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UB Presentation

Transcript: Personality and its correlation to suicide By: Xabria G. Banks; Christen J. Ryans; T'Keaya M. Holden; Jarquavius Hill Kate Spade Suicide Causes behind her death The reasons behind her death stem from years of battling depression and anxiety. She gave no inclination that she would be doing this the night before her death. There was no substance or alcohol abuse," he said adamantly. "There were no business problems. Characteristics of Suicide Personality Links to Suicide When someone becomes suicidal they have changes in their moods such as: The way they talk; Usually when someone is suicidal they usually make suicidal jokes and what not. Their mood; The person might seem depressed based on their behavior. Habits; They may increase their use of tobacco or alcohol and things in that nature. Suicide is an act of someone taking their own life. What is Suicide? African American children are taking their lives at roughly twice the rate of their white counterparts, according to a new study that shows a widening gap between the two groups. Suicide is the 10th leading cause of death in the US Each year 44,965 Americans die by suicide Overall between 1999 and 2015, more than 1,300 children ages 5 to 12 took their own lives in the United States Statistics: Teens & Suicide Suicide Statistics Resources

UB Presentation

Transcript: College Tap - n/a Fish River - Healthy Eagle Lake - Inconclusive Soldier Pond - Healthy Deboullie - Healthy In pH pH is a numeric scale used to specify the acidity or basicity of water. It is the percent of free hydrogen ions Grit is the strength of character one possesses Grit Our Experience Water Eagle Lake Of Katie (K-Bean) HARDNESS Upward Bound 2016 Karson, Katie, Devon, and Hunter The Valley? Soil A soil test commonly refers to the analysis of a soil sample to determine nutrient content, composition, and other characteristics such as the acidity or pH level. If the water in the St. John valley passes all of our water tests in the healthy range then it is in fact good quality water. WWW.Maine.Gov St. Karson ( Bestie Bean ) SILICA Devon Quality John Claim The What PHOSPHATE Hypothesis "I am thankful for the nights that turned into mornings, friends that turned into family, and dreams that turned into reality." Other Tests That Were Done The Family Macroinvertebrates It was wonderful here and I don't want to leave this place because this association is where we all are and where we all met. There was lots of great moments here. I love my friends [family:)] that I've made here and I have a few stories to tell wherever i go now because, it was the greatest moment of my life and i never want to forget it. Therefore, I will continuously tell these stories. :3 Hunter/Fire Bean Bog Works Cited Is CO2 Most of the water in the St. John Valley passed our various water tests, which suggests it is in fact good quality water. Fish River Places We Went OXYGEN I have to admit I didn't want to show up on move in day. I was scared and didn't know what others would think of me. I still stuck it out anyways and made many friendships that will last a lifetime. Thanks to everyone for putting up with me these past few days and accepting me into the big family we call UB! "If ever there is tomorrow when we're not together... there is something you must always remember. You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. But the most important thing is, even if we're apart... I'll always be with you my friend." -Winnie the Pooh Macroinvertebrates are small insects that you can see that don't have backbones. Deboullie

UB Presentation

Transcript: Postcards Receive and evaluate offers Assess offers based on the priorities established in planning phase Select an offer Negotiate your contract Provide verification of necessary documents Complete pre-employment requirements (credentialing) Kate Cummins, Esq. Trail Marker 1.2 Employers will also be looking at you! More Homework! Many positions are filled by word of mouth Think BIG Picture Professional Recruiter: On-site Interview Meet Administration/Peers/Staff Tour Facility Community Tour Shouldn't feel forced or overwhelming Make a Decision Online Resources Prepare your "elevator speech" Career Fairs: If applying in various states, it can be helpful to file an application with the Federation of Credential Verification Service (FCVS) to get credentials verified. Doing so can expedite future license applications. No Surprises! Develop a Plan Bring multiple copies of CVs Get to Work! Dress to impress Know who will attend and plan who you want to meet Complete/Update CV, Cover Letter and References Inform yourself about licensure and visa requirements (if applicable) Interview Process Keep these documents saved as PDF attachments in email so they are ready to go when you need them Local Medical Society: Great way to meet multiple potential employers all at once American Academy of Family Practitioners Trail Marker 1.1 Job Hunting Resources Can manage everything from candidate selection to contract signing Direct Mailings Hard Copy: Research school systems and opportunities for spouse- Family fit is important! Many have job search forums on their websites Identify Network: family peers mentors Trail Marker 1.3 Phone Interview Research/Publications Online info regarding residency/prior work experience Social media presence Google Test - know what is out there about you - Journal Ads Off the Beaten Path: Options worth considering Identify "Must Haves" Understand compensation trends for the region vs. cost of living Job Search Websites Trail Marker 2.1 On the Path to Success: Type of Organization Size of Organization Number of years in business Organization's mission, vision and core values Patient population and demographic Review physician profiles Implement the Plan Embarking on a Career in Medicine Social Networks Do your homework Reach out to family and friends who are in the industry or have close relationships with someone who is Keep in touch with former classmates, colleagues, faculty advisors Network, Network, Network! Usually live and work in community. Good insight to be gained here Online Journal Job Banks Stepping Stones Networking opportunities Getting Off Course: Pitfalls in Searching These connections most often come naturally Make yourself known to practitioners in the community in which you're applying Consider the source: some postings will be outdated, some online postings only have one agenda - to directly contact you! Trail Marker 3.1 Ignoring recruiters' free services Putting off your search Lack of good immigration counsel when searching Failing to consider working and living environment before signing Rural Health Care Prefer a particular state/geographic location? Don't forget the follow-up! Say 'Thank You' and keep in touch! Identify Priorities: life career financial Agency: (represent multiple organizations) In-house: (work within their organization) Goals of the Organization Determine experience/skill set Determine goals - why do you want to work here? Showcase opportunity Outline expectations Goals of the Physician Expectations of the position Time allocation Clinical responsibilities On-call requirements Why is the position open? Practice profile Leadership/reporting structure Technological capabilities Payor mix Shared Goal Is this a good fit professionally and personally?

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