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Master Thesis - Oral Defense

Transcript: Thank you! Primary research: Other generations > 91 Qualitative tools Target group Sample Research design & tools Secondary research & own elaboration: Scope of the competitive & comparative analysis Jury: Prof. Benoit Heilbrunn Asma Ben Jemaa Peer-To-Peer Sharing - new way of travel consumption in the age of high mobility Author: Wojciech Chmielewski Date: 03.06.2015 Business in Europe Seminar Non-commercial P2P sharing Outline: 1) Introduction Inspiration Business Relevance 2) Research Project - Overview Executive Summary Methodological Approach 3) Findings & Conclusions 4) Managerial Implications 5) Limitations & Further Research Methodological Approach Traditional Economy Top 5 sharing sectors by 2025 Synthesis Primary Research Secondary Research Literature Review External reports (PwC, Havas, Euromonitor, etc.) Research papers Old Economy --> New Economy --> Collaborative Economy Quantitative method: Target group: Sample: Outcomes: Table of Concepts Analytical Framework Organizational Framework Primary Research Model Secondary Research Model (Market Mapping) [Scope: P2P travel experience / Base: primary research] [Scope: Jwebi / Base: secondary research] Executive Summary inductive research descriptive - exploratory research (hybrid) P2P travel experience Drivers vs. Deterrents Functional vs. Emotional Motivation Perceptual Analysis Strategic Positioning Potential Inspiration through real-life situations Business ideas --> More players & different markets Managerial Implications & Further Recommendations General assumptions: Secondary research Others: Collaborative Consumption Peer-to-Peer Sharing Motivations Top 3 drivers: Wide accessibility (88,0%) Economic benefit (87,9%) Positive efficacy (simple in use) (86,9%) Findings & Conclusions Bottom 3 associations: Lifestyle (gain in ES & IP) (33,0%) Trust (28,6%) Safety & Reliability (STM)(20,9%) Limitations & Future Research Research Methods Seminar Business Relevance & Future Perspective Sharing Economy Findings & Conclusions Top 3 deterrents: Lack of trust (35,2%) Higher preference for STM (safety & reliability) (30,8%) Reciprocal discomfort (20,9%) Scope Primary research Findings & Conclusions Sweet Spot Positioning: Primary research --> Personal Interests Online questionnaire International students 91 Primary research Strategic Business Canvas: Jwebi [Scope: Jwebi / Base: primary research] Top 3 associations: Economic benefit (75,8%) Environmentalism & Sustainability (74,8%) Positive efficacy (convenience) (68,2%) design by Dóri Sirály for Prezi Inspiration & Topic Evolution P2P Sharing Final comment:

