Party Invitation
Transcript: Panda plays with toy horse What To Wear Ancient China, Day of Dragon King. Theres Rice,wheat and millet. There is a variety of meat including pork, chicken, duck, and goose. And for vegetables there are yams, soya beans, turnip, spring onions and garlic. I am serving this because thats what ancient chinese ate. Shared a Photo (made it up) People in ancient China wore robes and long blouses, called tunics, but the fabric they were made from was different. So wear tunics Day Of The Dragon King Time: Ancient China My Invitation to you. Photos like comment share Your Invited like comment share Relative to Book When: Day of Dragon King Cute Panda c. 2100 – c. 1600 BC Location: An Imperial City For entertainment there will be a person in a panda suit and a also Bingo This party relates to my book , Magic Tree House # 14 Day Of The Dragon King, because the book tells you about Ancient China and the party is chinese styled. like comment share Food Lives In Shared a Link Entertainment Day: