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Makeup Video Presentation Template

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Makeup Presentation

Transcript: Makeup: values of religion By: Ava Candib & Gabi Echegaray Highlighter Contour Blush FAITH a strong belief in something that you can or cannot see - this is the first step of the makeup process and as it states in the name, it lays the foundation of the rest of the process Foundation - faith is the foundational belief that holds the other aspects of being religious up. without having strong faith it is hard to believe in something, therefore, just like foundation it is a crucial step/value PURPOSE A reason to do something deliberately in order to achieve something greater -Concealer is the second step in the makeup routine which helps smooth the skin so the rest of the process can flow smoothly -Concealer brightens our faces making our eyes pop, purpose gives us reason to continually believe in our faith and helps us remember why our faith stands out to us. Purpose helps us better our relationship with God and strengthen our belief. Concealer RELATIONSHIP a reason to do something deliberately in order to achieve something greater - powder is a key step to any makeup routine that locks in and brings together the whole makeup process Powder - since relationship is a key part in religion (relationship with God/ larger being) both powder and relationship allow one to lock in their faith LOVE -Blush helps accentuate the natural pigmentation in our faces which helps us show our emotions. -Love helps us exert our emotions and create better and more meaningful relationships with God and our community. An expression of affection and care blush COMMITMENT A dedication to follow something consistently -Contour is a key step in the makeup routine which helps us define key features on our faces to help them stand out. -Commitment helps us show/"define" how much our religion means to us through acts of participation and dedication. This commitment not only strengthens our faith, but paves the way for others to do the same. HOPE A waiting for something to occur or to come about -Highlight is a key step in the makeup routine which helps make spots on our faces pop. -Hope helps us stand out in our faith because it takes strength to continue waiting for something to occur (exp: Jesus" resurrection). This strengthens our trust in God and our religion. COMMUNICATION A way to express ideas or a way to reach the divine Lipstick - lipstick gives one the opportunity to emphasize our lips in our routine - our lips allow us to communicate to one another and with god (larger being) through prayer and communicating with a God in whichever way you want Mascara REASON your mind's ability to decipher between what is right and what is wrong - Mascara allows our eye lashes to lengthen and opens up our eyes - Just like mascara reason opens up our eyes to what is right and what is wrong. This is a crucial value in any religion, when following scripture and understanding our our role in life, reason aids us with this knowledge of what is right and what is wrong