Master thesis - oral defense

Transcript: Master Thesis - Oral defence "Orthopaedic prosthesis : a supply chain under pressure. Which impact on the various health actors ?" By Yasmine Bouilfane - M2 European Master in Medical Technologies and Healthcare Business Under the supervision of Mr WALLARD Alexandre September 28, 2023 1 Introduction Orthopaedic prosthesis Introduction 2 Demographics Demographics The evolution of the number of total knee arthroplasty (TKA) from 2013 to 2022 in France 3 Demographics The reasons of such a growth 1 Osteoarthritis is the 1st cause of TKA. 65% of the population > 65 years old suffer from it. 2 30% of the population between 65 and 75 years old suffer from knee osteoarthritis. 3 An aging population due to the evolution of care and technologies. 4 Other factors : a sedentary lifestyle, overweight, a poor-diet, post-traumatic injuries. 4 Anatomy Anatomy The anatomy of a normal knee and the role of the prosthesis Femoral bone Tibial bone 5 Market Market value In 2021, the market represented USD 10.7 billion Market growth CAGR : 5.7% in the next 10 years Several causes : Increase number of bone-related diseases, obesity, sendentarity An aging population Some numbers Cluster representation France is part of the EMEA cluster. More than 3 billion last year, representing 1/3 of the market 6 Market leaders worldwide 25 leaders 1 Stryker, DePuy Synthes and Zimmer Biomet generate more than $26 billion/year 2 Smith&Nephew, Medtronic and Arthrex generate $11 billion/year 6 leaders generate 69.8% of the revenues 7 Tensions on the supply chain Tensions on the supply chain 8 Limited access to raw materials What is a raw material ? "Any material, such as oil, cotton, or sugar in its natural condition, before it has been processed for use." In 2020, a list of 30 raw materials in danger has been published by the european comission Impact of the Russian-Ukranian conflict Disruptions in good transportation (the closure of EU aerospace to Russia, of ports, …) Ban of some Russian operators An increase in the price of goods 9 The lack of workforce The lack of workforce General situation of the sector Low wages, poor working conditions Reduction in resources slowing down the industry Impact of COVID-19 Less workforce due to infections and lock-downs Closure of airports/ports Merchandise under quarantine 10 Field study Orthopaedic prosthesis : a supply chain under pressure. Which impact on the various health actors ? Field study 11 Methodology Methodology Duration Number of participants Recruitement criteria Qualitative Study Semi-structured interviews ~ 31.6 minutes 7 participants "A study focusing on perceptions, behaviours and peoples’ experiences" Interview based on open-ended questions in order to explore further the topic of interest Work in the orthopaedic field At least 1 year of experience Work in France From Marketing, customer service, supply, Sales or HR 12 Results Results At a company level Financial Human Ressources A reorganization of the work At health structure level At patients' level Unexpected events 13 Human Resources Human resources Sales representatives, customer service, Marketing Relationships Everyday missions Stress level An increase of the stress level A stress decreasing through time – an acceptance of the situation An impact on their personal lives Importance of strengthening the relationships with OR teams and surgeons Building a trust relationship with the surgeon Working closer with the Marketing and Customer Service Spend more time handling stock issues (~ 2/5 days a week) Less time for client hunting More time on the road to equilibrate stocks between hospitals Development of new skills 14 Recommenda-tions How to limit the impact of stock shortages ? Reflexion and suggestions 15 The different levels of action At the supply chain level Diversification of suppliers Re-evaluation of safety stocks Adaptation of the shipment strategy At the marketing level Segmentation : the importance of prioritazing your clients Evaluation of the portfolio Strategic allocations of products in danger An acceleration plan for non-tense products Innovative solutions and other approaches Recycling : case study - orthometals company The different levels of action Improving surgery planning using robotics 16 The importance of segmentation The importance of segmentation Why segmentate your clients : the Pareto principle Must identify those 20% Classify your clients according to their gross sales BUT this classification is not rigid and must be adapted to the reality of the field To have a better visibility to prioritazing decisions Put your best customers in the best possible conditions, not to lose them to competiton Encourage your medium clients to work more with you HOW ? 17 New lines to explore New lines to explore The global change of a company's organisation 18 A example of structural change An example of organisational change Switching from a regional to a vertically aligned global business BU President International BU Vice-

