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Classroom Technology Presentation

Transcript: Interactive Whiteboard How it works? It is like a chalkboard Can be hooked to a projector and computer wiselessly or with cables. Touch screen board History of the interactive board They were developed by Xerox Parc around 1990 Started for meeting and then went into school and more. Continued research and made improvments How Interactive Whiteboards Are Being Used classrooms at all levels of education, corporate board rooms in training rooms for professional sports coaching Advantages to Interactive Whiteboards •They allow learners to absorb information more easily. •They allow learners to participate in group discussions by freeing them from note taking. •They allow learners to work collaboratively around a shared task/work area. •When used for whole class interactive testing of understanding, they can provide learner feedback rapidly. Disadvantages to Interactive Whiteboards •Interactive whiteboards are more expensive than conventional whiteboards or projector/screen combinations. •Their surface can become damaged, necessitating expensive replacement. •Front projection boards can be obscured by the user(s). •Fixed height boards are often too high to reach the top or too low for their bottom to be readily visible. •If multiple data entry is allowed then inputs can get jumbled, resulting in onscreen gibberish. •If remote access is allowed then some users may be tempted to send disruptive comments or drawings to the screen. Is The Interative Whiteboard A Educational Tool Replacements for traditional whiteboards Provide ways to show students any thing which can be presented on a computer's desktop Interactive whiteboards allow teachers to record their instruction and post the material for review by students at a later time Yes it is a common educational tool How Could I Use This Tool In My Classroom For movie clips for the students Help the students with handwritting Download programs to help them with there colors and shapes. Since there is a video camera on them i can video them acting out a play

Template Classroom

Transcript: B Main Focus: Encourage students to learn by doing educational activities. To: Millie Love: Henry Elinora Wilcox Traci Rosario The New Teacher Student Tracking: Finding A Solution The Project Rondy Arquero II) we need to value education. Tracking System: Encourage Our Students Criminal Scanning Investigation Class Dismissed Secret Surprise My Roles Teacher for the Guidance Segment: Teaching Group Communication. Aid for the Science Segment: Helping the science teacher and the students. B The New Teacher MIC Sr Lancelot I) Students' Test Scores Problem: Most students are 2-3 grade levels behind causing standardized test scores to not improve. Solution: Focus on students to reach the proper grade level or even better. Elinora Wilcox Millie & Fredrick The Connection: Focus on encouraging students. The Project - encourage students to learn The Paper - encourage students to achieve Answer: A D III) making an essay on a topic I love is enjoyable. A What I did: Volunteer at the Maui High School Summer Bridge Program to teach students about group communication. HOSA D Thank You For Your Time! What is the Summer Bridge Program? A program for upcoming freshmen to adapt in the high school environment. Get a piece of Ninth Grade Math, English, Science, and Guidance. The theme: Crime Scene Investigation (C.S.I.) Fredric Miller 07734 III) Students' Achievement Problem: Students will not be prepare for college. Solution: Focus on students to pass all there classes to be prepare for college. Answer: B William Thompson III Birthday: April 30 1995 Sex: Male Home Town: Kahului, HI Relationship: Forever Available Henry Berk Junior Year My Class FCCLA Answer: C A Millie Corman Learning Answer: D Three things I learned from my research paper are... Timeline Rondy Arquero Curso de Inducción a la Investigación A 07724 I) the students can be the teachers. Who was my mentor? Senior Year IT IS NOT OVER YET! Create Significant Illustration Austin Davis A Non-Tracking System To Follow A Summer Break The Process Key Club III) The Project The New Teacher My Class Learning The Project 07734 A II) Students' Mental Stability Problem: Gives a negative impact to students' mind. Solution: Uses the five basic needs for students. Crime Scene Investigation Create Scene Insight What five numbers on my calculator spelled the word "hello"? Today American public schools must enforce a non-tracking system because the system improves students' test scores, students' mental stability, and students' achievements. B III) "The mediocre teacher tells. The good teacher explains. The superior teacher demonstrates. The great teacher inspires." - William Arthur Ward and I'm planning to become the great teacher. 27734 Connecting & Learning The Research Paper 2nd Quarter Hobbies: Poetry Writing, Baking, & Tennis Playing What I Have Done With My Life: - Japanese Club - Secondary Student Conference (SSC) - FCCLA - Student Government Dream Job: When I retired in the education world, I want to own a bakery. C The End C II) The Research Paper Student Tracking: Finding a Solution Connecting and Learning II) not all tracking systems are bad, only America's one. 01134 What is the title of my research paper? Acerca del curso C Three things I learned from my project are... What club have I made a difference in? D DECA What was the theme of the Maui High School's Summer Bridge Program? C C The Planning 07734 I) The Process Timeline D Portfolio & Prezi POP QUIZ! Student Tracking: Finding A Solution Any Questions? Answer: C Nathanial Mickelson B D I) the standardize test has not improved over the recent years. Research Paper IV) Secret Surprise B Today's Lesson: Education 0 + - = 9 8 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 c

Technology in the classroom presentation

Transcript: Technology integration in Chemistry classroom Secondary classroom Technology integration Overview Kahoot Kahoot Kahoot is an app that students can logon to and play review games againt eachother in real time. It gets the students using their phones and tablets for educational purposes + Describe your topic Positive Aspects _ Describe your topic Negative Aspects I currently use google classroom for one of my elective classes. It is a great tool to be able to post announcements and asignments in one spot. It also is a great way to save on paper. Google Classroom Google Classroom Chromebooks Chromebooks I have applied for a set of chromebooks for my classroom next year. This will be a great way to intergrate google classroom even further into my classroom. With every student having access to the classroom on a daily basis will give them digital access to notes and PowerPoints that they can use during lecture and activities You don't need a microscope, you have prezi. Even the Smallest Details! Pros Pros Anytime you can integrate technology in the classroom with the current generation can be a positive. Technology over the past 25 years has evoloved and education has to evolve with it. Students can be engaged in learning when incorporating technology in the classroom. Contact Info Connect Teachers can stay connected to not only students but parents through technology. The world is becoming digital and it is my belief that for educaiton to continue to reach kids in a postive way it must become digital as well.

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