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Research Presentation Background

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Final Presentation- Background Research

Transcript: Background Literature Presented by PERSON for COMPANY TOPIC 1 Article 1 Brief Summary The goal of this study was to look at the relationship between socioeconomic status and risky behaviors for on-going disease in American adolescents. Data was collected through the Youth Risk Behavior Survey and 1992 National Health Interview Survey. The participants were 6321 adolescents ranging in ages 12-17. Researchers found that risky behaviors for on-going disease are 1. common but 2. inversely related to socioeconomic status. SUBTOPIC 1 study seeks to understand the relationship between socioeconomic status and use of substances. This piece of literature supports the hypothesis that socioeconomic status influences risky behaviors one of which could be drug usage. How it Applies to My Study Article 2 topic 2 The goal of this study was to look at the effects, both together and separately, of family structure, race, and poverty on the health of people under 20 years of age in the United States during two distinct time periods, 1978-1980 and 1989-1991. A multivariate regression was used to analyze data collected by a National Health Interview Survey. Those who grew up in a two-parent family, white, in a family above the poverty line, or any combination there f tended to be in a more healthy condition. Researchers also found that poverty had the strongest effect on children during both time periods. Researchers concluded that race and the structure of the family explain the relationship between the health of children and them living below 150% of the poverty index. Continued TITLE This article specifically talks about how socioeconomic factors such as family structure, race, and income effect the health of a child; however, in my research I will focus on how socioeconomic factors influence depression specifically. My research also adds onto it and looks at then how substance use places into this whole conversation. Related To My Research TITLE Article 3 TOPIC 3 The goal of this study was to look at how socioeconomic status impacts adolescent use of marijuana. Participants were aged 11-17. Indirect and direct measures were used to look at how socioeconomic status (Hollingshead measure of socioeconomic status, urbancity, neighborhood problems) could be used to predict the usage of marijuana in adolescents. The study found there to be a difference in males and females. When the analysis had been conducted, a nonlinear relationship was found between Hollingshead measure of socioeconomic status and marijuana. In women, Hollingshead measure was not significant when alcohol use and having friends who use marijuana were added to the model. These results suggest that alcohol use and friends who use marijuana mediates the relationship between the effects of socioeconomic status and the use of marijuana. Some of the other variables that were looked at in the study are: employment, friends who use marijuana, alcohol consumption, grade point average, commitment to friends, urbanicity, amount of time spent with friends, and peer strain. These variables were looked at in relation to the start of marijuana usage. The researchers found that psychosocial risk factors for initial marijuana usage are much different for men than for women. Continued TITLE TITLE This study primarily focuses on how socioeconomic factors influence both men and women separately on their initial marijuana usage. My research will further the study by not breaking the participants up according to sex; but rather, look at the participants as a whole and how socioeconomic factors as well as depression effect substance use. This article serves as a building block for my paper because it looks at one of the substances I will be using as well as psychosocial risk factors, something that I also will be looking into with depression being the psychological side and socioeconomic factors being the social side Relates to My Research TITLE TOPIC 4 TOPIC 4

Beowulf Background Research Presentation

Transcript: Beowulf Background Reaserch Presintation By: Trenton Derrick-Wood Beowulf Beowulf is an Old English Poem by an unkown writter written between the 4th and early 11th century Beowulf Old English Four facts about Old English are: Old English, often called Anglo-Saxon, was spoken in England from 450 AD to 1100 AD. Old English was rarely written but when it was written it was in runes. Old English grammar is difficult, and it is close to Old German. Old English got transformed into Middle English after the Norman Conquest of 1066. Old English Oral Tradition Four facts about Oral Tradition are: Oral tradition is important in all societies, despite the reliance of some cultures on written records. While oral traditions can vary from speaker to speaker, variations are also open to contradiction in the same ways that written accounts are. Oral traditions can be categorized into different types, including legends, myths, folktales, etc. Legends are oral traditions related to particular places and often involve culture heroes, or some other phenomenon related to that place. Oral Tradition Who wrote Beowulf Who wrote Beowulf Four facts about who wrote Beowulf are: The author of Beowulf is unkown It is possible that the poem was composed by several different poets Scholars refer to the author of beowulf as the "Beowulf poet" The author originaly didn't name the poem but later named it after the Scandinavian hero Beowulf When was Beowulf written Four facts about when Beowulf was written are: Beowulf is believed to have been written in the 6th Century During that time the Western Roman Empire had fallen The Anglo-Saxons started fighting for supremacy over the newly freed land This period was more comenly known as the Dark ages When was Beowulf written Epic Hero Characteristics of an Epic Hero Four facts about the Characteristics of an Epic Hero are: Great Warrior Capable of deeds of great strength and courage Humility National Heroism Epic poem Characteristics of an Epic Poem Four facts about the charcteristis of an epic poem are: Plot centers around a Hero of unbelivable stature Involves deeds of superhuman strength and valor Vast setting Sustained elevation of style Works Cited Works Cited “Old English Facts for Kids.”, 2023,,English%20in%20an%20alphabetic%20script. Accessed 24 Aug. 2023. “Oral Tradition | Milwaukee Public Museum.”, 2022, Accessed 24 Aug. 2023. ‌“Beowulf | Summary, Poem, Characters, Monster, Analysis, & Facts | Britannica.” Encyclopædia Britannica, 2023, Accessed 24 Aug. 2023. ‌Gibson, Richard. “6th Century - 7 Historical Events That Happened in the 6th Century - HistoryColored.” HistoryColored, 8 Mar. 2022, Accessed 24 Aug. 2023. ‌Characteristics of the Epic Hero. ‌“Six Elements of the Epic.”, 2023, Accessed 24 Aug. 2023. ‌