Master Project Defense

Transcript: SWOT Analysis Target Social Media: Blog, Weibo Objectives: 10M+ Weibo paticipants for onlne cnvesatons and 20,000 views for the blog Contents: news, scene phots, hashtags, videos, udtdnws, an move triles, blog posts Story: What will you give up to save the world? Forms: Traditional AD & Online Social Media Campaign Media Outlets: Traditional & Weibo Tips: do not reveal any details related to The Avengers 2 in this stage! Highly developed social media Rising Action Stage Measurable Objectives Opportunity 2/1/2015 - 4/1/2015 Success of The Avengers Target Audience Target Online Forum Profile Falling Action Stage is the most influential non-profit subtitle translation group in China. Now serves as an integrated online forum and news station for audience who are interested in foreign movies and TV shows. Target Social Media: Weibo Objective: 5 M+ Weibo participants Content: hashtags, uploaded videos, interview videos Online Campaign Story: "The Hero" finally appears! Form: Movie Premier, The Avengers 2, social media reporting Media Outlets: Weibo page of The Avengers 2, Blog & Youku Social Media Strategic Plan 13 years old -- 20 years old 20 years old -- 39 years old 39 years old and above First Stage Campaign Story: Meet "the Ally & "the Mentor" & Respond to the previous question Form: Traditional AD & Social Media Campaign Elements: Interview videos, posters Media Outlets: Traditional media, Youku, & Weibo, Blog Consolidation Famous Cast Members • 10,000,000+ Weibo participants • 20,000,000+ Tweets with hashtags related to the topic of online campaigns • $100 million of box-office Online Piracy Literature Review Appealing concept for Chinese Audiences Sequel Crisis Social Media Online Campaign Climax Stage Crisis Stage Strength Organizer: The Avengers 2 Forms: pictures Topic: What you will not give up for the world & the "Newness" of The Avengers 2 Signature: #afterTheAvengers2 • 1,000,000+ views, 5,000+comments, and 5,000+ referrals for each Tweet Story: Time to meet "the Higher Self" Form: Reviews, Press releases, Blog posts, & online campaign Media outlet: Blog, traditional media, Weibo Story: The famous The Avengers is "the Threshold Guardian" now Form: News, movie trailers, scene shots Media Outlets: Youku,, Weibo page of The Avengers2, Blog Background (Social Media in China, Distribution Process, Chinese Movie Market, Superhero Movies in China) Policy & Regulation Globalization and Film Distribution in China New Trend of Chinese Domestic Movies Censorship Cultural Policy & Intellectual Property Protection Public Relation Theory Excellence Theory Sociodrama Theory New Rules of Public Relations & Marketing Dialogic Theory Narrative Arc 4/8/2015 - 4/30/2015 12/1/2014 - 2/1/2015 Connect to the New Sequel Weakness What Will You Give Up To Save The World? Target Chinese Social Media Profile Thank You! Youku is China's leading Online video website. Youku offers a combination of licensed professional content, user-generated content and self-produced web video content. 203 million monthly unique visitors from homes and offices 56 million monthly unique visitors from Internet cafes 40% share of total user time spent viewing online videos among Chinese internet users Exposition Stage Social Media Objective Existing Onlne Presence Content Type Tracking Tools Focus Channels Haomo Catherine ZHENG Master Project Defense Public Relations Kent State University Target Social Media: Weibo Objectives: 400,000+ Weibo followers and 500,000 Weibo participants Contents: Photos & Tweets of the premier 4/1/2015 - 4/7/2015 Rebuild the Connection Target Chinese Social Media Profile Brand Building Target Social Media: Weibo Objective: 100,000+ followers Contents: Short videos (less than 2 minutes), tweets, photos, and brief news (headlines). Online Release Haomo Catherine ZHENG +1-330-906-3066/ No root for superheroes in China Director's lack of aweness Organizer: Weibo Form: short videos Signature: #savetheworld Bridging the Gap: An Integrated Marketing Plan for The Avengers 2 in China Taget Socal Media: Weibo and Blog Objective: 500,000+ followers & 1 million participants, 30,000 views for the blog Contents: reviews, feedback, hashtag, uploaded pictures and blog posts Target Social Media: Weibo, Youku & Tudou, Blog Objectives: 10,000+ views for the blog, 50,000+ views for videos, 150,000 followers for The Avengers Weibo page Contents: Cast members talking about The Avengers(Videos, Tweets, pictures, links) Premier Online Reporting Sample: 5/1/2015 Threat Timeline An Exciting Journey for The Avengers 2 in China Sina Weibo is undoubtedly the most influential social platform in China. No other platform offers the same amount of reach and dynamic active user base like Sina Weibo has. 500M+ registered users; 290M+ active users; 86 million posts per day; 87% - market share by browsing time; 56% - micro-blog market share; 181% - increase in users over the 2011 5/2/2015 -

