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Transcript: Nelida Bahena, Lisette Diaz, Cynthia Dorado, Yadira Payan Cost to study at IUPUI: - ranked third in "up and coming" American universities. Study Abroad: Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis IUPUI offers you the option of studying abroad in: - Argentina - Australia - Austria - Belize - Botswana - Brazil - Canada -Cayman Islands - Chile - China - Costa Rica - Croatia - Cuba - Czech Republic - Dominican Republic - Ecuador - Egypt - England - the 8th best public college in the Midwest according to Forbes. - grant degrees in more than 200 programs from both Indiana University and Purdue University. Admission: - Nickname: Jaguars - Acceptance rate: 69% (2010) - Mascot: Jinx and Jawz, the Jaguars - Colors: Crimson, Old Gold - IUPUI enrolls more than 30,000 students representing all 50 states and 122 countries. - France - Germany - Ghana - Greece - Guatemala - Haiti - Honduras - Hungary - India - Ireland - Isreal - Italy - Jamaica - Japan -Jordan - Kenya - Lithuania - Malaysia - Mexico - Netherlands - Netherlands Antilles - New Zeland - IUPUI has top-ranked programs in schools such as Nursing, Public and Environmental Affairs, Business, and Law. - Though no grade point average guarantees admission to IUPUI, we generally expect to see students with a “B” average when reviewing applications. The most important factors will be the grades you earned. - You must provide the results of your SAT or ACT, including the Writing Section of the test - You must have graduated from high school or will graduate before enrolling. Any Questions? A little more about IUPUI: - If you are a current Indiana high school student, you are expected to complete Core 40 and are strongly encouraged to earn the Academic Honors Diploma. If you are not in an Indiana high school, you should at minimum complete the equivalent to Indiana's Core 40. About IUPUI: f - Northern Ireland - Panama - Peru - Poland - Portugal - Russia - Rawanda - Scotland - Senegal - South Africa - South Korea - Spain - Sweden - Tanzania - Thailand - United Kingdom - Vietnam - Program of multiple countries.

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