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Scales Of Justice Powerpoint Template

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Scales of Justice

Transcript: The Scales of Justice 4th Amendment This Amendment protects a defendant from EXCESSIVE BAIL & FINES. This Amendment also protects a defendant from CRUEL & UNUSUAL PUNISHMENT. 5th Amendment Burden of Proof Protects against unlawful search and seizure by the government. This amendment requires that the government show probable cause to invade our privacy, to seize property or to seize individuals (otherwise known as arrest). The Defendant An individual accused of a crime and submitted to the Criminal Justice process for adjudication. 14th Amendment Presumption of Innocence means that a defendant is INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY. This means the defendant has nothing to prove at court. He does not have to prove his innocence or lack of involvement. The government must show all the proof. This Amendment guarantees a defendant EQUAL PROTECTION under the law, which means that the law shall not be applied in a such a way that it discriminates on the basis or race, color, religion, gender or national origin. This amendment assures a defendant DUE PROCESS before being relieved of life, liberty or property. In its basic form due process refers to steps the government must take to remove a right from an individual. Basically, an individual must receive FAIR NOTICE and FAIR HEARING when submitted to government action. FAIR NOTICE means an individual has the "right to know" what charges they face, the progress of the case, their accusers and the evidence against them. FAIR HEARING means an individual has the "right to be heard". This means the right to speak for themselves or have a lawyer represent them to argue in their defense, to argue for bail and to challenge the government's actions at every stage. This amendment also protects an individual against SELF-INCRIMINATION. A defendant can not be compelled to provide evidence that would tend to prove their guilt. Remember, it is the government's charge and the government's responsibility to support it. It also requires Grand Jury or Preliminary Hearings for felony cases, which assures transparency and a check on government action. DOUBLE JEOPARDY protects a defendant from multiple trials and protects the defendant in the Grand Jury process. This Amendment assures a defendant's RIGHT TO COUNSEL at critical phases of the criminal justice process. This Amendment also protects the defendant's right to SPEEDY TRIAL. This Amendment also includes the CONFRONTATION CLAUSE which guarantees a defendant the right to confront their accusers and cross examine the witnesses against them, This Amendment also grants the defendant RIGHT TO TRIAL BY JURY which means a defendant has the right to determine whether he will have a jury or bench trial. Presumption of Innocence 6th Amendment 8th Amendment In a criminal trial the government bears the BURDEN OF PROOF. The burden of proof refers to the amount of evidence required to convince the trier of fact of the defendant's guilt. In a criminal trial, the burden of proof is BEYOND A REASONABLE DOUBT.

The Eumenides:The Scales of Justice

Transcript: The Eumenides:The Scales of Justice By Ismari T. Rodriguez Thesis: "Enacting justice is a grey area, consisting of choosing between the lesser evils." Thesis: (pg.8) Quote 1 For the marriage bed, apportioned to a man and wife, has much more moment than any legally binding oath. If you relax your quest when such as these do kill each other....then I deny the justice of your hounding of Orestes. A mother's rights I know you take too much to heart, a father's clearly are of less concern to you. The concept of promises/laws Personal views encroach on objective law The general message is marriage is more important than a law There is an intrinsic percieved value in each of these concepts Analysis (pg.20) "I counsel you, the citizens in government, to honour neither anarchy nor despotism, nor yet to banish from the city totally the sense of dread. For justice is the child of fear among all mortal men." Quote 2 Analysis Here the trial comes to the final decision Idea of belonging to neither side There is no answer for what he has done Fear becomes the common factor in enforcing public law (pg.15) Quote 3 " is not even right for me to make a judgement in a murder case, when passions are so sharp - the more because you come as suppliant, well schooled in hardship, purified and pose no threat to this my house." The lesser of the evils is the one that is repentant Reparations are made Clytemnestra has not made any repentance Analysis Discussion Questions: Discussion Questions: Question 1 #1 The Furies' justice can be described by the saying, "shoot first, ask questions later". The punishment allotted places the same severity of punishment even for minor offenses. Is this plausible in the long term? Why do you think in our current law system the punishment depends on the crime? Question 2 #2 Does Orestes have any real agency/responsibility for his actions, or is he a victim of circumstances? Question 3 #3 Think about the structure of the jury of Athena; is there a difference between 'just' and 'fair'? Question 4 #4 Systems of law will always hold some level of hypocrisy in the fact that it is impossible to avoid bias in the laws themselves. What does it mean then for Athena to say that the crimes against a man are worse than the crimes against women? Question 5 #5 Is it possible to weigh the importance of human life, as if one is worth more than another? How would that be accomplished? Thank You End