Oral Defense Presentation

Transcript: Grade level planning and grading Ideas Resources Overall: the spirit of the Common Core Technology Group Work Vegetable Unit This artifact comes from my second placement in a more urban environment. This unit was implemented in a second grade English Language Arts class. The school I was placed in had a fairly rigid curriculum. Due to this, the second grade team had to teach a vegetable unit. However, our team tweaked the unit as we saw fit and tried to make it our own. Standard 4 Overview Student Teaching Overview Each lesson was created to go hand-in-hand with the Common Core State Standards. The learning deepens as the lessons go by. I graded informally and formally. Chromebooks SMARTBoard By Hannah Ehrnman Standards 4 and11 During this unit we completed a variety of activities: I read Gregory the Terrible Eater by Mitchell Sharmat Poems Wordle using our adjectives Researched and filled in a web Used a doughnut organizer Wrote a paragraph about their vegetable Also, each lesson was connected to the Common Core Standards. Oral Defense Presentation Partnerships I had two vastly different school communities. Overall, I learned a lot from student teaching. Classroom Management Techniques: Cold call and SLANT. Also learned the importance of presenting information in a variety of ways, as well as including a variety of activities. Learning Over Time Standards 1, 2, 4, and 11 Standard 1, 2, 3, 6 Overall, students achieved the goals I had for them. Some of the curriculum is repetitive, so students were not always engaged. Students received Chromebooks during this unit which aided in my ability to teach and allowed students to show me what they knew. Students learned a lot about adjectives, character traits, and positively impacted their writing throughout this unit. Unfortunately, I was not in the class for the end of this unit, so I was not able to carry out the formal assessment, but students showed me that the information was understood and implemented by them. Standard 10 How Did It Go??? Struggling student Standard 12 I was able to comment on the students work. Connection to Conceptual Framework Respect all students Provide information in various ways Accountability Inquiry Check for understanding Higher student

Oral Defense Presentation

Transcript: Historical development includes theoretical frameworks of Piaget: Developmental stages of young children’s thinking The child constructing meaning from natural interest Internal cognitive control is not dependent social skill development Vygotsky and Bronfenbrenner : Social interactions shape cognition Learning interconnects children’s experiences of the home, school, and community. Problem behaviors in early schooling present a relationship between socioeconomic conditions in later years. Head Start and the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC) similar position toward child development and early learning pedagogical frameworks support positive social and emotional development through intentional learning and classroom experiences. NAEYC (2013) accreditation standards for social-emotional development present concepts for children to communicate positively, recognize feelings, regulate emotions, control attention, and develop a sense of competence toward learning. Nature Of The Study Hello, my name is Gwyn Griffin. I am a doctoral student at University of Phoenix. My committee members include Dr. LaDonna Eanochs (Chair), Dr. Grania Holman (Committee Member), and Dr. Shawnya Tolliver (Committee Member). I appreciate the guidance and support I have been provided to accomplishmy academic goal. Purpose Problem Gwyn Griffin The purpose of this descriptive case study is to describe prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers’ perceptions of the self-regulation skills necessary to prepare students for a successful transition to kindergarten. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY Prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers will contribute views with integrity. Participants’ responses will legitimately represent beliefs that are linked to the behavioral characteristics of their current students. Research Questions Theoretical Framework Prekindergarten Teachers Question: What are common perceptions of prekindergarten teachers roles in the development of children’s self-regulation skills? Kindergarten Teachers Question: What are common perceptions of kindergarten teachers roles in the development of children’s self-regulation skills? The nature of the study is to describe everyday classroom environments in which social and academic expectations would be evident. A CASE STUDY TO UNDERSTANDING TEACHERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF EARLY SELF-REGULATION DEVELOPMENT The problem is many children start school lacking self-regulation skills related to social and academic outcomes, necessary for a successful transition to school (Cadima, Guedes, Leal, & Verschueren, 2016). Oral Defense Presentation SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS HISTORICAL OVERVIEW ASSUMPTIONS INTRODUCTION The study is limited to prekindergarten and kindergarten teachers’ natural environments, classrooms. A descriptive and interpretive paradigm represent teachers’ perceptions of prekindergarteners and kindergarteners within the same school district. Limitations include the nature of teachers’ perceptions associated with personal beliefs and most current experiences related to the described phenomenon. Students’ perceptions will not be of interest. Children in attendance will have similarity of ethnicity and culture within the established research boundary. Convenience sampling is the delimitation.


