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Project Plan On A Page Template Powerpoint

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Project on a Page

Transcript: USE BOOK CREATOR TO enhance student engagement through story creation and multimedia design. INTENDED OUTCOME By using Book creator my main hope would be that children's engagement is improved by encouraging them to create and multimedia design. Our setting at the moment runs a scheme called the genius hour. My main hope by implementing Book creator in to our setting is that it can be used to make the children's end project interactive and digital, thus improving the children's engagement in the scheme. constraints Cost - an obvious constraint of Book Creator would be the cost. To ensure this is successful across our setting the cost is unavoidable. Book Creator allows up to 40 books for free which will be fine for this project. However, in order to access the more premium features that would benefit this project it is unfortunately essential to pay. Teacher knowledge - unfortunately our staff base have no known experience of using Book Creator in this manner therefore it is essential that before the project is commenced that the teaching staff are shown how to use Book Creator and see the benefits of using it within the classroom. Access to devices - another possible constraint is access to devices. Within our setting our iPad's and laptops are shared between five separate classes therefore access can be limited. Required actions In order for Book creator to be successfully used in our setting the children will need iPad's with the latest app installed along with a good internet connection. We will also need to ensure that there is an interactive whiteboard present so that the teacher can model the correct use of Book Creator with the children. Resources iPad's Laptops Book Creator software. Unlimited Subscription to Book Creator. duration The time frame I feel is needed for this project is 4 weeks. I intend to use this time to develop the children's knowledge of book creator and produce a final product of high quality.

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