Transcript: Synesthete- someone with synesthesia Associater Synesthete- someone who knows a strong sense between the stimulus(something that evokes a physcological response) and the sense that triggers it Projector Synesthete- someone who sees actual colors,forms,or shapes when stimulated Cognitive- relating to mental processes of perception,memory,judgement,and reasoning versus emotion and will Photisms- a visual sensation produced by the effect of something felt.heard,tasted,smelled or thought of Grapheme Color Synesthesia Chromesthesia Spatial Sequence Number Form Auditory-Tactille Ordinal Linguistic Personification Misophonia Mirror-touch Lexical-Gustatony Synesthesia is a medical condition where one sense is activated involuntarily by the stimulation of another sense. In the brain, senses would overlap. What is Synesthesia? Some quotes by synesthetes Vocabulary Thank you! Now for my experiment data and information... The word Synesthesia comes from the Greek words syn(together) and aisthesis(perception).So the word means joined perception Synesthesia doesn't appear to affect anyone's intelligence These are 9 major categories. I've also learned that synesthesia is not considered a disease, so there is no "cure". Also, many people who have synesthesia have accepted it and actually like ther lifestyle with synesthesia. Synesthesia has been found more well known in females and left handed people Some famous people such as Pharell Williams and Claude Monet have had synesthesia Background/Research By:Varshini m. My actual experiment "Do certain numbers or lettes make a high percentage of people think of the same color?" is not directly related to synesthesia, it is related to behavioral science. Although, my question can be affected by synesthesia so I've researched on synesthesia for extra information. "The word love has always tasted like the scent of fresh ink and soft paper to me..." Types of Synesthesia " I always see colors when I isten to music. It's difficult to explain...warm and glittery..." The image shows a book that has a character with synesthesia. Fun Facts

Background Research

Transcript: “The worst part about being lied to is knowing that you weren’t worth the truth”-Mishaela. I believe that technology will & help us in the modern world right now. It made things more simpler and relaxing to work on. 1.) Rausas, Matthieu Pélissié Du. "Insights & Publications." Internet Matters: The Net's Sweeping Impact on Growth, Jobs, and Prosperity. Matthieu Pélissié Du Rausas, James Manyika, Eric Hazan, Jacques Bughin, Michael Chui, Rémi Said, May-June 2011. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. <>. 2.) "Education World: How Can Schools Make Better Use of the Internet?" Education World: How Can Schools Make Better Use of the Internet? Education World, June-July 2000. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. <>. 3.) "Importance of Technology." How Does Technology Affect Communication. SRS Solutions, 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. <>. 4.) Epstein, Jeremy. "Internet Voting Security: Wishful Thinking Doesn't Make It True." Freedom to Tinker. N.p., Apr.-May 2013. Web. 09 Dec. 2013. <>. 5.) "Life Made Simple." Life Made Simple. ©1994-2013 1105 Media Inc, Ed-Tech Group. See Our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use, 1994-2013. Web. 11 Dec. 2013. <>. Thesis My thought “Technology and science have to be looked at individually. Technology, when thought of, is what man has created (“tech” means craft.) Technology can govern what is said about art or applied sciences. Technology affects our society because technology is all around us. It what allows us to advance forward though our eras,” ( Sites for my draft What Helps My Thesis The technology that we use today made a better modern world. Technology has made life more simple, as it helps people not to do as much as they did before. Background Research Technology has made life more simple, as it helps people not to do as much as they did before. It helps us to communicate better within our school and jobs. It even made us a better community. “The thing we are trying to do at Facebook, is just help people connect and communicate more efficiently”.- Mark Zuckerberg. Quotes

