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Presentation Template Virtual Reality

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Virtual Reality Presentation

Transcript: Virtual Reality By: Colby Stroupe What is VR Virtual Reality is a simulated experience where the user can interact with an artificial 3-D environment What is VR? Uses of VR Uses of VR Virtual Reality is still relatively new, but there are already several different fields that take advantage of it. VR in Auto Industry Auto Industry VR helps automotive engineers and designers experiment and come up with the best ways to make new vehicles without wasting money on expensive prototypes VR in Tourism Tourism VR helps with tourism because it allows popular tourist destinations to give perspective tourists a glimpse of what they can expect to see should they decide to take a trip there VR in Video Games Video Game Industry VR video games are beginning to gain more and more traction as things like the Occulous headsets continue to improve in the quality of games they have, as well as, reduce their prices History of VR History of VR Virtual Reality is not something that just showed up in the last decade. It actually has a lot longer of a history than what you might realize Heilig's Sensorama Morton Heilig Morton Heilig created a theatre cabinet, dubbed the Sensorama, in 1957. It stimulated its user's senses in various ways like: screens for viewing, oscillating fans for touch, devices that gave off smells, and speakers to play sounds Furness' flight simulator Thomas Furness Thomas Furness further developed his flight simulator that he had been working on since the late 60's. In 1986, his simulator was being used by the US Air Force to train pilots. Lanier coins Virtual Reality John Lanier It wasn't until 1987 that the term "virtual reality" was used. The credit of coining the term goes to a computer scientist named John Lanier. Limits to VR While the idea of virtual reality is great, it does have its own share of limits and draw backs Limits of VR High prices Cost With VR ,as we know it today, still being a relatively new field, the price to get a hold of a high quality piece of VR tech is going to be quite expensive Sub Par Graphics Graphics While VR has definitely made some big leaps in quality, it is still lacking when it comes to graphics in the gaming industry. This is a big issue because video games are the biggest application of VR at the moment. VR's promising Future Future for VR With how fast we are advancing in technology, and the amount of potential money to be made with VR, I firmly believe that in the not so distant future virtual reality will stop being viewed as a gimmick and and be seen more as a staple of the future. Sources Sources,1987%20by%20researcher%20Jaron%20Lanier.

Virtual Reality presentation

Transcript: Virtual Reality Laura and Kate, hour 1- IED Invention The stereoscope is a device that allows viewers to feel as if they are actually experiencing the scene in a photo. It does this by holding two photographs of the same subject, each shown at different angles through a series of mirrors. In their earliest forms, stereoscopes were made of wood, photographs or film, mirrors, and occasionally glass lenses. This was the first step in immersing ourselves in a different reality. This marked the first steps towards virtual reality. The Stereoscope 1939- the cardboard disc that held film was patented, which allowed viewers to change photographs in their stereoscope 1962- the Sensorama, a multi-sensory cinema experience, was patented by inventor Morton L. Heilig 2013- the virtual reality headset was patented on by inventors Palmer Luckey, Brendan Iribe Trexler, Graham England, and Jack McCauley Patents Over Time Engineering Disciplines Engineering Disciplines Software - eye tracking, controllers Computer Hardware - graphics card Mechanical - spatial mechanisms Timeline <------------------------------------------------------> Timeline Global Impact Global Impact Currently, virtual reality is leaning more towards the entertainment industry, but schools are coming up with ways to use VR in education. Teachers are incorporating VR into their lesson plans. It can also be used to decide where to travel, what house to buy, and VR can help with training for a future career. Environmentally, VR can change people's perspectives on the environment. So far, this has helped many people have a smaller environmental footprint. However, the equipment is not very environmentally friendly in the respect that it cannot be recycled. Sources Heilig, Morton L. Sesorama Simulation. 28 Aug. 1962. “History Of Virtual Reality.” Virtual Reality Society, Virtual Reality Society, 2017, 04/26/17, Ruth Reynard. “The Impact of Virtual Reality on Learning.” Campus Technology, Public Sector Media Center, 26 Apr. 2017, “The History of Virtual Reality.”, The Digital Marketing Bureau, 26 Feb. 2016, “VR in a Classroom Setting.” Road To VR, GPU Technology Conference, 2017, “Htc Vive Hardware.”, “Bioflight VR Program.”, 8 July 2016, Sources