Transcript: Galleta, Chanel Kate B. Orge, Margarete R. Qi, Huajie NURSING RESEARCH SEXUAL HEALTH AWARENESS AMONG ADOLESCEN... SEXUAL HEALTH AWARENESS AMONG ADOLESCENTS USING A MATCHING GAME CARDS IN BARANGAY CUYEGKENG, PASAY CITY Galleta, Chanel Kate B. Orge, Margarete R. Qi, Huajie CHAPTER I CHAPTER I THE PROBLEM AND ITS BACKGROUND This chapter presents the introduction, background ... This chapter presents the introduction, background of the study, statement of the problem, research hypothesis, theoretical/conceptual framework, assumptions, significant of the study, scope and limitations and definition of terms. INTRODUCTION The World Health Organization (WHO) defines adolescents as those people between 10 and 19 years of age. The great majority of adolescents are, therefore, included in the age-based definition of “child”, adopted by the Convention on the Rights of the Child, as a person under the age of 18 years. Other overlapping terms used in this report are youth (defined by the United Nations as 15–24 years) and young people (10–24 years), a term used by WHO and others to combine adolescents and youth. INTRODUCTION Adolescence is one of life's most complex stages, wh... Adolescence is one of life's most complex stages, when young people take on new responsibilities and experiment with independence. When engaged and supported, adolescents thrive and contribute to communities and families. When encouraged, they have the potential to change negative social norms and pave a brighter future for themselves and their future families. Yet as adolescents around the world enter puberty, discomfort and fear prevent parents and other trusted adults from teaching relevant information to help adolescents navigate the complexities of their emerging sexuality. Matching game cards are a tool to provide hands-on a... Matching game cards are a tool to provide hands-on and heads-on skill and knowledge development for people of all ages on all subjects. Not only do well-designed games create an engaging atmosphere, they also provide a nonthreatening, playful, yet competitive environment in which to focus on content and reinforce and apply learning. (Treher.Ph.D 2011) BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Sex education is probably one of the sensitive topics as far as the Philippines is concerned. It has been a subject of debate whether to incorporate this in the school curriculum. The reason behind it is to address the problems of pre-marital sex and teenage pregnancies among teenagers, and to check the spread of sexually-transmitted diseases (STDs). (Ronquillo, 2017) BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a maj... Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are a major health problem affecting mostly young people, not only in developing, but also in developed countries. (Zeeb, Spallek, 2011) In fact, according to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention STDs are common, especially among young people. There are about 20 million new cases of STDs each year in the United States, and about half of these are in people between the ages of 15 and 24. More than 65 million Americans have an incurable STD. Each year, 20 million new cases are reported, half of these infections are among people ages 15 to 24 and they can have long-term consequences. (Johnson, 2017) STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: The study aims to ascertain the sexual health awareness among adolescents using a matching game cards in Barangay Cuyegkeng, Pasay City. Specifically, it seeks` to answer the following: 1. What are the profile of the adolescents in terms of: Age Gender Educational Attainment Order in the Family Economic Status STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: 2. What is the source of information about sexual heal... 2. What is the source of information about sexual health? Family Friends School Social Media Health center/Hospital 3. What is the level of awareness of the participants on Sexual Health specifically on STD’s before and after using a matching game card? 4. Is there a significant difference on the results of pre-test and post-test on the level of awareness on STD’s after using a matching game card? RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS Specific Problem: Is there a significant difference on the results of pre-test and post-test on the level of awareness on STD’s after using a matching game card? HO 1: There is no difference on the results of pre-test and post-test on the level of awareness on STD’s after playing matching game cards. RESEARCH HYPOTHESIS CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FIGURE 1. This is a conceptual framework to determine the level of awareness of adolescent regarding sexual health by playing matching game cards. This is a quantitative study comprises of (2) two independent variables which is the sexual health education on STD’s matching game cards and (1) one dependent which the adolescent’s level of awareness. The first rectangle on the left side which is the input, where in the researchers designs the matching game cards and gathers the respondent’s And


