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Schematic Report Template Powerpoint

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report powerpoint

Transcript: WHat? WHEn a visual assessment Di'Ovion Smith client information Gave verbal consent on 2.17.20 and 4.15.20. Important Dates Date of Birth (of client): 09/18/1998 Date of Examination: 2/17/2020 1:15:35 secs Duration PRESENTING PROBLEM/REASON FOR REPORT Why? More Information Available Here. More information.. Ms. S. Volunteered to do the interview to help the examiner complete their assignment. However,the client did express concerns about having depression symptoms and feelings of being overwhelmed with classes and certain aspects of her life. Family BACKGROUND family Born in St. Paul, MN and raised in Chicago, IL. Adopted by Aunt after mother's death. Their Relationship was less than perfect. Met biological father at 15 y.o. along with that side of family. Credits paternal siblings for "giving purpose" to her life. Counseling background history Previous history of counseling. Cause of counseling for her was feelings of depression and anger problems brought on by upbringing. Sent to facility after family incident. Counseling had a very positive outcome, loves therapist. medical history Ms. S claims to not have any major medical problems. however, she has taken medication for depression and anger. substance use and/or abuse Claims to be "social drinker". Has experienced with marijuana in lifetime. Denies any legal consequences due to alcohol use. Educational background Began in Catholic school then switched to public school once she began middle school. After high school, Ms. S. began her college career at a private institution in Jackson, MS. Her intended degree is in Mass Communications. vocational history vocational history Works at Chicago Park District. Job title is Recreational Leader. Job duties are to watch the kids, assist them when they need help, and basically be a mentor to the children that she works with. She has held that position since she was 14. She began as a member before becoming a leader nd claims to love job. behavioral observations Ms. S. overall behavior did not raise any concerns during the assessment process. she was very open and honest with the examiner. However, Ms. S. did get emotional an begin to cry when discussing a certain aspect of her life. test results results results for the mmse mmse Ms . S scored within the _24-30_ range on global cognitive measures achieving a _29_/30 on the Mini-Mental Status Exam results emotional screening Ms. S was administered a screening test for depression. She scored in the _0-5_ range, endorsing _7_/15 items results personality screening Received the ISFJ personality type. "The Nurturer" ISFJ stands for Introverted, Sensing. Feeling, and Judging. results vocational screening Ms. S score on the RIASEC Test came out with the highest numbers being for the letter R.A.S. R are often good at mechanical jobs. S are people who like to work with other people rather than with things. A type people are those who like to work in unstructured situations where they can use creativity. . An example of a good major for people who score high with S is communications. Coincidentally, Ms. S is currently studying to get her degree in communications. diagnostic impression Minor Depressive Disorder, Mild, Recurrent additional info Summary Ms. S is a 21 years old college student who presented with depressive symptoms and minor signs of anxiety. The results of today’s evaluation reveal Ms. S has mild symptoms indicative of depression summary recommendations recommendations 1) continue to see current counselor and participating in sessions as seen necessary. 2) Consult with a counselor for further evaluation. 3) Re-evaluation is suggested within a year if symptoms worsen. the end


Transcript: Pulse Induction Circuit with Voltage Clipper V_IND High speed op-Amp(LM7171) Slew rate: 4100 V/us 1st stage with variable gain experimented with digipot(PART no) for digital gain control could not implement in the circuit due to voltage level incompatibility later use another digipot(PART no) for digital gain control 2nd stage with gain 20 V_TRIGGER Clipping V_CLIPPED V_IND High speed ADC(TLC5540) Modified semi-flash architecture with output per clock Sampling rate: 20MSPS Reference voltage: Top: 5V Bottom: GND Resolution: 8 bits Tested with different gains 110 198 400 Observation Increasing gain improves distance sensitivity However increases noise Two Stage Amplifier Circuit with Variable Gain Analog Circuit Schematic Scaling: Resistor Divider Scaling: Resistor divider Tests: Different Coils Interface to Virtex 5 Level translation buffers 74LVC245 for 5V to 3.3V 74HCT08 for 3.3V to 5V Initially used HEF4050 for 5V to 3.3V had larger switching delay, resulting in glitches solved using 74LVC245 Two Stage Amplifier with Variable gain System Parameters Pulse Width Coil type Amplifier gain ADC resolution Damping resistor Observation detection range around 60cm Results: (Square Coil) Transceiver Coil MOSFET Driver (Pt. no) Power MOSFET(Pt. no) Damping resistor(470 Ohm) Clipping network Zener(7.5V) in series with a PN Diode Tested with different coils: Small column coil, 20 cm column coil, 20 cm planar coil, 20 cm ring coil 45 cm square coil Observation Large coil is better for range extension Small coil is better for detecting smaller objects Scales the output from op-Amp to 0-5 V signal for ADC R22 = 1k R23 = 4.7k out/in = 1/5.7 24V -> 4.21V Test object: Tin Can Gain: 440 Tested for distance from 5 cm to 66 cm Tests: Different Gains A/D Conversion Tests Pulse Induction Circuit with Voltage Clipper


