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Transcript: The Impact of Self-Grading on Middle School English Students’ Writing Skills Angelica Smith - University of Maryland Abstract Superficial teacher feedback on writing assignments combined with little to no student effort to reflect on any feedback keeps students from the opportunity to refine essential metacognitive skills. Previous research indicates that self-grading is an effective strategy for students to practice metacognitive awareness. After 9 weeks of instruction incorporating either self-grading or providing traditional teacher feedback for reflection on writing assignments, gains of 85 seventh graders’ writing scores for organization will be analyzed to determine the extent to which the metacognitive experience of self-grading improves performance. Empirical evidence should help teachers ascertain whether the time-consuming practice of self-grading is valuable to student learning. Statement of Problem Peer- and Self-assessment are not as widely practiced as they could be because teachers' goals are to save as much time as possible and to ensure grade accuracy for all students. Logistical, pedagogical, and metacognitive benefits of peer- and self-assessment were contested and needed to be put to the test. Students don't reflect on teacher feedback on writing assignments and miss out on opportunities to refine metacognitive skills necessary for learning. Significance The proposed study contributes more knowledge about the benefits of self-assessment on student learning The proposed study helps teachers ascertain the value of incorporating self-assessment into their regular practice in improving performance, despite how much time is required for planning and preparation. Research Foundation The Impact of Self- and Peer-Grading on Student Learning Philip M. Sadler and Eddie Good After a Supreme Court decision in favor of peer-grading in classrooms, Sadler and Good decide to put benefits of self- and peer-grading to the test that are of teacher interest (p. 13) Participants included four middle school science classrooms Issues of interest: Student grades as substitute for teacher grades Student grading as a tool for student learning Results: High correlation between teacher and student grades Bias within student grading in self- and peer-assessment Self-assessment students made most gains in test scores Rationale for Proposed Study Test familiarity could have effected results Realistic assessment to determine student learning Research Questions / Hypotheses To what extent does the experience of self-assessment (training and process) impact students' writing organizational skills? Students who participate in self-assessment will improve their writing organizational skills significantly more than comparison students. Methods Participants 113 students in 4 sections of seventh grade English and their teacher No previous instruction on concept being taught during data collection Same age-range as students in original study / Studying different content Measure Scoring Guide for Writing - five or six traits writing rubric; traits include: Ideas & Content, Organization, Word Choice, (Voice,) Sentence Fluency, and Conventions; scores range from 1-lowest to 5-highest. The proposed study will target scores in Organziation. Different from measure in original study in that it is county-/teacher-designed, not student-designed, and assessess aspects of writing instead of science. Procedure All students receive instruction on the Well-Developed Paragraph (WDP) formula: a tool students are required to use to structure WDP's when writing literary analysis. 2 sections in control group (receive traditional teacher feedback on writing assessments); 2 sections in experimental group (trained and participate in self-assessment process) Of the four WDP's written to assess mastery of reading and writing skills, organization scores for first and fourth WDP will be collected. Data Analysis To what extent does the experience of self-assessment impact student's writing organizational skills? Descriptive statistics (means and standard deviations) are calculated in both groups for the first and fourth WDP. Gains from first to fourth WDP are calculated, and mean gains are found. t-test is conducted to determine the significance of the gains in both groups. EDHD 662 Fall 2012 Awareness of progress and performance Ability to modify strategies mid-task Evaluating Reference Sadler, P. M., & Good, E. (2006). The Impact of Self- and Peer-Grading on Student Learning. Educational Assessment, 11(1), 1-31. Assess final product Evaluate strategies used Planning Monitoring Theoretical Foundation: Metacognitive Regulation Selecting strategies Choosing/acquiring resources

