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Passover Presentation Background

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Transcript: The 'Angel of death' passed over all the houses and struck down all the firstborn sons of Egyptians. THE PEOPLE THAT WERE INVOLVED IN THE FIRST PASSOVER WERE: God Moses and Aaron What led to the first passover? The Egyptian Pharaoh kept the Israelites captives and used them as slaves and whatever other purpose. Moses asked the Pharaoh to release them but he refused to release them. So, God sent them what is known as the 'ten plagues'. They are: 1. The water of the Nile turned to blood 2. The land was invaded by frogs 3. The land was invaded by mosquitoes 4. The land was invaded by horseflies 5. All livestock died 6. People were afflicted by boils 8. Locusts stripped the land and trees bare 9. Darkness covered the land for three days The 10th punishment would be sent if the Israelites weren't set free. Which was that the eldest son of each Egyptian family and livestock would die. The Passover is celebrated today by eating food and drinks that relates to what happened those days. Pics- Passover Food How is the passover celebrated today? Pics- First Passover The food that are eaten are: Bitter herbs- represents tears for the suffering of the slaves (Israelites) Egg- represents spring, new life and hope Charoset- represents the mortar of the buildings on which the Jews were forced to work in Egypt Wine- represents joy because they are free Lamb bone- represents the blood of the lamb that they had to put on their doors for the 'Angel of Death' to pass over and see Parsley (dipped in salty water)- represents the time when God parted the water of the Red Sea so that the Jews could flee from Egypt Matzah- represents the time when Jesus fled from Egypt and they didn't have time to bake properly At the last supper, Jesus celebrated Passover because he was a Jew. The thing that Jesus did at the Last Supper that is so important to Christians was that he added the bread and wine. Today, we celebrate Eucharist by going to church and having the bread and wine. The Israelites and everyone living in Egypt The Egyptians, the Pharaoh of Egypt Jesus, the Passover and the Eucharist


Transcript: CRAFT'S FOODS 1. Marar-symbolizes the harshness the Hebrew slaves had in Egypt. 2Chazeret-also symbolizes the bitterness the Hebrew slaves felt. THE STORY OF EXODUS Crafts are a very important part of the Passover festivities. They make cedar plates, kiddush cups, parchments and other crafts. They make crafts for all ages. Even the adults like to do the crafts. Seder plate Moses was the first born child. He was supposed to be killed by the Egyptians but his mom put him in the river in a basket to save his life. Pharoah's daughter found him and he grew up as Pharoah's adopted son. Moses realized he was a Hebrew when he was 40 and moved back with his people. When he was 80 years old God spoke to him through a burning bush. He helpled set his people free from Pharoah. He carried them across the red sea and they were finally free. photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli LAWS TRADITIONS Chukim are laws that go with Parah Adumah. They are decrees without logic. Mishpatim are laws that are logical and sensible. Like Thou shall not steal. 3. Charoset- stand for mortar the Hebrew slaves used to build pyramids. 4.Karpas represents the pain felt by Hebrew slaves. 5.Zeroaht-the meat symbolizes the Lamb that was offered in the Temple. 6.Beitzah-the egg symbolizes the festival sacrifice in the Temple. 1 tsp. all purpose flour 1 cup all purpose flour 1/3 c. water 1/2 tsp. kosher salt 1 tsp. olive oil 1. sedar plate PASSOVER Kiddush cups Recipe for Motza The first two days of Passover is a huge feast called the Seder. It is the most important tradition of Passover. Another important tradition is the story to the four sons. They mean wise, wicked, simple and young. These sons represent the four types of Jews and thier attitude towards their religion. WORKS CITED