Makeup Presentation

Transcript: Quotes Do You Get Treated Differently by Wearing Makeup? “Don’t wear makeup, be yourself.” “Makeup makes you.” Which of these quotes have you heard? Which one do you believe or follow? Consider the quote “Makeup makes you.” What does this mean, and how should one interpret it? Hook Truth is, people get treated better with makeup on than when being bare-faced. They get paid more, get better job opportunities, and one’s social life can get so much easier. Thesis Statement Money is on everyone’s minds at some point in life. Wearing makeup can increase your paycheck according to “Enhanced female attractiveness with use of cosmetics and male tipping behavior in restaurants,” by Nicholas Gueguen (2010). “Results showed that the makeup condition was associated with a significant increase in the tipping behavior of male customers.” Quote 1 This means that a waitress wearing makeup can get more tips than a waitress wearing no makeup. Explanation According to this experiment, men found women who wore makeup more “clean” and more “feminine.” They also found them more attractive. Quote 2 Overall, an increase was made in tipping behavior towards women with makeup. Conclusion Everyone wants a job to earn some cash and have a happy life. If you have makeup on, you’re in luck! You have more of a chance of getting the job than the girl next to you wearing no makeup at all! According to “Up the Career Ladder, Lipstick In Hand,” by Catherine Louis(2011), makeup “increases people’s perceptions of a woman’s likability.” Quote 1 This means that people automatically feel a connection with a women who wears makeup because she seems more trustworthy. Explanation People automatically judge you by your looks, Catherine says “appearance unjustly affects some workers.” Quote 2 She is talking about the fact that in job interviews, the interviewer bases the women’s intelligence and competence on her looks first. Explanation In other words, people with no makeup can be seen as unintelligent. Conclusion So you want a boyfriend or a new best friend? Make sure to pick up some cosmetics on your way to your night out. Recent studies show people like women with more facial cosmetics. According to “Effects of Cosmetics Use on the Physical Attractiveness and Body Image of American College Women,” by Thomas Cash(2010), “Male judges were less favorable when the women were cosmetics free.” Quote 1 This means that when men compared women with and without makeup, they favored more those with cosmetics. Explanation The article also states “Results indicated more positive body-image cognitions and affect in the cosmetics-present than the cosmetics-absent condition.” Quote 2 This means that results showed more positive comments towards women with makeup. Explanation In conclusion, makeup makes you seem more friendly and approachable. Conclusion Conclusion So do you get treated differently by only wearing some cosmetics? Yes, you get treated better with makeup on than being bare-faced. Reason 1 Overall, an increase was made in tipping behavior towards women with makeup. Also, if you want a better chance in your interview you should wear makeup. It makes you seem more intelligent. Reason 2 Finally, wearing makeup makes you seem more approachable and friendly to others. Reason 3 REFERENCES: Nicholas Gueguen (2010). “Enhanced female attractiveness with use of cosmetics and male tipping behavior in restaurants.” Retrieved from Catherine Louis(2011).”Up the Career Ladder, Lipstick In Hand.” Retrieved from Thomas Cash (2010). “Effects on cosmetics use on the Physical Attributes and Body Image of American College Women.” Retrieved from References

Makeup Presentation

Transcript: Blood & Gore/ Zombie Makeup Stage Highlights If I had to redo this makeup I'd definitely opt to not use the latex attachments with my bottom left design, and create them with just makeup and blood. Makeup Presentation By: Kenneth Montijo Mrs. Jendza Advanced Theatre Class For me stage highlights was one of the most difficult makeups only because I always tended to go a little overboard with the white. In the end if I were to go back and redo this makeup I'd pay close attention when I'm doing the jawline. That part for me was the most difficult of this makeup, and for some reasion I never got it to be symmetrical. Animal Makeup concept Makeup Makeup Presentation Kabuki / Joker Animal makeup was challenging due to the fact that to make a Zebra you use white and black. Both of these colors are very difficult to work with. You never want the white to cover up the black stripes, however you also don't want the black color to mix with the white. If I had to redo this makeup, the first thing I would do is to mark out the stripes with a small brush. Then I'd put the white on around the lines carefully, and to end it all up I'd fill in the lines with black. Old Age Zombie Makeup is fairly simple as all I had to do was put my light foundation on, and play around with the blood. The Jokers makeup was my favorite out of them. This characters makeup is simple to put on, yet very hard to do if you want to get every little aspect right. The way I applied my foundation was by putting small blobs, and then blending it out. This works to a certain extend, because sometimes my face would be uneven with too much makeup on one side and very little on the other. Old age makeup is a bit challenging, specially when you had to highlight the wrinkles, because I would always tend to cover them up with white. As well I realize that I added a lot of white which made me look more like a ghost, rather then give me the effect of paleness that I was looking for. If I were to go back and redo this makeup section I'd lay of the white, make sure to darken my wrinkles, and add brown to my sides to hollow my cheeks. I came up with the conecpt mostly from mixing the three pictures to the left. This makeup wasn't easy to put on the face, however it was entertaining to create. If I had to recreate this makeup, I'd add more detail and color to the space portion of my face. This would be accomplished by adding more colors than white, such as blue and yellow. Inspiration Foundation If I ever redo this makeup I'd definitely break it up more with a sponge, in order to show some wrinkles. As well I would try to redo the eyes, and blend in the black with the white with finer eyes like the real character has. Next time I would also try mix my foundation with a little bit of my darker one, because on my final my foundation color was a little bit too light making me look pale.

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