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Mental Illness Presentation Template

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Mental Illness presentation

Transcript: Claustrophobia Jose Rodriguez 06/16/2022 Definition Claustrophobia is the irrational fear of confined spaces. Definition photos Symptoms and Diagnosis Symptoms Some symptoms for Claustrophobia include sweating trembling hot flushes or chills shortness of breath or difficulty breathing a choking sensation a rapid heartbeat (tachycardia) chest pain or a feeling of tightness in the chest Subtopic 2 Photos Famous People with claustrophobia Woody Allen Uma Thurman Ryan Reynolds Justin Bieber Jessi J Famous People Subtopic 3 Subtopic 3 Topic 4 Exposure therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy are the two main treatments for claustrophobia. Treatment Cognitive Behavioral Therapy This type of psychotherapy (talk therapy) focuses on managing your phobia by changing the way you think, feel and behave. During CBT, you’ll: Discuss your symptoms and describe how you feel. Explore your phobia more deeply to gain an understanding of how to respond. Learn how to recognize, reevaluate and change your thinking. Use problem-solving skills to learn how to cope. Face your phobia instead of avoiding it. Learn how to keep your mind and body calm. Cognitive behavioral therapy Exposure therapy Exposure therapy Exposure therapy may involve: Facing your feared phobia directly, in real-time. Recalling and describing your feared experience. Looking at pictures or using virtual reality to get close to the real feared experience yet be in a safe environment. Exposure therapy can be paced in several ways. Therapy also includes relaxation and breathing exercises. Your psychologist will develop a unique plan for you, based on the severity of your symptoms. Accommodations With claustrophobia, accommodation solutions are going to vary by person and job. First and foremost, we want to know what the person thinks would be helpful. Community Resources In Bakersfield you can call Psychiatric Wellness Center Aspire Behavioral Health Bakersfield Behavioral Healthcare Hospital National Alliance on Mental Illness Community Resources BIBLIOGRAPHY SOURCES

Mental Illness presentation

Transcript: Schizophrenia By: Hannah S. ,Natalie R. Overview Schizophrenia is a mental disorder which causes delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, speech and behavior. If you notice any signs or symtpoms in you or someone else urgent medical attention is usually recommeded. In-depth Description In-depth descripion Schizophernia is a mental health disorder that affects everything from how you think to how you feel and behave.There are 2 kinds of schizopherina symptoms, negative and positive and these can very greatly from person to person. Positive symptoms are that you have disorganized thinking speech and behavior, hallucinations like hearing, seeing, feeling, or smelling things that others do not experience and delusions like believeng you have speacial powers or thinking that people are out to get you. Negative symptoms are lack of emotion and avioding family and friends, lost of intrest in or ability to do daily task, and difficulty with speech or carrying on a conversation. Signs & Symptoms Signs and symptoms There are many signs and symptoms of Schizophrenia here are some them. Delusions Hallucinating and illusions Disordered behavior Flat affect- lack of emotional expression Innapropiate reactions Lack of motivation to do anything Impact Impact There are multiple impacts that come with having the disorder. Having Schizophrenia can affect your heart by changing your heart rate which is a big impact on your health while living your day to day life. Another impact is when you have Schizophrenia it causes you to distant yourself from friends and family and the people around you. Distancing yourself like that can affect your relationships a lot. Another health impact Schizophrenia causes is called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) the disease is almost like a cold is causes progressive breathlesness and cough. Causes Causes While medical experts like doctors and researchers don't exactly understand what causes schizophrenia, there is something very important to remember that living with schizophrenia is not anyones fault. No one is to blame, and there's nothing anyone did to cause it. What experts do know is that schizopherenia can be caused or triggered by a combination of factors. If it runs in family genetics someone might be at a higher risk to develop schizophrenia and/or if they have some kind of naturally ocurring imbalnce of chemicales in the brain. The enviroment in combination with genetic factors is also a cause. schizophrenia might be triggered if certain enviromental risk factors like stress, exposure to toxins, or viruses during brain development, a head injury, or use of mind-altering drugs, could all be causes of developing schizophrenia. Treatment options Treatment options There's only a couple of treatment options. The options are medications like antipsychotics, psychotherapy, electroconvulsive therapy, and family counseling. Psychotherapy is psychoeducation or cognitive therapy for delusions. Electroconvulsive therapy is short bursts of electric shock sent to the brain to alter levels of neurotransmitters. Cites - - - Images Images