Passover Presentation

Transcript: Pesach or Passover in English is a feast eaten in a particular order celebrating the exodus of Egypt There's one thing missing: Salt water - which represent the tears of the Israelites, shed during their hard slave labor Matzah: The traditional unleavened bread eaten for the 8 days of passover. It is this way as in the hurry to leave Egypt the Israelites didn't have time to let their bread rise. What is it? During the seder we drink 4 glasses of wine. Wine is a symbol of freedom, so it is fitting that we drink it at this meal. This reasoning can be seen in many places but the one that is most traditional is known that each glass is 1) "I shall take you out..." (of Egypt) 2) "I shall rescue you..." (from Slavery) 3) "I shall redeem you..." (from evil) 4) "I shall bring you..." (to the land of freedom) However, in years past we drink grape juice, as it still constitutes the fruit of the vine without the legal issues that the university would have to deal with. This book contains the order of the service, it's called a Haggadah. It's only used once a year for the sole purpose of conducting this meal. It tells of the story of passover throughout. To make things more inclusive, the service is vastly conducted in English, we give everyone present a chance to participate by reading a paragraph or two going around the table. Supporting the Jewish Community within our campus and nearby community by providing this traditional meal on campus for $1,150 Shank Bone: Symbol of the offering given to make sure that the jewish houses were passed over by the 10th plague. What can SGA do? Karpas or Bitter Herbs: Karpas backwards in Hebrew means slavery, this is to remind us of our slavery and that we don't want to go back there, this is dipped in the salt water. Egg: The symbol of life what we are most grateful for at this season. Which is what this festival celebrates, and therefor this represents it. Charoset: Traditionally made of apples and nuts this paste is meant to represent the mortar that was used to build for the Egyptians during the slavery Marror or Horseradish: This represents the lesson of mercy we learned, when freed. This is something we must not forget and therefor are reminded yearly. The Passover Seder


Transcript: Passover got its name from when the Angel of Death passed over Egypt and when the Hebrews passed from slaves to freedom. The story began when the number of Hebrews grew greatly in Egypt. The pharoh decided to enslave them, because he was afraid that they would one day rebel against him. When they continued to have children, the pharoh said that all newborn males were to be killed. This is when Moses was born. Matzo: This is a flat, unleavened bread that the Hebrews made during their flight from Egypt. They could not allow the bread to rise, so it was made flat. Since this was the bread that their anscestors ate, this is what the Jews eat instead of leavened bread at Passover. Maror-Bitter Herbs: This represents the bitterness of slavery. It is usually dipped in something to reduce sharpness of the herb. Karpas: (A vegetable dipped in salt water) It symbolizes the tears shed during slavery. The dipping of the vegetable goes back to when the hyssop branch was dipped in lamb's blood to spread the blood across the doorpost. Chazeret: a bitter vegetable. In some communities this is not a requirement to the Seder. Charoset: Apples, nuts, spices, and wine mixed together. This represents the mortar that the Hebrews used to build Egyptian structures. In some communities, sand is also mixed in so as to improve the symbolizam in the dish. Beitzah: A roasted egg that represents the sacrifice made. It is also a symbol of mourning and spring. A brown egg is often used. The Seder is eaten on the first two nights of Passover. God sent the ten plagues so that the pharoh would release the Hebrews from slavery. The Story Begins: slides in the h and a How the date of Passover is calculated What the meal contains: The Story of Moses The Ten Plagues: 1. All of the water in Egypt would be turned to blood. 2. Millions of frogs were released in Egypt. 3. Gnats and lice plagued the Egyptian people. 4. Wild animals roamed through Egypt to create chaos. 5. A disease swept through the Egyptian Livestock. 6. Egyptians were infected with boils over their bodies. 7. Hail destroyed the Egyptian crops. 8. Locusts came through Egypt to eat the remaining crops. 9. Egypt was darkened for three days. 10. The Angel of Death passed over Egypt killing the firstborn in every household, except for those which had lamb's blood brushed on the door posts. Passover is calculated by using the lunar calendar. All Jewish months begin on a new moon. The month of Nisan is the month that Spring begins. Fourteen days later in the Nisan month is the full moon. This is a special full moon, it is called the "Pascal Fulll Moon" because this is the day that Passover begins. When God sent the Angel of Death, he told the Hebrews to put lamb's blood on their doorposts so that the Angel would pass them over and they would not be harmed. The Passover meal, or Seder, is very important to the celebration. Each food that the meal contains symbolizes something that the Hebrews endured during their slavery in Egypt. After the tenth plague, the Pharoh finally agreed to release the Hebrew from slavery. As soon as he said that the Hebrews were on the move, but when the Pharoh saw them leaving he changed his mind and sent his soldiers out to bring them back. To get away from them, Moses parted the Red Sea and the Hebrew crossed. When the soldiers started to follow them across, the waves smashed down upon them. A Passover Meal Zeroa (Shankbone): Represents the Paschal Lamb. Beets are used to show the blood of the lamb, used to put on the doorposts. To protect Moses from being killed by the Egyptians, his mother sent him down the river in a basket, hoping someone would find him. The daughter of the Pharoh happend to be by the river and here the crying basket, when she looked into the basket, Moses was lying there, and seeing no mother, the daughter took him as her own child. Moses was then raised as the Prince of Egypt. One day when Moses was walking by he saw an Egyptian guard beating a Hebrew. Moses was so outraged that he ended up killing the guard. Afraid of his consequence, Moses ran from Egypt into the desert. While there, God spoke to him and told Moses that he was the chosen one to release his people, the Hebrews. This year Passover begins on April 18, 2011 and goes on for eight days. Passover is celebrated by the Jews world wide to commemorate all of the events in Egypt. They fast, and have the Seder. Passover: A Jewish Holiday

