Transcript: Leidy Laura Ochoa Torres. App info like waze, weather, news snail, sport, fifa goal, And many more like books, app to edit, for the cell phone, for training. Downloads also download files like documents, videos, photos, music and a variety of things. * Video games like marvel, candy crush, plants vs zombie, my talking, fruit ninja free, main crafts. Do the downloads serve for? What is the most downloaded? * Music programs like youtube, spoty music, google play music, deezer music, etc. What is the most downloaded? What is the most downloaded? thanks my friends... What is downloads? In technology, the terms download, download, grab, download, or take out are used to refer to the transfer of computer files to an electronic device through a communication channel. The term download is frequently used for obtaining content to Through an Internet connection, where a remote server receives the data that is accessed by the clients through specific applications, such as browsers. Serves to send information from one server to another. In fact, the access of any information on the Internet (for example, a web page) is carried out by downloading before its contents (text, images, music, etc.) also serves to have information offline Since the children begin to download applications (app) and updates. Usually the most is: * Downloaded social networks now a days like facebook, whatsApp, messenger, google maps, twitter, etc. DOWNLOADS...