Mental Illness Presentation

Transcript: Courtesy of Photographer Spencer Grant Strong cyclical connection Creates low socioeconomic achievements Patterns suppress opportunities Mental Illness and Poverty Federal Government Action Courtesy of Science Photo Library Some claim relationship isn't prominent but: Poverty increases mental illness/hospitalization Economic hardships contribute to health Depression can cause occupational failure Failure can worsen symptoms of depression Living Conditions and Mental Illness Courtesy of Science Photo Library Effects on Occupation Intervention Works Cited Mental Illness & Socioeconomic Status: A Connection Counterargument Courtesy of Wellcome Department of Cognitive Neurology Courtesy of the Kaiser Family Foundation Recent protection insurance program low-income and needy people Entin ,Esther. “Poverty and Mental Health: Can the 2-Way Connection Be Broken?” The Atlantic. The Atlantic, 26 October, 2011. Web. 27 October, 2016. Galea, Sandro et al. “Urban Built Environment and Depression: A Multilevel Analysis.” Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health (1979-), vol. 59, no. 10, 2005, pp. 822–827. “H.R.2646-Helping Families in Mental Health Crisis Act of 2016.” Library of Congress, 2016. Web. 2 November 2016. Ives, Aysha. “The Connection Between Poverty and Mental Health.” Insight Bulletin. Insight Bulletin, 6 August, 2015. Web. 27 October, 2016 Poor living conditions Lesser economic success Depressive disorders + poor environment = negative cycle Providing multiple methods of intervention Potential economic implications

Mental Illness Presentation

Transcript: What is the narrator's illness in Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart"? My Hypothesis My Hypothesis My hypothesis of the narrator's disease in Edgar Allen Poe's "The Tell Tale Heart" is a combination of Phobia and Schizophrenia. Phobia Phobia Phobia is one type of some anxiety disorders, and is a very powerful aversion of an object, creature, or thing that presents little or no real threat ("Specific Phobias"). The narrator shows signs of phobia of the old man's "Vulture Eye." The narrator spends hours watching the old man at night stealthily using his lantern to shine only on the eye. After murdering the old man, he is happy that he will never see the evil eye again. Symptoms Most patients don't have the same phobia as others and not in the same amounts. Patients usually try to aviod their phobia, but if they can't get away from their phobia these symptoms occur: Trembling Shortness Of Breath A Strong Desire To Get Away Rapid Heartbeat Fear And/Or Panic ("Phobias") Symptoms Background Information Backround Information Phobias can be very specific, like the narrator's phobia of the old man's "Vulture Eye;" then there are more general phobias like spiders. (Ribeiro) Treatments Most patients can be cured of their phobia. These treatments include: Medicine Therapy Both ("Phobias") Treatments Extra Information Experiencing phobias may limit work efficiency, disrupt a relationship, disgruntle everyday life, and/or reduce self esteem. Some phobias begin in childhood and subside after a period of time. Some terrors in phobia may not make any sense, but patients feel helpless against it. ("Specific Phobias") Extra Information Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Schizophrenia is one of several critical brain illnesses. Some patients who have this illness may hear things that aren't there like voices. Patients may also experience a fear that others are trying to harm them ("Schizophrenia" MedlinePlus). The narrator admits to having an illness, and I believe that he is referring to schizophrenia. The main symptom is the narrator's hallucination of hearing the old man's heartbeat grow after the old man is dead. He even thinks the policemen can hear the heartbeat and are just messing with him by not speaking about it. This is paranoia and a delusion. Also, the narrator spends hours and hours just watching the old man and planning the murder. The narrator has no sense of real time or real life and uses violence to solve his problem. Symptoms Symptoms Symptoms of schizophrenia may vary per patient but they include: Hallucinations Movement Disorders Lack In Expressions Anosognosia ("Lack Of Insight") Violent Actions Thought Disorders Reduced happiness in daily pleasers Delusions Muddled Speech ("Schizophrenia" NAMI) (sawerhaq) Background Information Backround Information No one know for sure what causes schizophrenia, but researchers and scientists have associated schizophrenia to many feasible causes like the features of brain chemistry and construction, and environmental causes. Sadly, there is no singular, easy treatment has been found for this illness. But there are treament that over time help keep schizophrenia. ("Schizoprhrenia" NIMH) Treatments Treatments Though there is no cure for schizophrenia, there are possible treatments that will stabilize when the symptoms. Such as: Therapy Phycosocial Rehabilition Medication Synthesis Of All ("Schizophrenia" NAMI) Extra Information Schizophrenia can occasionally run in families. Researchers and scientists have confidence that several varying genes may expand the risk of schizophrenia. Scientsts also think that a lack of harmony in the brain may cause chemical reactions, creating schizophrenia. ("Schizophrenia" NIMH) Extra Information Conclusion Conclusion After researching various types of mental illnesses, I feel that my hypothesis is correct. The narrator shows both a phobia and Schizophrenia as he becomes obsessed with the old man's eye, uses violence to destroy the old man, and hallucinates the sound of the old man's heart beat. (Gonzales) Works Cited Works Cited Ribeiro, S. “Block 1...Tell-Tale Heart Summary.” Mr. Ribeiro's 8th Grade Language Arts Page, Weebly, 18 Oct. 2016, sawerhaq. “The Tell-Tale Heart.”, Glogster, 2015, Images Gonzales, George. “The Tell-Tale Heart - Edgar Allan Poe Book Design.” George Gonzalez, Adobe Publisher, 0AD, Information “Schizophrenia.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 30 Apr. 2018, “Schizophrenia.” NAMI Southern Arizona,, Sept. 2016, “Phobias.” MedlinePlus, U.S. National Library of Medicine, 6 June 2018, “Schizophrenia.” National Institute