Passover presentation

Transcript: By: Emily, Julian, Alize, Sean, Carlos Passover Passover WHEN IS PASSOVER CELEBRATED? WHEN IS PASSOVER CELEBRATED? Starts on the 15th day Nissan in the Hebrew calender lasts for 7 or 8 days usually in the month of April WHAT IS CELEBRATED IN PASSOVER? WHAT IS CELEBRATED IN PASSOVER? Celebration of a Spring of Birth and Rebirth Recognizes the journey from the freedom from slavery from the clutches of the Pharoh in ancient Egypt. Acknowledges the 10 devastating plagues that were meant to punish the Pharoh of Egypt Last two days remembers the crossing of the Red sea HOW IS PASSOVER CELEBRATED? Traditional Jews do not work on the first two or the last two days of the seven-day period Outside of Israel, Jews celebrate a second seder on the second night of Passover Begins with the 15 step Seder ritual observed on the first two night of the holiday. HOW IS PASSOVER CELEBRATED? SEDER RITUAL SEDER RITUAL A feast that includes reading, drinking wine, telling stories, eating special foods and singing held after nightfall on the first night of Passover and the second night if you live outside of Israel 4 cups of wine Veggies dipped in salt water Flat, dry cracker- like bread called matzah bitter herbs, often horseradish and ramaine lettuce, dipped in charoset ( a paste of nuts, apples, pears, and wine) a festive meal that may contain time honored favorites, like chicken suoup and gefilite fish DURING THE RITUAL YOU WILL HAVE: DURING THE RITUAL YOU WILL HAVE: Ceremonial foods that are aranged on a platter, called Ka'arah or seder plate A special book called a Haggadah WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THIS CEREMONY WHAT IS NEEDED FOR THIS CEREMONY 15 STEPS OF THE SEDER RITUAL 15 STEPS OF THE SEDER RITUAL Kadesh (sanctification of the day) Urchatz (handwashing with no blessing) Karpas (eating the green vegetable) Yachatz (breaking the matzah) Maggid (telling the story) Rachtzah (handwashing with a blessing) Motzi (blessing before eating matzah Matzah (eating the matzah) Maror (eating the bitter herb) Korech (Hillel’s sandwich) Shulchan Orech (eating the meal) Tzafun (eating the afikomen) Barech (blessing after eating) Hallel (songs of praise) Nirtzah (conclusion) EXODUS 12:1-14 SCRIPTUAL REFERENCE SCRIPTUAL REFERENCE THE PASSOVER STORY FOR SEDER THE PASSOVER STORY FOR SEDER


Transcript: PASSOVER (cc) photo by Franco Folini on Flickr Matzah Rap... celebrates the ancestors who escaped slavery in Egypt. (the dough didnt have time to rise) Seder flat, unleavened bread made of flour and water the larger piece of the 2 pieces of broken matzah, usually placed into a napkin and put aside Kaddesh Urechatz Karpas Yachatz Maggid Rachtza In English please... 15 Parts.... Means dessert Matzah is broken into 3 pieces; middle piece is broken into 2 more pieces. Afikomen Blessing for the Matzah Everyone eats the Matzah Bitter Herbs Hillel Sandwich Dinner Afikomen Blessing Songs of Praise Conclusion service held on the first night (sometimes the second night) of Passover Motzi Matzah Maror Korech Shulchan Orech Tzafun Barech Hallel Nirtzah Afikomen is apart of the breaking of matzah. Families use a book called a "Hagaddah" or "the telling", which contains all the instructions and the Passover story. Let my People go... Matzah time! (cc) photo by Metro Centric on Flickr Passover refers to the final plague n Egypt. God sent Moses to free his people from slavery. The pharaoh was uncompromising and did not heed Moses threat to send plagues. the pharaoh first realized that Moses was not kidding when the Passover happened. God had "passed-over" all the jewish homes, slaying the first born. Pharaoh's child was killed in this process and he let the Israelites go. Means "order" one of the most observed holidays in Jewish tradition Hewbrew name "Pesach" Commemorates the Israelites departure from ancient Egypt Exodus, Deutoronomy, Numbers plus other writings in the Hewbrew Bible Overview... Santification handwashin Green Vegetables Breaking the Matzah Telling the Passover Story Second Handwashing

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