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Texas State University Dissertation Proposal Presentation Template

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Dissertation Proposal Presentation

Transcript: For my dissertation topic, I have chosen to look into the use of psychology in advertising. I have chosen this as I think that it is interesting to learn about different techniques used by advertising companies to sell us products, both obvious, and bordering on subliminal. Examples of psychology in advertising I intend to discover whether psychology in advertising is an innocent marketing tool or whether it is a form of manipulation, to play on the emotions of the consumer. The history of psychology in advertising How it has changed throughout the years Psychology to sell 'bad' products - tobacco/alcohol etc. Psychology to sell products to children - unethical? Whether psychology in advertising is manipulative or just a form of marketing. The future of psychology within advertising What is psychology in advertising? What is psychology? Psychology is the scientific study of mental functions and behaviors with the immediate goal of understanding individuals and groups. Psychology in Advertising Advertisements that play on your emotions and relationships (inducing feelings of inadequacy) How I will research Psychology in Advertising American Psychological Association - Papers/Journals Adbusters - Kalle Lasn, co-founder - Likened psychological methods to 'brainwashing experiments' Commercial Alert - Website about culture Soap, Sex and Cigarettes - Cultural history of American Advertising. Questionnaires about what people think when they see certain advertisements. Marlboro Ferrari Barcode What I intend to find out Psychology in advertising is the above study, except using the results to sell products. Any Questions? I have yet to decide on my dissertation topic, yet I feel that through wide research I will then focus on one aspect. Topics I will research Dissertation Proposal

dissertation proposal presentation

Transcript: ADAMS, A., DAS ROY, R. & MAHBUB, A. (1993) Participatory Methods to Assess Change in Health and Women’s Lives, B Joint Project in Matlab (Dhaka, BRAC-ICDDR). ADAMS, E. & INGHAM, S. (1998) Changing Places: children’s participation in environmental planning, (London, The Children’s Society). Armstrong, D. (2000) A survey of community gardens in upstate New York: implications for health promotion and community development Health and Place, 6, 319–327. Baxter, J. and Eyles, J. (1997) Evaluating qualitative research in social geography: establishing ‘rigour’ in interview analysis. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 22, 505–525. Burgess, J. and Clark, J. 2009. Practitioner evaluations of participatory processes in environmental decision-making. In Jordan, A and Adger, N. (eds) Governance for Sustainability. (CUP Press), 159-190. Burgess, J., Clark, J., Davies, G., Eames, M., Mayer, S., Staley, K., Stirling, A. and Williamson, S. 2007. Deliberative Mapping: exploring a new analytic-deliberative methodology. Public Understanding of Science, 16(3), 299-322. Davies, G. and Burgess, J. 2004. Challenging the ‘view from nowhere’: citizen reflections on specialist expertise in a deliberative process. Health and Place 10, 349-361 Burgess, J., Bedford, T., Hobson, G., Davies, G. and Harrison, C.M. 2003. (Un) sustainable consumption. In Berkhout, F., Leach, M. Scoones, I. (eds) Negotiating Environmental Change: New Perspectives From Social Ccience. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 261-292 Clark, J., Burgess, J. and Harrison, C.M. 2000. "I struggled with this money business”: respondents' perspectives on contingent valuation. Ecological Economics, 33, 45-62 Burgess, J., Harrison, C.M. and Filius, P. 1998. Environmental communication and the cultural politics of environmental citizenship. Environment and Planning, A. 30, 1445-1460. Harrison, C.M., Burgess, J. and Filius, P. 1996. Rationalising environmental responsibilities: a comparison of lay publics in the UK and the Netherlands. Global Environmental Change, 6(3), 215-234. Burgess, J. and Harrison, C.M. 1993. The circulation of claims in the cultural politics of environmental change. In Hansen, A. (ed) The Mass Media and Environmental Issues. Leicester: Leicester University Press, 198-221. Burgess, J., Harrison, C.M. and Goldsmith, B. 1990. Pale shadows for policy: the role of qualitative research in environmental planning. In Burgess, R. (ed) Studies in Qualitative Methodology: vol. 2. London: JAI Press, 141-168. Burgess, J., Harrison, C.M. and Limb, M. 1988. People, parks and the urban green: a study of popular meanings and values for open spaces in the city. Urban Studies, 25, 455-473. Hargreaves, T., Burgess, J. Revealing the hidden actors in transitions: Exploring interdisciplinary research activities as part of transition processes’ Paper to the 1st European Conference on Sustainability Transitions: ‘Dynamics and Governance of Transitions to Sustainability’. Amsterdam, June 2009. Dickinson, J., Duma, S., Paulsen, H., Rilveria, L., Twiss, J. and Weinman, T. (2003) Community gardens: lessons learned from California healthy cities and communities. American Journal of Public Health, 93, 1435–1438. Doyle, R. and Krasny, M. E. (2003) Participatory rural appraisal as an approach to environmental education in urban community gardens. Environmental Education Research, 9, 91–115 Ferris, J., Norman, C. and Sempik, J. (2001) People, land and sustainability: community gardens and the social dimension of sustainable development. Social Policy and Administration, 35, 559–568. Fusco, D. (2001) Creating relevant science through urban planning and gardening. Journal of Research in Science Teaching, 38, 860–877. GAVENTA, J. (1991) Toward a knowledge democracy: viewpoints on participatory research in North America, in: O. FALS-BORDA & M.A. RAHMAN (Eds) Action and Knowledge: breaking the monopoly with participatory action-research (New York, NY, Apex Press). Hancock, T. (2001) People, partnerships and human progress: building community capital. Health Promotion International, 16, 275–280. Holland, L. (2004) Diversity and connections in community gardens: a contribution to local sustainability. Local Environment, 9, 285–305. Irvine, S., Johnson, L. and Peters, K. (1999) Community gardens and sustainable land use planning: a case-study of the Alex Wilson Community Garden. Local Environment, 4, 33–46. Jamison, M. S. (1985) The joys of gardening: collectivist and bureaucratic cultures in conflict. The Sociological Quarterly, 26, 473–490. Krueger, R. A. (1988) Focus Groups: A Practical Guide for Applied Research. Sage, Newbury Park, CA. Kurtz, H. (2001) Differentiating multiple meanings of garden and community. Urban Geography, 22, 656–670. Mayo, M., Taylor, M. (2000) ‘Partnerships and power in community regeneration’ in Partnership Working: Policy and Practice edited by Balloch, S. & Taylor, M. (Sage: London) pp.20-41 Patel, I. C. (1991) Gardening’s socioeconomic impacts:

Dissertation Proposal Presentation

Transcript: Personal interest Language skills Geographic location ideal Use of personal network Future research interests Presents a new perspective in kin-national research Interesting research for: governments, IGOs, NGOs, think tanks Methodology History of Hungary, Serbia Other academic work on Slovakian- and Romanian-Hungarian relations Both countries have strong records of kin-national policies Vojvodina Autonomous Province Inter-ethnic relations versus bilateral relations Serbian integration with the European Union Why have relations between Serbia and Hungary been different than other bilateral relations in the larger region, relating specifically to kin-national issues? Why has Serbia's approach to Hungarians in Vojvodina AP been different than other ethnic groups in Serbia and the former Yugoslavia? Has Hungary had an effect on Serbia's domestic minority policies especially its power vis-a-vis the EU accession process? What have Serbian reactions been from Belgrade and Novi Sad to Budapest? How have they been similar? How have they differed? Content Analysis Open source documents (e.g., newspapers, periodicals, journals, &c.) Academic resources Public records and policy documents Legislation Interviews with political elite (e.g., national and local politicians, NGO staff, government experts, academic experts, &c.) Comparative qualitative analysis of prior government relations/reactions (i.e., other cases of foreign relations) Possibly anthropological observations/oral histories, depending on contexts of inter-ethnic relations in Vojvodina. Joseph Davis, IMRCEES 2012-14 14 May 2013 Adviser Dr. Eamonn Butler Background Information Hungarian-Serbian Relations Focuses on Hungarian laws about kin-nationals Analyses Hungarian relations with Slovakia and Romania Focuses on the Wars of Yugoslav Succession and Serbian support of kin-nationals Supra-national focus on the European Union as a tool for policy, minority rights cannon Limited work on Hungarian-Serbian kin-national issues Research Question and Hypothesis Obstacles to Research Language Gaining access for interviews, usefulness of information gathered in interviews Accessing information Geography Literature Rationale Kin-National Policies and Bilateral Relations

Dissertation Proposal Presentation

Transcript: Issue: Students in the US were among the leaders in mathematical achievement in 4th grade assessments but by high school graduation they were almost last. (TIMMS, 1999) Trouble: "Teachers are the most powerful instrument for change". (Before Its Too Late, 2000) Gaps... Mathematical Knowledge for Teaching Who Cares? I Need Help With... The work of Deborah Ball and others supports the improvement and teaching of MKT for elementary teachers but little research (that I can find)has been done around MKT for secondary math teachers. Focus on Mathematical Strands: Algebra 1 and 2 Geometry How are pre-service math teachers learning how to teach math? What issues should I anticipate? Is this worthy of a dissertation? Does the research question make sense? Where do I need to do further research? Suggestions for methodology? Teacher Education Programs Schools and School Districts Parents Anyone that has an interest in supporting student achievement... Where I started Comments, Questions and/or Concerns? Issues & Troubles Narrowed Down Dissertation Proposal Question (Tentative) Question: Using Deborah Ball's and Shulman's definition of PCK and MKT, how is this specialized knowledge of teaching being taught in teacher education programs for secondary mathematics teachers? Goal: To collect data from teacher education programs and identify ways in which this knowledge is being taught. Focus: TEP's requirements for graduation & licensure, course syllabi's & lessons, activities and assignments that promote this learning Research shows that teachers who have strong pedagogical content knowledge in math have higher student achievement rates. (Ball, 2000) Question: How do pre-service secondary math teachers acquire this knowledge? What TEPs impart this knowledge in math methods courses and what do first year teachers do to gain that knowledge as they grow as teachers? How do we measure this knowledge in secondary mathematics education? Issue: Too big to research for dissertation!!!

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