leading to climate of mistrust and fear. Thanks for the images to... North Vietnam followed the leadership of Ho Chi Minh and began to establish a communist regime Ngo Dinh Diem declared himself president of the Republic of Vietnam in the southern regions of the country. Communists from the north moved south and began an underground movement to spread communism—these people were the Viet Cong (VC) The reaction back home... Some problems... A Nation in Turmoil Overseas, Americans were growing more and more suspicious of the communist movement, a fear elevated by the climate of the Cold War. The fear of communism spreading further encouraged Americans to step in. Americans were outraged over the US’ involvement in the war. Protests and riots were organized nationwide as a way to speak out against American involvement in Vietnam. Draft resisters were no longer called unpatriotic; instead they were accepted Veteran’s returning from the war were treated poorly; some veteran’s became protestors themselves Historically...

Background of Vietnam War.

Transcript: Background of Vietnam War! From 1957 to 1965, the war was just between south and north vietnamese. The U.S. troops left Vietnam in 1969, March but fighting went on between North and South Vietnam. Who? This war happened because North Vietnam wanted both counties to be unified as one. South Vietnam disagreed with this option. North Vietnam also was a communist country, but south Vietnam wasn't. The vietnamese declared war because they weren't able to come to resolution. The red area shows Vietnam! Where? - Prezi Group : - Andrew Birkett - Sibani Ram - Emily Beecher - Lauren Miller What? Why ? When? Vietnam is a small country located in the continent of Asia. Vietnam used to be two different countries : North Vietnam and South Vietnam. The Vietnam War was between North and South Vietnam. North Vietnam was supported by China and Soviet Union. South Vietnam was supported by the U.S.A. This war happened because North Vietnam wanted both counties to be unified as one. South Vietnam disagreed with this option. North Vietnam also was a communist country, but south Vietnam wasn't. The vietnamese declared war because they weren't able to come to resolution The first few years of the Vietnam war was fought just between North and South Vietnam. Them the U.S. joined in with Vietnam. Many people in the U.S. disagreed with the Vietnam War. U.S. troops left in 1969. However, the war only officially ended in 1975 when South Vietnam surrendered to North Vietnam.

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