Transcript: CONSUMPTION OF (IM)MOBILITIES the representation of the mobility culture in global brands' advertising discourse. Brazil, 1982 and 1998. + As an activity which enhances the visibility of consumption, advertising becomes an integral part of the movement of objects (Urry 2007: 47) + a transfer area (McCracken, 2003) were, through the discourse, objects become commodities (Appadurai, 1986). + contemporary motivations and consumer practices are translated into a life project which is ideally actualized, or re-signed, in the objects (Baudrillard, 1970). + advertising discourse is here seen as a product of the culture in which it is embedded. + the contemporary compulsion to mobility has significantly been appropriated by advertising as a strategy of valuation of the product or brand into a particular consumer object, itself an object of circulation. In this sense, advertising discourse can be considered a system which offers individuals the possibility of movement through consumption. "At last, the Walkman. The biggest sound revolution in the smallest stereo of the world" Sony. 6-9-82 "the e-commerce is changing the way you buy and sell things". IBM. 6-10-98 potential for movement is more closely related to physical and geographic dislocation. potential for movement is more closely related to virtual or imaginative mobility. H + In a fluid world, individuals are always changing, as well as the relations between people and their territory. + The collapse of macro-social entities has prompted the growth in importance of lyfestyles and consumption practices. + as a result of the incessant movement of markets, objects and people, the consumption becomes a practice affected by individuals' mobility or immobility social condition / status quo. + to account the increase of the mobilized social life in the last decades, there is an increase of demand for products and/or services that help individuals to deal with life in motion. + "people need social benchmarks and stability cores to organized the life in motion" (Kesselring, 2008: 90) + 'social benchmarks and stability cores' whose the goods, the means and the messages are an important constitutive part. Methodological Approach Key Concerns "Get into the Pierre Cardin dimension. A very exclusive fashion world". Veja, 6-9-82 and Veja, 6-14-82 + pelo aspecto estrutural, o discurso publicitário pode ser encarado como 'amostra provisória de seu tempo'. + entre 1982 e 1998, no Brasil, mais do que a cultura da mobilidade ou mesmo a mobilidade em potência, há nos anúncios referência ao nacional e ao verde e amarelo. + neste sentido, com relação ao aspecto referencial, no caso do Brasil, não reconhecemos a mobilidade enquanto argumento discursivo e persuasivo na publicidade das marcas, em 1982. + e mesmo com a inserção do Brasil no mercado global de consumo, a mobilidade em potência só é parte da argumentação persuasiva nas campanhas de 1998. + o caráter mediador e de tranferência simbólica e significacional da publicidade foi mais bem percebido em 1998 do que 1982. + em 1982, no Brasil, a mobilidade ainda era pensada pelo seu caráter mais físico e geográfico do que pela sua virtualidade. E em 1998, algumas marcas já divulgavam a tecnologia como meio de circular imaginativamente. Considerações finais: Globalized world Technological development + Speed Mobility Paradigm Lifestyle + consumer practices Advertising Discourse I take the interconnection of mobility, consumption and advertising in a globalized world as a starting point in my research in order to propose the view of advertising as a system which – by attributing movement to objects through discourse – may become a vehicle for the consumer to experience the world on the move, even if only virtually or imaginatively. + para dar conta da vida social mobilizada há o incremento da demanda por bens que ofereçam a mobilidade em potência, ou motilidade, como atributo fundamental para o consumo. + motilidade é "a capacidade da pessoa em ser móvel ou mais precisamente, a maneira com que o indivíduo se apropria do que é possível no domínio da mobilidade e usa esse potencial em suas atividades" (Kaufmann, 2002: 37) a partir do acesso e das habilidades de apropriação, baseados no contexto sócio-histórico e nos seus projetos de vida. + Interpretação: discurso como sistema de motilidade; consumo como aquisição da mobilidade em potência para circulação (ou não) no ambiente globalizado, em rede e de riscos. Supervisor Bianca Freire-Medeiros CPDOC/FGV Brazil In a globalized world: + the individual has become the main instance of social legitimacy, due to the weakening of macro-social structures affected by the speed of technical change and the intense flows of mobility; + mobilities practices have become capital a sine qua non condition for fruition of individuals in life, with their reference groups and objects of consumption, and for this reason,; + as práticas de consumo passaram a ser motivadas pela possibilidade de aquisição de