Mental Illness Presentation

Transcript: YOUR Major Depression LOGO What is a mental illness/ disorder? A wide range of conditions that affect mood, thinking, and behavior. What is a mental illness/disorder? The persistent feeling of sadness or loss of interest that characterizes major depression can lead to a range of behavioral and physical symptoms. What is major depression? What is major depression? Therapy Cognative behavioral therapy Behavior therapy Psychotherapy Medication Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) Antidepressant Anxiolytic antipsychotic Depression can be treated by a medical professional Current Treatments Current Treatments 16 million adults (6.9 percent of the population) had atleast one major depressive episode in 2012. It is one of the most common mental illnesses in the US. Depression commenly affects adults over 18. Prevalence Prevalence What are the signs and symptoms of major depression? Signs and Symptoms Signs of depression include changes in sleep, apetite, energy level, concentration, self-esteem, etc. Symptoms Mood: anxiety, loss of interest, guilt, hopelessness, sadness, etc. Behavioral: excessive crying, irritability, restlessness, or social isolation Symptoms of depression also include thoughts of suicide. Symptoms SPECIAL DATE SPECIAL DATE Name Birthday Department Name Years with company Department Other Women are twice as likely to get depression then men People who have exposure to neglect, violence, abuse, and/or poverty are more vulnerable to the illness Ludwig van Beethoven, Edgar Allen Poe, and Vincent van Gogh all experienced depression Other

Mental Illness Presentation

Transcript: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: OCD is a condition that torments the sufferer with unwanted thoughts ( obsessions) Symptoms: Person with OCD develops an obsession- Obsessions are excessive, unwanted, persistent thoughts or feelings that cause the person distress or anxiety. And may have compulsions-compulsions are the acts or rituals that people are driven to follow in order to try and relieve the obsessive thoughts Specific facts: approx. 1 in 40 adults suffers from OCD 1 in 200 children suffers from OCD there are 5 million people with OCD in the US OCD affects men and women equally The earliest signs of OCD have shown in preschool aged children Boys tend to develop OCD at an earlier age than girls (6-15 for boys 20-29 for girls) Doubters and sinners are afraid that if everything isn’t perfect or done just right something terrible will happen or they will be punished Checkers repeatedly check things (oven turned off, door locked, etc.) that they associate with harm or danger. Counters and arrangers are obsessed with order and symmetry. They may have superstitions about certain numbers, colors, or arrangements. Hoarders fear that something bad will happen if they throw anything away. They compulsively hoard things that they don’t need or use. Washers are afraid of contamination. They usually have cleaning or hand-washing compulsions. Exposure and Response Prevention (ERP) the patient is presented with his or her fear and the treatment helps the patient to resist their compulsion cognitive therapy combination with exposure and response prevention. Patients create a hierarchy of situations that cause distress and when they participate in exposure tasks, they are asked to pay particular attention to thoughts and feelings related to these situations resources

Mental Illness Presentation

Transcript: Panic Disorder Annaliese Goldwasser Also known as: panic attacks Panic Disorder Three types of Attacks: cued (out of the blue) uncued (exposure to situations) situationally predisposed (delayed after being in a situation) Was originally thought to have been part of depression The word "panic" comes from Greek mythology from the God "Pan" History Causes Not 100% sure what exactly causes them- varies per person Could be related to depression, alcohol abuse, smoking, and seasonal affective disorder indirectly caused by traumatic events (illness or accident, death of a family member) Medications (antidepressants) Symptoms Panic VS Anxiety Attacks Females are almost twice as at risk as males People in the age range of 18-25 are most at risk Who is most affected/at risk? Must be diagnosed by a doctor Reoccurring unexpected attacks Persistent fear of having another attack Diagnosis/Prognosis Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) - teaches how to control thoughts and actions in order to deal with attacks. Medications to help balance brain chemicals Maintaining a schedule, getting good sleep, exercise, and avoiding caffeine Treatment/Therapy Having a panic attack doesn't mean you have panic disorder 5% of the population will experience a panic attack while only 1-2% will actually suffer from the disorder Can come seasonally, similarly to seasonal affective disorder Other Information Video Video Sources

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