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Northwestern Mutual Presentation

Transcript: By: Chinaza Maryanne Ejiofor Grant Barring Yusef Hood Arianna Bell Johnny Wyche William Foster Larry Feazell Nick Jones Founder: John Johnston in Jamesville, Wisconsin, in 1857. Northwestern Mutual is a mutual company with no shareholders primarily focused on customers As a Limited Liability Corporation, Northwestern Mutual Insurance Services is top in their industry •Set-backs: Civil War , the Panic of 1873. The Great Depression: one of the few companies to maintain its full work force. The first business in the country to own a large-scale IBM. Expand the insurance market More student friendly Northwestern Mutual utilizes various method and strategy for staying strong in the market. Their strategies include covert advertising, social media, promotional videos, and word of mouth from satisfied clients to potential clients. OPERATIONS OF BUSINESS: Northwestern Mutual conducts business through its financial representatives. Each financial rep acts his/her own business tailoring their services to their clients Life insurance, long-term care insurance, disability insurance, etc... TAKE CARE STUDENT BUNDLE: · Increase Diversity in Socio-Economic levels and personnel Revenue Generated in Industry: Around 350 Offices around the country COMMERCIAL: 1857 TARGET MARKET: TV CHANNELS: CURRENT EVENT: Products/ services of Northwestern include: OBJECTIVE: · New Inclusions in order to increase business and clients · Create new marketing strategies in order to capture nation-wide audience Upper and Middle class families 1930 Nyota Electronic Life Insurance Card FUTURE GROWTH High school seniors up through college level students IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: 1957 Types of Marketing: •October 8, 2012, NY Times announced Northwestern Mutual won the InfoWorld Enterprise Architecture Award •Awarded for company’s blend of business and technology strategies •Northwestern focuses on long-term value of technology •Still reinventing image after more than 150 years of business HISTORY: Parents of this specific age group PRODUCT: INDUSTRY: Financial services relate to economic services provided by the finance industry Ability to pick and choose coverages that include technology, book, health, and homework According to Northwestern Mutual Balance sheet, from 2011-2012, the company had a 7% increase in total asset ( $189,686 million to $202,450 million) According to the Income statement, The company increased 4% ( $23,595 million to $24,621 million) 116 on the fortune 500 Leading the market since 2000 Recently purchased UsOne inc. Improve brokerage and investment & management consultancy divisions. Makes insurance and investment a personal experience. In 2011 96% of shareholders stayed with the company. TNT, MTV, TBS, FOX News, NBC, CNBC, CNN During the 1930s, as millions were forced out of work by the Great Depression, Northwestern Mutual was one of the few companies to maintain its full work force. While the company always held steadfast to its original principles, in 1957 the company entered the computer age, as the first business in the country to own a large-scale IBM. COMPANY OVERVIEW : 1873 Ages: 16-22 •Like many great enterprises, Northwestern Mutual’s start is humble. Transplanted New Yorker John Johnston founded a life insurance company in then- Janesville, Wisconsin, in 1857. •However, early progress was hampered by the financial panic of 1859, the US Civil War and the Panic of 1873. MARKET STRATEGY

Northwestern Mutual Presentation

Transcript: Find the product that I enjoy selling the most and spend a majority of my career loving what I do. Never settle for good enough but always striving to learn more and improve. Financial Goals Why Northwestern's Internship Since I have been a Georgia resident my whole life I have a large network of friends and parents that will make up part of my target market. A majority of my family lives in the metro area whom I can provide financial advice to as well as benefitial plans to each of their situations. In 5 Years I want to... In five years I would like to... Have a sales position with a company I trust, selling a product or service I believe in. Be well on my way in developing a client base. Be making enough money to support my family. Personal Goals Employment History Since becoming successful professionally is a personal goal of mine, growing professionally means growing personally. Personally I will learn what it takes to be successful in this business. This would be the first job that will give me significant experience and knowledge that I will be able to use in my career. Have a loving family to come to everyday. Have vacation home either in the mountains or near the beach. Have enough time to spend with my family. Have a strong relationship God. Friends and Family Provide for my family as much as my parents have for me if not more. Help fund my childrens' college tuitions. Be able to retire at a suitable age in a place in the mountains or at the beach. Disaster relief Homeless shelters Soup kitchens Habitat for Humanity Special needs camps Be married. Have a house. Possibly have started a family. Be working towards my Masters Degree. Be continuing to maintain a strong relationship with God College and Hockey I have been attending the same church since the age of six and have a congregation full of potential clients. I also have friends from my youth group that no longer attend the church but I still maintain friendships with. In 5 Years I want to... Graduated from Brookwood High School in 2008 I want to have life insurance policies for my wife and I. Start putting money away for my child/children's college tuition. Background I have played roller hockey since the age of eight. I have played for my middle school, high school, and now my university. Overall I would like to... Professional Goals My Networks Professional Goals No other internship has fit my needs so perfectly Certification Training Mandatory mentoring Required joint work Building a client base Providing an extremely benefitial service in the most important ways Involved experience in the sales world Northwestern's intership program has proven itself far superior to others in the same industry Financial Goals Why Northwestern? Overall I would like to... How I can Grow Personally I have been consistently employed since the age of 15 with a few exceptions. An internship with Northwestern will be a tremendous first step into the world of sales. Northwestern can provide me with experience in creating a client base, scheduling appointments, the sales process, and maintaining a professional, but personal, relationship with clients. With the mentoring aspect of the internship I will be able to see first hand what it takes to be successful in this business. How I can Grow Professionally Church Life An Internship with Good Shepherd Presbetyrian Curch The Future A Little Bit About Me Personal Goals REFERRALS! Overall I would like to... Lifeguard for Positively Pools Cashier at Wendy's Technician at Valvoline Instant Oil Change Caterer for Sudexo Delivery man for Kennesaw Drywall & Supply Barista at Starbucks Long Beach, MS Nashville, TN West Virginia Jacksonville, FL Juarez, Mexico In the past three and a half years at college I have met countless friends who I could market to. The Kennesaw State Roller Hockey Team consists of friends that I have made since I have attended the university and would love to provide any service I can to benefit them and/or their families Born and raised in Georgia I am an active member at Good Shepherd Presbyterian Church