Project presentation template

Transcript: text box Sheet title Sheet title Sheet title images & text images & text Project title here Project title here PROJECT TITLE Sheet title text box add logos here text box Project title here Project title here Project title here Project title text box Project title here text box Sheet title Project title here Project title here Assignment text box Sheet title images & text add logos here xx/xx/xxxx text box Project title here text box CHAPTER II "Quote relevant to project" text box images & text text box images & text Project title here Project title here images & text text box "Quote relevant to project" images & text Project title here CHAPTER III text box text box text box IDEAS & AMBITION Sheet title Project phase images & text add logos here images & text text box xx/xx/xxxx text box images & text text box text box Project title here DESIGN PRINCIPLES Project title here images & text Sheet title Project phase text box Sheet title images & text images & text images & text Sheet title Sheet title text box Sheet title Project title here images & text text box text box Sheet title images & text text box images & text text box PROJECT TITLE Project title Project title Sheet title Sheet title Project phase images & text images & text "Quote relevant to project" Sheet title images & text images & text Project title here Sheet title Sheet title images & text text box text box text box text box text box CHAPTER 1 Sheet title text box text box Project phase DESIGN images & text images & text Sheet title Sheet title Sheet title Project title here Project title here Project title here Sheet title text box Sheet title Sheet title PROJECT TITLE Project title here add logos here Sheet title Sheet title Project title here text box Project title here Project title here Sheet title Project title here images & text Project title here text box xx/xx/xxxx Sheet title Project title here Project title here images & text images & text images & text ANALYSIS Sheet title Project title here "Quote relevant to project" RISKS & OPPORTUNITIES Project title images & text PHILOSOPHY PROJECT TITLE Quote & cover image Sheet title images & text images & text IDEAS & AMBITION images & text images & text "Quote relevant to project" Sheet title Project title here AULa Design Bert Tjhie Tao Wang Postbus 1993 | 1000 BZ Amsterdam Cruquiusweg 111A | 1019 AG Amsterdam T +31 (0)20 624 5904 E © AULa Design 2013 Project title here cover image here Project title here Sheet title Project title here Sheet title Project title here text box Project title here CHAPTER IV Project title here Sheet title Project title here TABLE OF CONTENTS Project title here Project title here text box Write assignment here text box text box text box Project title here Project title here images & text Project title here Project title here Sheet title text box Sheet title Sheet title Project title here PROJECT NAME text box Quote & cover image Sheet title xx/xx/xxxx Sheet title text box Quote & cover image Sheet title Sheet title images & text text box Sheet title

Project Proposal Presentation

Transcript: Done by: Joseph Done by: Jesslyn Success metric Profit There will be a icon on the top right hand corner of the page. Multiple products can be selected. Product can be removed as well. A feature which allows customers to design their shoes. Color can be applied to different part of the shoes which are to the customer's preferences. Designs completed, can be bought or submitted. Week 1 Project team organization Week 15 & 16 Final project wiki & presentation preparation Is a chat system for the designers and the public to communicate The public will comment on the Talk Box and the designers will reply. Talk Box allows asynchronous chat. Done by: Jack Look For Me Week 17 (8th August) Final project wiki & presentation submission 15th December Launch of application Model Color of shoe parts Shoe designs are shown in a list and below each design there is a button. Counter for each design will increase with every 'like' from voters. Top 100 voters of the shoes with the most 'likes' will win vouchers. Participants from Carry On may upload the photos they took during the walk/run and upload it. The pictures will form a montage featuring our company's name. Participants are to find their photos in the montage and tag themselves. Done by: Joseph Week 6 to 14 Development stage Timeline Teenagers, young adults, adults. Branding: Innovative, sense of belonging. Spreading news of our brand through word of mouth and social media channel. Project Proposal Presentation Overview Social Media Channel Group Members: New Wei Lin Jack Joseph Teng Yu Xian Lau Yu Xin Jesslyn Yip Share with us Features November Creating a Facebook page Pubilcise our company & product Time spent on site. Contributor. Sales. Feedback. Number of users. Done by: Yu Xin Done by: Jesslyn Yours Talk Box Design Studio Sportwear company. Aims to allow customers to feel special with every pair of shoe that they own. Shopping Cart Comments September & October Testing application for bugs Week 3 Select industrial & domain area Case study presentation You are special Voting System Shoes designed are shown in another page and users can view the designs by moving down the list. Customers can look for shoes by criteria. Then the list will show the designs of the shoes to those of the search. Design Search Target audience Share With Us Asynchronous communication does not require that all parties involved in the communication to be present at the same time. Done by: Jack Week 5 Project wiki & presentation submission Week 2 Good & bad case study research Done by: Yu Xin Campaign which uses GPS technology. It's a relay like walk/run on a designated route. Check in/check out to mark the distance traveled. Leaderboard will be shown to show which participant has walked the furthest. For total distance covered by all participants, a certain amount of money will be donated to charity. Google AdPlanner Polling/survey for customers to provide us with feedback. Online polling which consists of a yes or no question. The survey will let us understand what customers want, so that we can produce better products. Alexa, Google AdPlanner Week 4 Project wiki & presentation research Carry On

