Party Planning
Transcript: Hello our names are Kultej,Sandeep ,Krisha and Komal. Party planning takes alot of hard work, thats why we are here to show you how to plan a party. tea $3.26 3 $9.75 $0.12 $9.87 We wanted to know what type of music guest would prefer. Survey When is it going to be? Entertainment Cups $1.25/50 1 $1.25/50 $0.16 $1.41 Invation $5.00 1 $5.00 $0.38 $5.38 Dec 20th 2015, 12:00pm- Food is one of the main essentils in a tea party, without food guest would starve, we needed to find food that would be enough for 45 people and would fit in our budget of $120. this is what we came up with: How we found our presentage you ask? We found our persentage was by counting the tallys and multipling them by two, then adding all the answers we mutiplied. Lemonade $9.44 2 $ 18.88 $1.45 $20.33 Survey Thank you for listening and looking at our presentation, and we hope you learned new stratigies for planning a party. 49 Castle Oaks Crossing ------ ITEM COST 905- 298-1123 llll llll lll Date, Time, Location... coconut macorons $2.97 2 $5.94 $0.18 $ 6.12 Clown $25.00 1 $25 $3.25 $28.25 (Mrs. Williams) Get enough invitions and start filling it up, like so... By: Komal, Krisha, Sandeep, Kultej (after taxes) Conclusion Our Findings Party Planning Persentage This recount is about our experience planning a party there are 3 reasons that made our experience an experience of a life time. The first reason is trying to find the presentage of the survey question, that was amazing beacause it was a whole other side of math we have never seen before. Another thing that made our experience awesome was working with people we have never worked with, we liked seeing each others different point of veiws. Last reason is doing the prezi becuase since krisha is an expert at making a prezi we got to know how to make a prezi more interesting. drinks: lemonade: 74% green tea:0% chai:26% music: pop: 78% jingles:4% jazz:2% folk:2% funk:4% hip-hop:2% traditional:6% rap:2% llll lllll llll llll llll llll llll ll In order to know what guest like we put a survey together. Food Persentages TAX TOTAL Thank you! we needed to keep our guest entertained. Who wants to go to a party, if theres nothing to do? That's why parties need entertainment, entertainment can be big and wild games to the smallest bit of music. We found entertainment that should leave guest happy. When you're planning a party, you might wonder; where are we going to have the party? or when are we going to have the party? Plan a party that will suit you and your guest, keep in mind how many people your having. We are having 45 people over, so we decided to have the party at our place, 12:oopm to , on Decenber 20th. Once you've made it official, move on to... Guest List INTRO chai cucumber $1.27 2 $2.54 $ 0. 25 $2.81 papertowels $9.93 1 $9.93 $0.40 $10.33 green tea Our Persentages Recount lets reveiw our expeience planning a party TOTAL QUAN- TITY Apple $4.00 5 $20.00 $2.60 $22.60 (After Tax) rap l hip-hop l funk ll pop 39 folk l traditional lll make sure you have a guest list 1) Kuldip 2) Ashwini 3) Priti 4) Mrs. Williams 5) Prishi 6) Ashka 7)Jason 8)Ashley 9)Teetee 10)Krish 11)Payal 12)Mandeep 13)Nigel 14)Sarablot 15)Girkarat 16)Isha 17)Ashley 18)Gaurav 19)Nikhil 20)Shomi 21)Praveen 22)Jaziba 23)Varsha 24)Tashayla 25)Dipik 26)Baj 27)Aaron 28)jay 29)bob 30)Kapish 31)Nanu 32)Dhruvi 33)kipil 34)Jagruti 35)janvi 36)Divanshi 37)Anglee 38)Pardeep 39)baljinder 40)bhavin 41)parth 42)smruti 43)parbjot paper plates $2.00 2 $ 4.00 $ 0.20 $ 4.20 ITEM COST QUAN- TOTAL TAXES TOTAL TITY jingles ll jazz l Invitatons. lemenade