Background Research

Transcript: Chaser Cola Co. c.c c.c Competition... Soft Drink Sales: $5 billion/year Direct: 12,000 + Canadians Salaries/Wages: $500 million Indirect: 30,000 + Target Market "Cut for Bieber" Who is Chaser Cola Co? Charlie Sheen is a bad role model/ spokesperson because: Knife attacks Giving up custody of his kids Constantly doing drugs Using prostitutes c.c Sold out MSG in 30 seconds 13,800,000 + albums sold $83,341,886 ticket revenue; My World Tour Not a good role model for teens Fame and negative publicity got to her Not as trendy for teens anymore Too provocative and rebellious In 1990, Darlene and John sold their company to another mid-sized pop industry. They make a profit of $100,000,000 per year!! Kennedy, Chelsea, Trisha Chaser Silver Justin Bieber Chaser Wild The Industry as a Whole Uses racial slurs 200 + wishes; MAW Believe Charity Drive Guatemala Champ of Charity Award c.c Charlie Sheen Shailene Woodley More Background Research Why is Shailene Woodley a good role model? Animal Abuse Deposition Competition Charity Work Britney Spears Established 1982 by two childhood sweethearts, Darlene Lanovaz and John Meindl. Energy Drinks Red Bull Gatorade Alcoholic Drinks Canadian Brands Sugar Drinks and Juices Minute Maid Cool Aid Amanda Bynes Claiming to be disabled Cons on Hiring Justin Bieber. Chaser Cola Destruction of property Arrested/ DUI Other Soda Drinks Rivalry between Coke and Pepsi Fanta Ginger Ale etc. Caffeine Drinks Starbucks Tim Horton's Second Cup Why Hire Justin Bieber? Pros. Teenagers/Pre-Teens Prefer soda drinks apposed to juice Look up to their idols Following trends Need to stay energized Cherry-flavored cola Bolder, alternative #5 in Canada $100,000,000 /year Canadian #4 most searched on Google; 2013 1982 Southern Ontario Donated 3% of revenue Social advocacy

Background Research

Transcript: Our Data/ Anaylsis Trash is produced in many forms and also in many different areas. Most things can be recycled but not everything. We did research and found that some items were thrown away more than others. Some of the most common things in our trash cans were water bottles and plastic bags, but everybody thinks of those. There were however, a few other things littering our earth. Keurig cups, otherwise know as K-Cups, are being used more and more. We decied that we would find a solution to this problem. Once we knew that we were going to use the K-Cup, we had to figure out a solution. We all looked up ways the parts could be used and found a lot. Coffee grounds can repel bugs and get rid of headaches. Pictures After a long time, and inspired by one of group member's inventions for engineering fair, we came up with the idea of making a water filter. We cleaned out a Keurig Cup, and then put in activated cabon. On top we put ripped-up coffee filters. Wen testing it out, the water was filtered, but tasted a little like coffee. Background Research design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi Sharing our Project We wanted to share our ideas with multiple people and explore new possibilities with others -Sent an email to the company to compare our solutions and get feedback from them -Teaches,Coaches, and other FLL Mentors -We shared with national team Our Solution We d One was to use plastic bags to help greenhouse gasses, but it was a little too broad. There were several ideas that we wanted to do, but everyone seemed fixated on the K-Cup Trash is produced in many forms and also in many different areas. Most things can be recycled but not everything. We did research and found that some items were thrown away more than others. Some of the most common things in our trash cans were water bottles and plastic bags, but everybody thinks of those. There were however, a few other things littering our earth. Keurig cups, otherwise know as K-Cups, are being used more and more. We decied that we would find a solution to this problem.Once we knew that we were going to use the K-Cup, we had to figure out a solution. We all looked up ways the parts could be used and found a lot. Coffee grounds can repel bugs and get rid of headaches. After a long time, and inspired by one of group member's inventions for engineering fair, we came up with the idea of making a water filter. We cleaned out a Keurig Cup, and then put in activated cabon. On top we put ripped-up coffee filters. Wen testing it out, the water was filtered, but tasted a little like coffee.We wanted to share our ideas with multiple people and explore new possibilities with others -Sent an email to the company to compare our solutions and get feedback from them -Teaches,Coaches, and other FLL Mentors -We shared with national team Design Process K-Cup Ideas Operation K

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