Northwestern Presentation

Transcript: Benjamin, Susan F. Perfect Phrases for Dealing with Difficult People: Hundreds of Ready-to-Use Phrases for Handling Conflict, Confrontations, and Challenging Personalities. New York: McGraw, 2008. Print. "Evanston, Illinois." City Data. Onboard Informatics, n.d. Web. 15 Apr. 2014. <>. Gopin, Marc. Healing the Heart of Conflict: 8 Crucial Steps to Making Peace with Yourself and Others. Emmaus: Rodale, 2004. Print. Horn, Sam. Tongue Fu! at School: 30 Ways to Get Along Better with Teachers, Principals, Students, and Parents. Lanham: Taylor Trade, 2004. Print. Kheel, Theodore W. The Keys to Conflict Resolution: Proven Methods of Settling Disputes Voluntarily. New York: Four Walls Eight Windows, 1999. Print. Lieberman, David J. Make Peace with Anyone: Breakthrough Strategies to Quickly End Any Conflict, Feud, or Estrangement. New York: St. Martin’s, 2002. Print. McGrath, Helen, and Hazel Edwards. Difficult Personalities: A Practical Guide to Managing the Hurtful Behavior of Others (and Maybe Your Own). New York: Experiment, 2010. Print. Potter, Beverly A. From Conflict to Cooperation: How to Mediate a Dispute. Berkely: Ronin, 1996. Print. Raffel, Lee. I Hate Conflict!: Seven Steps to Resolving Differences with Anyone in Your Life. New York: McGraw, 2008. Print. Rosenberg, Marshall B. Speak Peace in a World of Conflict: What You Say Next Will Change Your World. Encinitas: PuddleDancer, 2005. Print. Scott, Vivian. Conflict Resolution at Work for Dummies. Hoboken: Wiley, 2010. Print. Ury, William L., ed. Must We Fight?: From the Battlefield to the Schoolyard - A New Perspective on Violent Conflict and Its Prevention. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 2002. Print. Whatling, Tony. Mediation Skills and Strategies: A Practical Guide. London: Jessica Kingsley, 2012. Print. Bob and Jenny sit next to each other in sixth grade English class. The class took a spelling test recently. During the test, Bob saw Jenny lean over to look at his paper . Afterwords, Bob talked to their teacher, saying he believed Jenny was cheating. When confronted by the teacher, Jenny insisted she didn't cheat. Wanted to make restorative justice program more accessible to Evanston Youth Found conflict mediation- successful way to combat violence, foster healthy habits Create a guidebook, describing how to apply conflict mediation to school environments Conflict Mediation Conflict Mediation and Community Youth Outreach Future Goals I-Statements “When you (action), I feel (emotion), because (why), so what I would like is (this future action)." Keys to Conflict Mediation Session Non-biased, empathetic mediator Conflicting parties MUST consent Many conflicts related to larger initial bias or disagreement* Session follows basic process/script Introduction Description of Events Exploration* Negotiating a Solution Agreement Example Conflict: Middle School Setting Works Cited Eliminate "punishment," use mediation or other forms of restorative justice Help victims of larger crimes recover, move on by facing issue head on Make a more aware, more communal Evanston Leave tangible product behind to positively affect youth in Evanston Internship at Youth Organizations Umbrella, Inc. (Y.O.U.) Y.O.U. Provides After-school enrichment programs Parental engagement Mentorship programing Clinical counseling Special initiatives (community service, violence prevention) Mentor at Chute Middle School after-school program Office aid/grant researcher at Y.O.U. headquarters Community Youth Outreach Applying Mediation Principles to Everyday Life

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