Transcript: C-JAY BALLOONS AND PARTY NEEDS SALE C-JAY BALLOONS AND PARTY NEEDS COMPANY PROFILE COMPANY PROFILE Company Name C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs Company Name Company Logo Company Logo Ms. Cyril Monic M. Waje Company Owner Company Owner 1101/1421 Haribon Ave. Goldenland Subd. Mabiga, Mabalacat City, Pampanga Address Address Monday to Sunday: 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Business Hours Business Hours HISTORY HISTORY MARKET SHARES MARKET SHARE CURRENT MARKET SHARE CURRENT MARKET SHARE The Annual Sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs The Annual Sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs Annual Sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs Annual Sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs Computation of Shares of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs Computation of Shares of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs (Source: Based on the data given by the owner) MARKET SHARE GRAPH MARKET SHARE GRAPH MARKET SHARE TABLE MARKET SHARE TABLE SWOT ANALYSIS AUTOPSY OF SUCCESS AND FAILURE STRENGTHS 1. Established Customer Base 2. Large Quantity of Rental ltems 3. Ease Access of Goods 4. Home-based Business 5. Wide Area of Operation/Workplace 6. Tie-ups with Competitors STRENGTHS 1. Established Customer Base 1. Established Customer Base 2. Large Quantity of Rental ltems 2. Large Quantity of Rental ltems 3. Ease Access of Goods 3. Ease Access of Goods 4. Home-based Business 4. Home-based Business 5. Wide Area of Operation/Workplace 5. Wide Area of Operation/Workplace 6. Tie-ups with Competitors 6. Tie-ups with Competitors 1. Insufficient Promotional Strategies 2. Insufficient Managerial Staff 3. Lack of Feedback Mechanism 4. Insufficient Capital for Catering Services WEAKNESSES WEAKNESSES 1. Insufficient Promotional Strategies 1. Insufficient Promotional Strategies 2. Insufficient Managerial Staff 2. Insufficient Managerial Staff 3. Lack of Feedback Mechanism 3. Lack of Feedback Mechanism 4. Insufficient Capital for Catering Services 4. Insufficient Capital for Catering Services INDUSTRY OPPORTUNITY AND THREATS ANALYSIS INDUSTRY OPPORTUNITY AND THREATS ANALYSIS OPPORTUNITIES 1. Increasing Number of Population in Mabalacat City 2. Tie-ups with Video/Photo Services 3. Tie-ups with Lights and Sounds Services 4. Changes in Admin in the Company 5. Party Needs as a Birth to Date Business 6. Referral of Existing Customers to New Customers OPPORTUNITIES 1. Increasing Number of Population in Mabalacat City 2. Tie-ups with Video/Photo Services 3. Tie-ups with Lights and Sounds Services 4. Changes in Admin in the Company 5. Party Needs as a Birth to Date Business 6. Referral of Existing Customers to New Customers THREATS THREATS 1. Changes in Administration in Mabalacat City 2. Difficulty in Finding New Employees 1. Changes in Administration in Mabalacat City 2. Difficulty in Finding New Employees TARGET MARKETS TARGET MARKETS PRIMARY TARGET MARKET PRIMARY TARGET MARKET Demographic Profile of Primary Target Market Demographic Profile of Primary Target Market Table of Demographic Profile of Primary Targ... Table of Demographic Profile of Primary Target Market SECONDARY TARGET MARKET SECONDARY TARGET MARKET Demographic Profile of Secondary Target Market Demographic Profile of Secondary Target Market Table of Demographic Profile of Secondary Target Market Table of Demographic Profile of Secondary Targ... COMPANY MISSION, VISION & MARKETING OBJECTIVE COMPANY MISSION, VISION & MARKETING OBJECTIVE “C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs aims to provide clean, uniform and high quality products and services to our customers.” - Mr. Rodrigo Waje Manager Mission Mission “C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs aims to be the leading one-stop shop party rentals provider in Mabalacat City.” - Mr. Rodrigo Waje Manager Vision Vision To increase gross sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs by 50% by the end of 2018. Marketing Objectives Marketing Objectives C-JAY BALLOONS AND PARTY NEEDS SALES Table 7: Increase/Decrease of Annual Gro... Table 7: Increase/Decrease of Annual Gross Sales Table 8: Annual Sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs Table 8: Annual Sales of C-Jay Balloons and Party Needs 50% Proposed Strategies PROPOSED STRATEGY 1. Tie-ups with Video/Photography Services 2. Tie-ups with Lights and Sounds Services 3. Eliminate Catering Services Product/Service Product/Service 1. Tie-ups with Video/Photography Services 1. Tie-ups with Video/Photography Services 2. Tie-ups with Lights and Sounds Services 2. Tie-ups with Lights and Sounds Services 3. Eliminate Catering Services 3. Eliminate Catering Services 1. Price Bundling 2. Rainy Season Discounts 3. Referral Discounts Price Price 1. Price Bundling 1. Price Bundling 2. Rainy Season Discounts 2. Rainy Season Discounts 3. Referral Discounts 3. Referral Discounts 1. Improvements of Showroom Place Place 1. Social Media (Facebook Ads) 2. Tarpaulins 3. Customer Relationship Management System Promotion Promotion 1. Social Media (Facebook Ads) 1. Social Media (Facebook Ads) 2. Tarpaulins 2. 3.