Virtual Reality Presentation

Transcript: At Greater Perth Library Virtual Reality What is Virtual Reality? What is Virtual Reality? Virtual Reality is a type of computer technology used to create a simulated environment. Standard virtual reality systems use headsets to help generate realistic images and sounds to simulate the user's presence in a virtual environment. Man using virtual reality headset. [Digital image]. Retrieved from Many libraries have begun to incorporate Virtual Reality. The examples I have listed include the State Library of Queensland, Burley Middle School Library and an academic environment. How Have Other Libraries Incorporated Virtual Reality? How have libraries incorporated it? Earlier this year the State Library of Queensland provided public libraries in Isaac with a virtual reality kit which they used to introduce virtual reality to their patrons for recreational use. The kits come complete with google phones and headsets. The state library has also held a number of workshops and information sessions on virtual reality over the last two years. One of these workshops included a visit from the Think Digital Coach. State Library of Queensland Example One Man using virtual reality kit. [Digital image]. Retrieved from Taking place on a coach bus Think Digital uses virtual reality to deliver immersive experiences to engage, inform and inspire a variety of audiences including students, librarians and industry groups. Think Digital Coach Think Digital Ida Mae Craddock who is a librarian at the Burley Middle School Library in Virginia praises Google Expeditions, an app that paired with a Google Cardboard viewer allows students/users to explore history, art, science and the natural world within the classroom or wherever else they might be. She also comments on how virtual reality has aided students who are learning English as a second language in her journal article Immersive Virtual Reality, Google Expeditions and English Language Learning. Burley Middle School Library, VA Example Two In 1996, Bryan Carter taught an introductory course on African American Literature whilst completing his doctoral studies. Carter wanted his students to experience the literature they were learning in a way that was more engaging and visual, so when he came across a staff newsletter calling for proposals to make use of a new technology called virtual reality he applied and got the funding needing to create Virtual Harlem. Virtual Reality Outside of the Library Example Three The Apollo Theater. [Digital image]. Retrieved from How Can Our Library Incorporate Virtual Reality? How can we incorporate it? By incorporating virtual reality in the library we have the opportunity to offer our patrons a new way of learning and we can potentially attract community members that wouldn't otherwise use the library. Virtual Reality Station Virtual Reality for ESL patrons Virtual Reality for ESL Patrons Greater Perth Library should consider incorporating virtual reality in our current ESL conversation groups as it could be a fun and modern way of getting this group of patrons excited about learning English. Also, by implementing VR in ESL groups patrons will be able to get a visual on what they are discussing that week therefore providing them with some clarity. ESL group. [Digital image]. Retrieved from By implementing a virtual reality station patrons have the ability to explore our certain items in our collection such as history books virtually in kind of three dimensional pop up fashion. Virtual Reality also enable us to attract patrons who wouldn't other wise use the library. Virtual Reality Station Virtual Reality poses a number of benefits for the Greater Perth Library and its patrons. These benefits include: Providing our patrons with a new and modern way of learning. Gaining a number of new patrons. Enlighten library users/community on emerging technologies and expose them to it. Allows users to get more involved with our collections and services. Benefits Benefits In conclusion virtual reality is both an educational and recreational asset to the Greater Perth Library as it will be able to provide our patrons with new learning possibilities. It will also draw in those patrons who are solely interested in new and emerging technologies and provide them with free access to a modern gaming space. Libraries strive to cater to the needs of a whole community, this hasn't always been possible but with the implementation of virtual reality I believe it can be. Conclusion Conclusion Q&A Q&A Ar and vr action: 26/27 June @ slq. (2017). Retrieved from the State Library of Queensland website: Baker,

Virtual Reality Presentation

Transcript: By: Charlotte Gergely, James Smith, Brendon Ang, Kent Hermawan, Caihong Yu, Carlota Paynter, Marion See, Melanie Held The Future Why early adopters are engaging in VR, what is driving them to adopt? How is it evolving? There are five key drivers for consumers’ adoption: 1.Usability 2.Price 3.Mobility 4.Wearability 5.Perspective Awareness Consideration Interest Purchase Companies are already looking into the future Sony Sony announced Thursday via the PlayStation Blog that PlayStation VR headsets will be available at 300 locations in North America and Canada by June 24 for demo purposes with a few games on display before going adding a wide array of games before going full launch. Playstation VR starting costs starts at $399 compared to Occulus Rift costing $599 1849 Thank You Short Intro to VR Demonstration Volunteer Virtual Reality “That person becomes part of this virtual world or is immersed within this environment and whilst there, is able to manipulate objects or perform a series of actions.” The Market Consumers are ready to accept VR Businesses are increasing awareness to push sales on Virtual Reality products. 6M Americans say they intend to purchase a PlayStation VR this year versus 5M for Oculus Rift and 2M for the HTC Vive, proving more awareness are able to generate more purchase intent. According to SuperData, VR industry report, Most Americans are still not sure what the technology is: 52% are uninterested in purchasing a device or do not know what VR is 16% are sure they will purchase a device at some point 26% say devices are too expensive 49% have not heard of any headset brands Drivers behind adoption Increasing awareness Mark and Spencer M&S has made use of another recent trend of pop up retailing by providing Pop-up virtual reality showrooms over three weeks in locations including London and Leeds in September last year. Where consumers wear a virtual reality headset and, using Oculus Rift and Leap Motion technology, can drag and drop items from the M&S LOFT home ware range to create their 'ideal living space. Industry data, provided By Ericsson ConsumerLab. Stereoscopic 3D reels Lenticular Stereoscope The Present 2016 Business leveraging on the trend 1962 Present (Now) Virtual Reality Presentation Quality as a driving force for gamers Price as a driving force for gamers…

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