Proposal template

Transcript: The Challenge Why Taming Tigers? 1 Day Experiential Equine workshop - Step away from the day-to-day and work as a team on a challenge which is stretching for everyone Build understanding of your own Tiger and the Tigers within the team, plus strategies to tame him Experience the "Hero's Journey" in one day in order to anticipate the journey of change you are about to experience Put yourself to the test physically and mentally with support from your colleagues One to one consultation and coaching over 6 weeks SMT members will: Build an intensive relationship of trust and openness with their facilitators Become very honest with themselves about their personal blocks, attitudes and Tigers (and develop strategies to minimise them) Understand their contribution to the team and to the success or failure of the Evolution project Commit, hearts and minds, to the project by identifying the business critical and personally critical outcomes of the project Team Contract workshop: Aligning the team behind a shared goal, team rules and a powerful sense of purpose and momentum (with roadmap) to deliver on the vision The result is a contract, signed, owned and policed by the the team itself which defines exactly what is required to achieve success and how to get there Tigers are tamed, rulebooks re-written, the team is out on the pitch Quarterly review: Setting the compass together makes the Tiger roar. Delivering on the contract agreed makes him roar again. During 2013 we will help the SMT maintain momentum, address obstacles, upgrade the team culture and apply the 10 Rules to tame the Tiger who WILL roar if the goal is bold enough...which it is. Group of peers, reporting from their silos Differing levels of commitment to the goal Resistance to change, fear of change "This is how we do it here" "Who can I blame?" Senior executives Distrust of each other "This isn't going to affect me" "We can do this without assistance" Team driving forward the ambition Completely aligned Out on the track "How can we do it better?" "I am responsible" Team of inspirational leaders Trusting each other to deliver "I am part of creating the future" "To achieve this we must change...and that means accepting help" (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr doodles We aren't neutral - we are as responsible for delivering your ambition as you are This is what we do. We help leadership teams to set and achieve their bold goals We are business focused. This isn't a "jolly", a conventional "team offsite" or a "team building" programme. It is about business We are experts in our field (4 books published, 150 years combined experience in the change industry, additional 150 years experience in business and public sector leadership roles) But don't just take our word for it... From notes Steve Hardy, Chief Executive, AXA Personal Lines Experiential workshop - 2 days Quarterly review - 4 x half day sessions To The current reality... Notes "It's stunning how it's worked. Our organisational goal and the words Taming Tigers are everyday phrases now. We are seeing real change." Evolution (cc) photo by jimmyharris on Flickr (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr Double click to crop it if necessary Bold ambition The very shape of the business needs to change The SMT is under scrutiny - Is it a strong team? Does it believe in the vision? Is it trusted to lead this change? The SMT needs to become even more sophisticated to succeed The full SMT will be in place by September - the clock is ticking outlook from the top (Note to SMT) You will need to be: Fully committed to the "Amazon" vision Speak honestly (the process will support that) Learn how to tame the Tiger Be willing to try something different Commit the time to driving forward the vision Treat us as part of the business, an extension of your team Team Contract workshop - 3 days offsite plus action steps Option 1 investment: Experiential phase: £6750 Consultation phase: £13,500 Team Contract workshop: £19,850 Quarterly review: £12,000 TOTAL: £52,100 plus VAT and expenses Includes: 16 months of support from Taming Tigers for the SMT to re-write industry rulebooks and drive forward the new business vision as a team A tried and tested process made bespoke for you A combination of individual development, team bonding, experiential learning and open, honest dialogue facilitated by world class experts A committed team at Taming Tigers who will not only help you set the team's compass but achieve the goal, whatever it takes photo frame The objectives - Consultation and Coaching - 3 x 2 hours over 6 weeks Place your own picture behind this frame! (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr details map Option 2 investment: Experiential phase: £6750 Team Contract workshop: £24,750 TOTAL: £31,500 plus VAT and expenses Includes: 2-3 months of support from Taming Tigers for the SMT to re-write industry rulebooks and identify the roadmap to drive forward the new business vision as a team A tried and tested process made bespoke

