Powerpoint Presentation
Transcript: 2. Income ranges from about $36,683.30 to $106,188.50 a year. Beginner game designers usually make a very low salary. This can change over time as they get higher in the ranks all the way up to intermediate designers, who can be payed $106,188.50, which is really good from some people. 1. Game designers can have days that need people to be so focused into their work and other times they will have days when they don't have much to do at all. Somedays can be very long and tiring and others could be short and rewarding. A day in the life of a... Games Designer, http://econsultancy.com/blog/62939-a-day-in-the-life-of-a-games-designer, Lake C. (2013) http://creativepool.com/articles/jobdescriptions/games-designer-job-description, Games Designer (2013) Wesley May Speech PowerPoint Presentation 1. The regular working hours are from 35 hours a week or more. 2. While working at the game corporations, they allow designers to have groups of people together to help combine the game ideas and information into one. 3. Somedays can very long and tiring and others could be very short and rewarding. 1. You are able to use your imagination and skills to make games fun, educational, and exciting. Game