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Middle East Powerpoint Template

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Middle East

Transcript: Before we ask ourselves when we should leave Iraq, I think we need to first ask ourselves why we went into Iraq in the first place. ...clearly that won't happen. They are responsible for themselves and their own peace. We can only provide help and moral support. What Began when? Hinduism Religion across the world Americans... Use.... 20.... MILLION Barrels of oil.... A DAY That's at least a fourth of the WORLD'S supply!! How can we help?! Reduce our amount of oil consumption! It's that simple! "This country will not be a good place for any of us to livei in unless we make it a good place for all of us to live in." - Theodore Roosebelt, 26th President of the United States Israel Crisis Others say it is because we want to help the conditions of the Iraq community. Religions let you express yourself.... Or, are we even helping the situation? Is this worth our money? We want to reduce Iraq's weapons of mass distruction Solar Powered Cars... Can the United States help? Why are we there? This would provide Israel with security Who Should get the land? I don't think anyone will really understand or know when we can pull all of our troops out from the Middle East. The Jews, Shiites, Sunnis could make a huge difference in this issue. They could all be huge role models if they came to a resolution to their problems. To end support on terrorism The United State... The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power. But, I believe that: We need to pull our troops out gradually because if we don't, complete chaos will abrupt. Just because we leave the country does not mean that we can't help them from our homeland. Staying "friends" with them may benefit us by providing oil for us. OIL As our nation grows in technology we need to rapidly use that technology to come up with plan B. Oil is not something that can last forever and we need to come up with other ways we will get through each day without oil. An example... Where is the debate now? Iraq-American Conflicts Arabs want to spread out and create one culture and belief, but the Jews see Jerusalem as their homeland and that they should have the right to live there. As oil runs out the Middle East needs to come to the conclusion that they need to find something else that may help their economy. Some say that the Palestinians should get what is called the Gaza strip and the West Bank So, when do we get to leave? One of the main reasons some say we are in Iraq is just to make sure we have the oil that we need. There are ten different ways on this website of a solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. Other Solutions What progress has been made? Or, what is our purpose in Iraq? Peace is hard to find in the Middle East sometimes because there are so many different cultures, religions, and views on life. The Middle East Are they going to come to an agreement? Religion is important to express your opinion on life and why you are on this world. All though we all have different opinions on who are god is and what is right and wrong, we need to come together to create a better world. The closer we are as friends, the better the World is going to turn out to be. Religion Christianity is growing in the Middle East, but isn't necesarrily the most common. Details of belief as taught or discussed. Water is very scarce, so who will get the land near the water? The Kurds, Sunnis, and Shiites should all remain separate groups and land areas as goes. The two-state solution involves the dividing of the land between the two groups of people. Peace The Middle East and their issues Oil is a huge help to keep their lives going. Without it, they may end up in deeper poverty. Crisis between Israelis and Palestinians Began in the early 20th century The issue is the land and who gets what Still occuring today US troops were due to leave the country by the end of 2011..... Pros and Cons are listed for each solution Is this worth the risk? I think this is a good idea, but they need to know that they all exist and that it is okay to help each other out and provide things for one another A Solution!? Main Concerns

Middle East Culture PowerPoint

Transcript: The Middle East Culture A journey through data Omari Lott Arab Dozens of rivers are found in the Middle East (Asia). Most are small, so here we highlight the four major ones, and offer a brief description. Amu Darya: This river flows from a high plateau in the Pamir Mountains of central Asia, across southern Tajikistan, forming its border with Afghanistan, then northwest, forming parts of the borders between Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan and on into the Aral Sea. It's (1,578 miles) (2,539 km) in length. In ancient times the Amu Darya was called the Oxus. It was part of Persia, and played a significant role in the military campaigns of Alexander the Great. Euphrates: From the Caucasus Mtns of Armenia, it flows southwesterly across east-central Turkey, then generally southeast through Syria and Iraq, ending in the waters of the Persian Gulf. It joins with the Tigris in southern Iraq, and from that junction continues on as the Shatt al Arab. Overall it's (2,235 miles) (3,596 km) in length, and is certainly the longest river in the Middle East. Historically important in ancient history, the once great city of Babylon stood on its banks. Indus: It begins in the high mountains of Tibet (southwestern China), flowing northwest through the Jammu & Kashmir region of India and Pakistan, then generally south through Pakistan, ending in the Arabian Sea. The Indus, through a series of dams and canals, provides much of the irrigation and power for central Pakistan. It's (1,800 miles) (2,896 km) in length. Tigris: Rising in the mountains of southern Turkey, the Tigris flows southeast through Iraq, where in the southern part of that country it merges with the Euphrates to become the Shatt al Arab, which then flows to the Persian Gulf. The river has numerous small tributaries running from its eastern bank, and is (1,180 miles) (1,899 km) in length. Jordan faces challenges at the international, regional and domestic levels. There is a significant shift under way in the conduct of international politics, where international relations are increasingly based entirely on economic interest. A country like Jordan, totally dependent on its allies, needs to revise its position and approach based on these changes as the underlying value of its perceived political alliances have changed completely. There is limited leverage to be gained from political advantage, as such Jordan needs to innovate and create new opportunities from new alliances based on economic pragmatism. Struggles Persians "Jordan's strategic support is Israel,” said David Hacham, an Arab affairs expert at the Israeli Defense Ministry. "We are the factor that enables the survival of the regime in Jordan.” Jordan's relationship with Israel provides the Hashemite kingdom with the Western security blanket it needs to keep its economy strong and fend off enemies both foreign and domesticFor its part, Israel benefits from close security cooperation and intelligence sharing with Jordan. In April, for example, Jordanian officials arrested a domestic Hamas cell and seized a cache of missiles, explosives and other weapons they said was smuggled into the kingdom.In addition, Jordan's peace with Israel gives the Jewish state the benefit of not having to worry about attacks along its longest border, a span of more than 200 miles. Jordan also represents a buffer against invasion of Israel by hostile armies to the east, such as those of Iraq, Iran or the Persian Gulf states. Competitive Competitors Jordan needs a complete rethink and revision of its vision for the future and state a clear agenda with policies that will achieve those goals, across domestic and foreign policy. This needs a new approach to how policies and positions are formed, especially foreign policy as the regional and international landscape is shifting. If Jordan does not reposition and build new alliances based on mutual economic interest in order to drive domestic economic growth and development, then it will be left behind and the people will suffer. Conclusion Kurds

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