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Grading Rubric Template For Student Powerpoints Biographies

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Student Biographies

Transcript: Wordle Guided Practice and Independent Practice *Divide students into two groups - one with teacher who helps students develop questions and the other with the Librarian to learn about The Cube Creator. *The teacher will walk students through developing questions to ask their classmates through an interview. *The Librarian will model The Cube Creator at Students will: Gain knowledge of the backgrounds and interests of a classmate through personal interviews. Students will: Demonstrate knowledge of a classmate through a summary, a Wordle, and the creation of a Bio-Cube. *Gather students and explain that you want to make sure that your classroom community works well during the rest of the school year and that a good way to make sure this happens is for everyone to get to know each other, including others' backgrounds, languages, interests, similarities, and differences. *Have students meet with the Librarian to locate biographies through the use of the online cataloging system. *Show students a few biographies from your classroom library and take time to discuss what each biography contained. Goals and Objectives Summary Students will write a summary about their classmate they interviewed. This summary will be typed into and a supplementary visual aide will be created. Materials Student Biographies Beginning of the School Year 5th Grade Writing Lesson Outline * Internet Access *Biographies from Librarian (guidance from Librarian in how to find biographies) *Summary Writing Template *Sample Interview Questions 5th Grade - Classmate Biography Duration: 3-5 days Evaluation: Summary Wordle Bio-Cube Oral Presentation Bio Cube Guided Practice Shields Valley Schools Library Wilsall Elementary School Library Destiny Quest

Rubricator 2.0

Transcript: 1. Use measurable words like numbers/amounts EX. The student used 5/6 vocab. words correctly. 2. Give measurable goals like; -Amount of paragraphs or, -Complete 10 pushups, situps AND pullups. 3. Use reverse engineering: Start with the perfect assignment in mind and work backwards with your attainable/measurable goals. 4. Try not to use more than 3 to 4 columns as your description boxes. DOMAIN 4!!!!! Students should have an idea how a rubric works Rubrics 1. Why use a rubric? 2. How to make a "quick"/quality rubric? 3. Student made rubrics - Domain 4!! 1. Individual student grades 2. Group grades 3. Individual grading within groups 4. Teacher comparison Lastly... Student Ownership of their grades :) Rubrics can be living documents... 1. You can change the data points based on how the project goes. 2. Google classroom with class access to fix or build on the rubric. 3. Easily changeable for differentiated instruction, which means less time creating different assessments. Each student can complete it to their best, but differentiate based on needs. Grading... 1. Its a guideline for the students to follow. 2. It gives the teacher an unquestionable grading procedure. 3. It can make grading easier and faster. 4. Save them for future use. a. Use one template that you can change or adjust for multiple projects. Rubricator 2.0 Why use a rubric? 1. Objective, not subjective (Measurable) -What does somewhat mean? or what does almost mean? 2. What they think their "perfect scenario" looks like for max points 3. Then work backwards to create the rest of the rubric. They create the categories, the descriptions and the point values How to make a Quick/Quality Rubric Student Made Rubrics

Grading Rubric Online

Transcript: Grading Rubrics Online Ashleigh Locke Getting Started 1. Create a Rubric in Google Sheets. Leave Cell A1 blank. (Or copy and paste from a Google Doc into a Google Sheet) 2.Create a “Rubrics” folder in Google Drive where you can store your rubrics. Getting Started Next Steps 3. In Google Chrome, download the extension called Goobric Web App Launcher (If you haven't already). 4. Create a blank Google Sheet, where the Doctopus results can be stored. 5. In this blank Google Sheet, install Doctopus through the Add-ons menu (if you haven’t already). Give this Google Sheet a name (something like Assignment Name_Doctopus & Goobric Results). 6. From within this Google Sheet, go to the Add-ons menu and launch Doctopus. Doctopus now appears at the right. Launch Doctopus Launch Doctopus Doctopus Using Doctopus This launches Doctopus. Under Step 1, click “Ingest Google Classroom Assignment.” Doctopus pulls all of your Google Classrooms. Click on one that has an assignment. Select an Assignment from this Classroom. It pulls the assignment and switches to the Doctopus Assignment Tools window at the right. Grading Attach Goobric Click the Attach Goobric button at the top right. It pulls up any recent rubics that you have created in Google Sheets. If you don’t see the one you want, navigate to your “Rubrics” folder by clicking the My Drive tab. Locate and Select the rubric you want from your Google Drive. Click the blue Attach rubric button. Doctopus now presents a spreadsheet of columns and links (see below). Grading Grading Important: Look for the column called Goobric Link. These are the links to run the Goobric (Google Rubric) on top of each student’s document. Click on the first Goobric Link. The Goobric/rubric appears at the top of the document. Click on the rubric score for each part of the assignment, and then move on. Notes Notes Note: In the top right corner, you can either click on the Next>> button and advance to the next student, or click the drop-down menu which gives the names of each student, so you can jump to a specific student name – if you prefer that method. Note: There is a checkbox to "Also email scores to" each student. This is optional. For students who need oral feedback, there is also a Record Audio Comment button (shaded below) where you can record and save an audio comment. You get up to 120 seconds for the audio comment. Resources Resources A video on how students self-assess A video about how to get started with Doctopus/Goobric

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