Transcript: Exam 3 - Schematic Quinn Zellner-Smith Anna Suazo Research Design #1 One Group Posttest Only Design (One-Shot Case Study): "Administration of a posttest to a single group of participants after they have been given an experimental treatment condition". "We do not know how the participants would have performed without the presence of the independent variable on the dependent variable." "Lacks a treatment control group." "Rarely used by researchers." Problems with the design: One-group Pretest-Posttest Design: Research Design #2 "Treatment condition is interjected between a pretest and a posttest of the dependent variable". "There could be uncontrollable explanations for how the students performed on the questionnaire the second time (e.g. life experiences)". No control group Problems with the design: True Experiment: Research Design #3 "Requires at least two groups, one receiving an experimental treatment and one not. Requires the manipulation of at least one independent variable, the random assignment of participants to groups and the random assignment of treatments to groups". "Able to have more control over extraneous variables". "Control increases if the sample size is larger". Problems with the design: "Still are not completely sure that the groups are equivalent". "There is no pretest to determine if the randomization worked and statistical power decreases." Posttest Only Design W/ Nonequivalent Groups: Research Design #4 "Design in which the performance of an experimental group is compared with a nonequivalent control group at the posttest." "We still do not know if the independent variable is what caused the change in the dependent variable." Problems with the design: Nonequivalent Comparison/Control Group Design: Research Design #5 "Treatment and control group are predetermined by an existing independent variable and not random assignment." "Most common among the quasi-experimental designs." "The participants in each group are not equivalent because there is no random assignment, so there are uncontrollable variables, therefor there are rival hypotheses that could explain the results." Problems with the design: Interrupted Time Series Design: "A quasi-experimental design in which a treatment effect is assessed by comparing the pattern of pre and posttest scores for a single group of research participants." "Researcher gathers multiple measurements of the DV prior to the treatment and then several measurements of the DV after the treatment." "Better design than the one-group pretest posttest design." "The pre and posttest data should be graphed and then visually inspected." "Researcher must find a comparable control group and gather several pre and post test scores from them also." Research Design #6 ABA Design Research Design #7 3 Phases: A. Baseline B. Treatment "Usually continued for the same amount of time as the baseline or until a change is noticed." A. Baseline "Withdrawal: removal of the treatment condition" "Treatment is withdrawn and returned to the same condition as the baseline" "If the effects of the treatment are reversible, then the behavior should return to the way it was prior to the treatment." "Face moral and ethical issues by ending with baseline." "Reversal: if the results do not reverse, then the effectiveness of the treatment may be due to alternative hypotheses." "Some behaviors can not be reverted back to the baseline." Problems with the design: ABAB Design: Research Design #8 4 Phases A. Baseline B. Treatment: "Usually continued for the same amount of time as the baseline or until a change is noticed." A. Baseline: "Treatment is withdrawn and returned to the same conditions as the baseline." B. Treatment: "Treatment condition is reintroduced." Same problems as ABA Design Problems with this design: Multiple Baseline Design: "A single-case design in which the treatment condition is successively administered to several target participants, target outcomes, and target settings." "The change in the dependent variable should appear immediately after the treatment has been administered." Research Design #9 1. "Establish baseline measurement for all the participants, outcomes, or settings." 2. "After the behavior for each has become stable, introduce an intervention for one of them." 3. "Continue this process until each participant, outcome, or setting has received the treatment." Procedure Changing Criteria Design: Research Design #10 "A single-case design in which a participant's behavior is gradually shaped by changing the criterion for successive treatment periods." "Participant is required to "step-up" their performance on the DV." Procedures 1. "Baseline measurements of the DV." 2. "Treatment is introduced for the first time and the initial criterion is set." "The goal is to get the behavior to reach a certain criteria across multiple observations." 3. "Once the first criterion is achieved, move to the next criterion level." "Establish behavior at this level again across multiple

Report template

Transcript: Boxes which need to be modified: -Professor/a: Depending on the gender modify it and just add your name. Watch out! There are two boxes!! -Nivell ( level) : Write down the level they are doing. -Participant: You have to write down name and surnames. -Terms: Fill in the correspondent term. It is really easy, you just have to follow certain steps. If you do not follow them, we will send back your student's reports for you to modify them. -There are two main parts: Term evaluation and comments. Every term you will have to fill in with their marks, leaving the previous ones. - Interacció ( interaction): if the participant interacts / participates . There are 4 possibilites: Ok, Good, Very Good or Excellent. -Writings: Pass or Not pass. -There is no average mark! Therefore, participants will see how they are doing in each skill. They are adults. In the comments section is where you have to write down your opinion. Report templates Acadèmia Formate -Reports have to be sent to the language school in advance. We have to check for spelling mistakes, appropiate comments and translation. - Send a whole group in a file. -Every year , we have to modify reports and Ferran and myself have to rush up because teachers do not pay attention. That is why, we will send back anything not been appropiately filled. - Translations have to be done for minors. So, their feedback must be in English and Catalan/ Spanish. -First / advanced students do not have reports! -Write down as well when we are coming back in the comment!!! At the bottom of the sheet, modify: Professor o professora (depending on the gender) and date. -Once we print the reports, you will have to sign them. -Exams have to be handed in in reception as well. Children's template: The format is different. -You grade your pupils according to their abilities and evolution throughout the term.

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