Transcript: Real Estate Industry Background The condition of other countries' real estate industry. Factors that influence real estate industry What's the real estate industry? The condition of practitioners. 1:Chinese Real Estate Price Drop May Be Great News For New York Homeowners 2:The Art vs. Science of Real Estate Investing 3:7 Steps for Rebounding from Major Real Estate Failures 4:Real Estate Industry Analysis 2014 - Cost & Trends For example, in the second article, it tells us that if the worker more professional, the industry will get a more brighter furture. The real estate industry has been under scrutiny in recent years with the mortgage crisis and other current events, but it is still a large field which generates billions or dollars in revenue. There were 165,000 companies operating in the residential brokerage and management field last year, which generated $170 billion in revenue, and there were 25,000 companies operating in the commercial brokerage and management field, generating an annual revenue of $30 billion. It rose again in the early 1980s until the depression at the end of that decade, and it was a increase at the end of the 1990s. Real Estate Industry development For example, in the first article, it shows us that how the Chinese real estate price effect on the real estate industry in New York. Real Estate Industry further Real Estate Franchise Industry in 2014 at a Glance calm down After that point it sank and as of 2011 has yet to truly recover. Four articles How to deal with failure? The real estate industry consists of three primary fields: brokerages, leasing, and management. never give up In the third article, it shows us that there are some ways for rebounding form major real estate failures. ask helps from others In the fourth article, it shows us that real estate tends to be a particularly cyclical industry, going up and down based on trends in the economy at large such as the fluctuation in interest rates. The real estate industry is a mirror of the American economy. Real estate soared in the post-World War II 1950s, sank in the 1970s.