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Powerpoint Template File Format

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File Format

Transcript: Word documents (.doc) Web text pages (.htm or .html) Web page images (.gif and .jpg) Adobe Postcript files (.ps) Adobe Acrobat files (.pdf) Executable programs (.exe) Multimedia files (.mp3 and others) DIB (device independent bitmap) Why should I use Rich Text Format (RTF)? Conclusion They aren't scalable to larger sizes. Files can be very big. Images not easily edited it is a raster graphics image file format used to store bitmap digital images. The DIB file format is capable of storing 2D digital images of arbitrary width, height, and resolution. Bitmap=map of bits. Introduced by Microsoft in 1987. Richard Brody, Charles Simonyi and David Lebard developed the original RTF file format. Popular Bitmap Formats file format is a layout of file. program/software must recognize the file. file format is often indicated by a file name extension (suffix). separated by dot from the name of file. Pros and Cons History of RTF What is file format? File Format What is Rich Text Format? this file format is used for document exchange between different text editors and between different types of operating systems. Rich Text Format is an application that allows the user to edit the content of the document. Furthermore, it is relatively protected from viruses. What is file format? RTF file format what is RTF why it is used DIB or Bitmap file format what is DIB pros and cons Know the file format {\rtf1\ansi\deff0 {\fonttbl {\f0 Times New Roman;}} \f0\fs60 Hello, World! } Thank You RTF format example Rich Text Format (.rtf) Great for complex photos. Most programs can work with a simple bitmap image jpeg psd (Photoshop) png tiff gif RTF can be read by many programs. RTF is extremely easy to move. RTF files do not spread viruses.

FILE template

Transcript: Component 1: Identifying Professional Development targets (10%) 300 words max Your own expectations of FILE contextualised within your current training experience. (Based on the personal statement in your application form). Users’ profiles - and by implication their diverse information needs (based on your knowledge of your users) Learning perspective - Your perspectives on what constitutes effective learning and how your view/experience of learning affects your role as facilitator of information literacy (based on the answer given in the online survey). FILE #: C2 3 May (wk11) wk7 individual presentations wk4 - group presentations 28 March (wk8) C5 C4 FILE 2 14 Feb (wk2) Brief: Your team has been asked to produce an IL profile of a user group of your choice. You will be required to explain your findings on this type of users in a group-based presentation (15 minutes per group). In addition you will write an individual evaluation of 300 words max. Use the criteria listed below to assess the performance of your group presentation and to arrive at a group-peer-based mark (on a scale of 1-10). You should also use the headings listed here in bold to structure your written individual evaluation. (NB While some overlap of content is assumed in the submission of this component by the members of the same team, you are expected to make this component unique through your own writing style). Content Extent of knowledge of the audience explored Appropriateness of the support proposed Group dynamics Time keeping and allocation of time within the group Cohesiveness in the delivery of the presentation Presentation Effectiveness of communication Eye contact and rapport with the local audience Voice projection Pacing of delivery Effective use of slides Clear design 23 May (wk14) Component 2: Individual written evaluation (300 words max).The PowerPoint presentation in handout format (each member of the group will need to include this as an Appendix of Component 2). The group-based presentation will explore the following features to arrive at a profile of the targeted user group (these are to be used as headings for the presentation slides): General information needs of the users Strategies to assess and support the IL profile of this group (correlate these with the IL frames supporting these strategies) Overall ICT competences. 7 March (wk5) Activities Portfolio' Schedule C1 wk10 IL sessions C3

File format

Transcript: File format Format Encapsulated proscript format EPS (short for Encapsulated PostScript) is a vector format designed for printing to PostScript printers and imagesetters. It is considered the best choice of graphics format for high resolution printing of illustrations. EPS files are created and edited in illustration programs such as Adobe Illustrator or CorelDRAW. EPS Executable format An .exe is a very common file type. The .exe file extension is short for “executable.” These files are most commonly used on Windows® computers to install or run software applications EXE Microsoft word format Binary DOC files often contain more text formatting information (as well as scripts and undo information) than some other document file formats like Rich Text Format and Hypertext Markup Language, but are usually less widely compatible. The DOC files created with Microsoft Word versions differ. Microsoft Word versions before Word 97 ("8.0") used a different format from the OLE/CFBF-based Microsoft Word 97 – 2003. In Microsoft Word 2007 and later, the binary file format was replaced as the default format by the Office Open XML format, though Microsoft Word can still produce DOC files. DOC Audio File Format The Au file format is a simple audio file format introduced by Sun Microsystems. The format was common on NeXT systems and on early Web pages. Originally it was headerless, being simply 8-bit μ-law-encoded data at an 8000 Hz sample rate. Hardware from other vendors often used sample rates as high as 8192 Hz, often integer multiples of video clock signal frequencies. Newer files have a header that consists of six unsigned 32-bit words, an optional information chunk and then the data (in big endian format). AU Joint Photographic Group Format JPG - (or JPEG) stands for Joint Photographic Group and is a raster format often used for photographs on the web. JPEG files are web friendly because the files are typically smaller. ... If using JPEG files for print, it's important to pay attention to the resolution and file size for the file to print well. JPG Hypertext Markup Language Format HTM or HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language. It's a file format used for containing HTML language which constructs a web page. ... HTM contains formatted text, images, and other elements in a way that can be translated with web browsers. HTM Data interchange format Data Interchange Format (.dif) is a text file format used to import/export single spreadsheets between spreadsheet programs ( Calc, Excel, Gnumeric, StarCalc, Lotus 1-2-3, FileMaker, dBase, Framework, Multiplan, etc.). One limitation is that DIF format cannot handle multiple spreadsheets in a single workbook. Due to the similarity in abbreviation and in age (both date to the early 1980s), the DIF spreadsheet format it is often confused with Navy DIF; Navy DIF, however, is an unrelated "document interchange format" for word processors. DIF Hierarchical File System format Mac OS Extended, also known as HFS+ (Hierarchical File System plus), was the main file system used for Mac system storage from 1998 until APFS launched in 2017. ... External drives formatted to HFS+ will play nicely with old and modern versions of Apple's operating system. hfs Data base format MDB is a file database format invented by Microsoft many years ago for use in Microsoft's Access database application, the database part of Microsoft's Office product line. Manifold can read and write to . mdb files. Manifold uses Microsoft facilities to work with Microsoft MDB

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