Transcript: God enables us to acquire wealth, So we use our finances to GLORIFY HIM (wealth and possessions) participate in the spread of His Kingdom (tithing, chip ins, etc.) Living less for ourselves Live more for Him. to LIVE SIMPLY.. give more, share Christ! Understanding and following our call . . . "S I M P L E L I F E " SHIFTS how we regard our possessions. . . have more VALUE on what we have & value every blessing we try to give away E X E R C I S E Reflection questions: IN DECIDING TO GET OR BUY THINGS, WE MUST ASK . . . Why do I want it? How would things be different if I had it? What other things would change, for better or worse, if I had it? What is truly important to me? Is this really what I value/care about? SOME PRATICALS : 1. Know Your Core Priorities “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Mt 6:21 Determine your own Core Priorities, your personal choice in life, love, and work. Where are most of our time & resources being spent? How you spend is the reflection of your values and choices. (no matter how much or less money you have) Does your spending habits reflect your Core Priorities? :-) 2. Learn to Be Contented. “for I have learned to be content with whatever I have. I know what it is to have little, and I know what it is to have plenty. In any and all circumstances I have learned the secret of being well-fed and of going hungry, of having plenty and of being in need.” Phil 4:11b-12 "Let this inner sense of satisfaction drive your decisions." "Count your blessings and be grateful for them :-)" 3. Awareness. "Be aware of people whose basic needs are not being met in today's world." "Live simply so that others may simply live." Be aware of what you consume Purge your stuff. Give away what you don't need and aren't using Learn to find ways to reduce consumption and waste 4. Learn to manage your finances Become conscious and honest about your money, bank accounts, credit card balances, and income. Make a Budget and Stick to It Don’t buy on credit Save and Invest Seek to improve one’s financial literacy Living Simple means : Responsible Stewardship properly allocate the use of 90% of what God has entrusted us. Clearly defines our needs versus the things that we want. In simplicity we find peace of mind and true contentment in living a life for others. (Attitude of spending) Give and share not out of surplus but of true generosity of heart. Evaluation Questions: + Have I been living within my means? + Have I been prioritizing my wants instead of my needs? +Have I been properly allocating the 90% of my income to myself, to others and to God? + What are the things that I need to give up to end up giving more? God is Good Goodness = Blessings ( act-something is given) Since us created in His likeness Goodness = Sharing (act-something is given) FAITH + - defines who we are - gives us purpose - affects our values & principles - Life itself Because we acknowledge that EVERYTHING comes and belongs to God, so we choose to become stewards of these resources. not just a PART of our journey, IT IS THE JOURNEY . . . Needs vs Wants ACTION PLAN ACTIVITY 1. Identify 5 spending habits that I need to trim down/give up in order to be able to share more to others. 2. Think of ways on how you can share your resources to others. (e.g. Sponsor a Child to school thru ANCOP CSP, serve in Cornerstone, commit to support a relative who is in need, etc.) 3. Create a 6-month plan on how you can make it happen. learn to TRUST in the Lord our God! GOD is ENOUGH. a simple life that leads to generous living. "Trend" many becomes distracted, confused, empty and wanting more. We have become prisoners of our W-A-N-T. This must never be the case for us. “Our hearts are restless until it rests in God.” - St. Augustine as Singles for Christ . . . Called to Live Simply Needs - are basic things we must have for survival Wants - are goods and services that enhances the quality of life. we can live without a life Embracing Simplicity leads to a full life immersed in Generosity we go out on mission and spread the Good News thru conducting CLPs, living a life of worship, etc. . . .let everyone experience Christ. be GRATEFUL for our blessings and what we have every moment in our lives. Live Simply