Libra, the scales of justice

Transcript: Libra the scales Libra is home to the star Gliese 581 which is 3,480 degrees K and is red dwarf, which also happens to be a planetary system of 6 planets. Gliese 581 g, gliese 581 c, gliese 581,and gliese 581 e are all the planets in this system, the thing they have in common is that their all habitable. The stars that make up this constellation is the zubenelgenubi (southern claw); zubeneschamali (northern claw); zubenelakrab (scorpio’s whole claw); and brachium, which is an eclipsing variable. libra's story originated from ancient greece in their mythology The story of libra is both a tragic and an epic story, which tells of demeter's daughter persephone being kidnapped by Hades, god of the underworld. Zeus then sends a rescue party made up of Theseus and peirithius to bring her back but end up being captured. so then Zeus sends his son hercules, god of strength, to rescue the previous one. Demeter was so depressed that she ignored her godly duties, thus a drought happened and seeds failed. Zeus negotiated with his brother to let persephone spend some time on earth, so she in the end spends all the time on earth except for four months when she must return to the underworld and a vast cold spreads across the land (winter) For a while, greeks looked upon libra as scorpio's claws. The Egyptians looked at libra as the set of scales in which a human's heart was to be weighed on after death. And lastly, many middle eastern cultures looked at libra as a representation of justice since it was a symbol of equality.

Balancing the Scales of Justice

Transcript: School discipline 50% of Black students report being suspended or expelled compared to 20% of White students (Gregory, Skiba, & Noguera, 2010) Youth violence Homicide is the leading cause of death for youth ages 15-24 (CDC, 2012) Health Thirty-nine percent of Black and Latino youth are overweight or obese (Ogden et al., 2012) Greenspace Parks & Community gardens (Loukaitou-Sideris & Stieglitz, 2002; Wolch, Wilson, & Fehrenbach, 2005) Ecological Systems Theory Development occurs in the context of interactive systems (Bronfenbrenner, 1977) Restorative Justice A process by which all people affected by and injustice have a stake (Braithwaite, 2004) Transformative Justice Transform social and personal structures in the context of injustice (Wozniak, 2008) Environmental Justice Inequitable distribution of environmental burdens (Bullard, 1990) Positive Youth Development Restorative practices Community building Environmental research Community engagement Environmental Science Class Methods Participants 11 ethnoculturally diverse youth 15-19 years of age 7 ethnoculturally diverse undergraduate research assistants Community-based Participatory Research Participant observation Surveys Web-based learning environment - MOODLE Focus groups Planning Reflection “Go out and make our parks better.... eventually someone is going to see and then is going to reflect on it and eventually lead to others [making a change].” (Tanacia) “Like if you make a change, people will want to make a change also..” (Josey) “If somebody sees you could make a change where they don’t think it’s possible though, they’ll be willing to try to change as well.” (Kate) “Since like, they are already in college you know, and they come to the school to help us out. So like, they’re teaching us what they know, so later on in life when we get there we’ll know the stuff that we already know.” (Mark) “... we have a voice in changing the community, like with the parks and all that. I found that interesting, because I didn’t know that. ” (Orin) “Confidence in the way of being more open, and being able to go out and get surveys done. Like being confident to be able to speak to people.” (Julio) "I thought it was kind of a shock with the surveys, and I never thought I would do something like that. The outcome was pretty good because, like what Julio said, it helped build confidence in talking to people. (Cruz) "[Working with LMU students] ...inspired me to do good in school. The way you guys are.... getting an education, making life kind of simple. It kind of showed me that I can do that too. Instead of being lazy and not doing anything. So since I’ve been in this class I’ve been doing good." (Jose) "Before I was in this class, my grades were just downhill. But, just having to do what we did in here, I was just like, oh I should do that in all my classes. It helped me to get my grades up and keep doing it." (Andre) Community-based Participatory Research An empowering mode of engagement and knowledge production A method for leveraging restorative and environmental justice tenets toward transformative justice Youth engagement in environmental research can foster self- and collective-efficacy and a sense of responsibility to community and the broader environment Restorative and transformative justice situated within environmental research is a powerful mode of positive youth development toward redressing youth violence and broader poor youth outcomes Baker, E. A., Schootman, M., Barnidge, E., & Cheryl Kelly. (2006). Peer reviewed: The role of race and poverty in access to foods that enable individuals to adhere to dietary guidelines. Preventing chronic disease, 3(3). Retrieved from Block, J. P., Scribner, R. A., & DeSalvo, K. B. (2004). Fast food, race/ethnicity, and income: a geographic analysis. American journal of preventive medicine, 27(3), 211–217. Dewey, J., & Bentley, A. F. (1949). Knowing and the known. Beacon Press. Gordon­Larsen, P., Nelson, M. C., Page, P., & Popkin, B. M. (2006). Inequality in the built environment underlies key health disparities in physical activity and obesity. Pediatrics, 117(2), 417–424. Grills, C., Villanueva, S., Subica, A. M., & Douglas, J. A. (2014). Communities Creating Healthy Environments: Improving access to healthy foods and safe places to play in communities of color. Preventive medicine, 69, Kellert, S. R. (2002). Experiencing Nature: Affective, Gognitive, and Evaluative Development in Children. In P. H. Kahn & S. R. Kellert (Eds.), Children and Nature: Psychological, Sociocultural, and Evolutionary Investigations (pp. 117–152). Cambridge, Mass: The MIT Press. Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991). Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Participation (1st edition.). Cambridge England ; New York: Cambridge University Press. Loukaitou­Sideris, A., & Stieglitz, O. (2002). Children in Los Angeles Parks: A Study of Equity, Quality and Children’s Satisfaction with Neighbourhood

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