Oral Defense presentation

Transcript: 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS The application that can advance the purchasing and reservation of the items in canteen. Specific Objective 1. To make the purchasing more organized. 2. To make the purchasing more convenient. 3. To make the purchasing effortless 4. To have an opportunity to the QCPU students who wants to have a part time job inside the campus. 5. To know the availability and the price of the items and other people outside the school. Student Professors everyone in the school campus • Measure all instructional objectives. • Use appropriate test items • Cover all wants and needs of the student in QCPU Research Instrument Summary Main Objective To be able to develop an application system that can advance the purchasing of the items by reservation and also deliver the product to the Students to their location. Output General Problem The Reason we developed this system application is for every individuals in the school campus, some of our despondence says that they are not contented to the performance of the school canteen. E.g. buildup of the consumers and hard time to know the availability of the product and how it cost. Background of the Study Project Purpose and description Data Gathering Procedure The researchers consult a professor in Quezon City Polytechnic University to ask permission for this system to be created. In order to support the validity of the research, interview has been conducted to gather opinion coming from the students and canteen’s crew. The researcher also consulted via internet, ooks and tutorial that helps this research. And sooner the best printed materials from those gathered information that would best serve in helping out the researchers in creating this system. Process PRESENTATION, ANALYSIS, AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA Profile of the Respondents Regarding their Gender Recommendation Main Objective Develop an application system that can advance the purchasing of Items and reach the high satisfaction of the consumer’s in terms of good services. This research was using “Buy It” application system in the advancement of purchasing item of the students in Quezon City Polytechnic University canteen. The proposed system scope includes all the students and the owner of the school canteen stalls. This study does not include all the employees of Quezon City Polytechnic University Formula: %= f/Nx100 Purchasing See the availability and purchase the item by selecting items at the application and to be delivered 1 Always 2 Sometimes 3 Never SCOPE AND LIMITATION This study focused on the advancement of purchasing items in Quezon City Polytechnic University canteen of the students through application “Buy it”. The following are the one who will benefit the study *Owner of the stalls – This study will enable them to do less work in their stalls and can accommodate their customers with a higher satisfaction. *Students – Buy it application system gives convenience to the students in purchasing the items in Quezon City Polytechnic University canteen. *School – With this proposed system it improves the schools technological system and gives more time in doing academic activities Research Design Input Table 4.1 Significant of the study • Use (buy it) application to improve the purchasing of items Advancement of Purchasing in The Quezon City Polytechnic University Canteen through “Buy It”. Research Methodology Significant of the study Data Gathering Procedure • Make purchasing at canteen convenient. • Help increase time for activities and decrease time for purchasing items. 58% (29 out of 50) of the respondents are willing to install the application “Buy It” - Researchers Conclusion Specific problem 1. How to minimize the number of student in break time. 2. How to reduce prolonged queue. Thank you! Specific problem 1. How to minimize the number of student during break time. 2. How to reduce prolonged queue. 3. How to reach the high satisfaction of the consumers Frequency of the answers of the respondents. Input Research Instrument For this study, the survey - questionnaire instruments were used achieve the main objective of the study. A self-administered questionnaire was distributed to the students of Quezon City Polytechnic University and Canteen’s crew. The questionnaire given was aimed to assess the advancement of purchasing items in Quezon City Polytechnic University canteen of the students through application “Buy It”. In general, the advancement of purchasing in school canteen was evaluated for this study in order to determine whether its strategy is effective or not the focus of the assessment was based on the principles introduced by various author. The questionnaire was structured in such a way that respondent will be able to answer it easily. Thus the set of questionnaire was structured using the likert format with a three-response scale. A likert format is a rating scale that requires the subject to indicate his or her

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