Midterm Project Proposal Template

Transcript: Midterm Presentation Scene 3 Who: Eileen, Stacy Nian, Demi, Sam When: night and morning Where: room What: Stacy is trying to study, but Eileen invites her friends to have a party ,and next morning, they all have drunk and sleep on the floor. How long: 2 minutes Learning aim: two sentence patterns of how to ask someone be quite 1. What's the matter with? 2. What happened? Hi, class, you are going to be a college student. Are you exited or nervous? There's a funny video that some situations may occur in college life. 7. Teaching objective: Exercise/ activity 3 8. Introductory remark for the video/warm-up(30-60 seconds) Scene 2 – Film story board Scene 2 Scene 1 Who: Eileen and Stacy Nian When: morning Where: room What: Stacy will wake Eileen up in the beginning of semester. But after few times, Eileen always late, so Stacy doesn't want to wake her up anymore. How long: 1:30 seconds Learning aim: Two sentence patterns of how to wake sb. up. *1. It's time for 2. Can't stand with Afternoon, Eileen watches TV for a long time, and she doesn't do anything. So Stacy Nian needs to do all the housework (滿出的垃圾桶、洗衣服、曬衣服、洗碗….) Eileen : Hi, Stacy, you are back! How are you today? Stacy : Fine! (neglecting) Eileen : What do you want to eat for dinner? Stacy : No idea! (neglecting) Eileen : (murmuring) What's wrong with her? Hm…. How about congee? Would you please make it for me? Stacy : Of course. When did you do your housework by yourself? (mad) Eileen : Once more please! (1) What do you want....... 你想要........ (2) Would you please...... 你可以......嗎 Scene 1 - Complete script for each character 11. Concluding remark for the video Well, class, If some of you still can't remember the sentence patterns that told in video, you can go home and see them again. I will put the videos on the Net, OK? Midterm Project Proposal Template Activity 1 (sentence) Make sentences with these 6 sentences that we taught in class. 1. _____Can't stand____________________________ 2. Would you please ___________________________ 3. It's time for ________________________________ 4. What's the matter with _____________________ 5. What happened ____________________________ 6. What do you want __________________________ Anticipated problems when shooting the video (1) We will face the problem about teammate's real roommate. We will tell her before we start to shoot. After see the video twice, fill the sentence patterns in the right blank. Scene 3 - Complete script for each character Midterm Project Proposal Template Midterm Project Proposal Template Scene 2 - Complete script for each character Midterm Project Proposal Template Midterm Project Proposal Template Exercise/ activity 1 Students separate into two groups and speak out the conversations that teacher prepared. A: Good morning Eileen! It’s time for school, get up!! B: (Murmuring) is it that difficult to get up on time? I can't stand her anymore. A: What do you want to eat for dinner? B: Would you please make it for me? A: What's the matter with your roommate? B: What happened last night!!! 6. Motive (A) Why this topic: Because this topic is related to students' future life. (B) Why is this topic important for EFL learners? Because they are going to be college students and they may be interested in this topic. If they feel interested, they will focus on the video, and learn the sentence patterns. Scene 3– Film story board Midterm Project Proposal Template Midterm Project Proposal Template Stacy :(the clock is alarming) Wow! It's 6:50 now, I must get hurry. Stacy : Good morning Eileen! It's time for school, get up!! Eileen : (Snoring) okay, I'll get up immediately. Give me 5 more mines. Stacy : No, come on. We're late for school. Get up now! Eileen : Okay, fine…maybe you go to school first, and I'll go by myself. Stacy : Okay, up to you. (mad) Stacy : (Murmuring) is that difficult to get up on time? I can't stand her anymore. (1) It's time for 是時候~ (2) can't stand 不能忍受~人 Who: Eileen, Stacy Nian When: afternoon Where: room What: Eileen watch TV whole afternoon. Stacy needs to do all house works. How long: 1:30 seconds Learning aim: two sentence patterns on how to ask someone do the housework. 1. What do you want? 2. Would you please? Thanks for your listening Midterm Project Proposal Template 10. Translational remark for the video (30-60seconds) OK, after seeing the video twice. Do you remember the sentence patterns? I will write these patterns on the board and say it out loud, please repeat after me OK? Let's review again, tell me the sentence patterns. Scene 1 – Film story board Midterm Project Proposal Template 9. Translational remark for the video (30-60seconds) OK, is that video funny? How many sentence patterns do you remember? Can you say them out loud? Yes, there are 1. It's time for 2. Can't stand with 3. What do you want? 4. Would you please? 5. What's the matter with? 6. What happened? OK, let's see the video again, try remembering them, OK? Group 7 1101208023 Martina 1101208048 Stacy Nian

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