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Transcript: Calloway Co. Adult Education FAQ What do you do here? We give people hope! We help them remember their basic skills so they can help their kids with school, get a GED, go to college, or earn a better living. Who can come here? Anyone who is 16 and older and officially withdrawn from school. If someone has graduated from high school and wants to brush up on their basic skills, they need to take what is called a TABE test and score 11.9 grade equivalency or lower to be eligible. How much does it cost? Everything we do is FREE! We are state and federally funded, so students do not have to pay for services. How much does the GED cost? $60 We do receive funds from United Way and Murray Women's Club/Alpha Department that we use for scholarships when students cannot afford the test. How many people come here? We serve over 400 students a year. We can only count students who stay with us for 12 hours or more. We have had a little under 300 of those students here for the past 2 years. Since 2008, we have helped 200 people get their GEDs. How long does it take to get your GED? It depends. Each person has different strengths and weaknesses. Some have strong support systems, some have weak ones. Some come regularly, some cannot. How many people in Calloway County do not have a high school diploma or a GED? According to the 2000 census, there are 5,144 people who have less that a 12th grade education in Calloway County. That's 19% of the population (roughly 1 out of 5). Do we have a dropout problem here? It depends on who you ask. The schools can count people who leave school a variety of different ways. To put it in our perspective, 6 years ago, we served very few teenagers. Now, 26% of our students are under 19. We don't know how many students leave school and don't try to work on their GEDs right away. Through Education! 1 out of 4 people do not have a high school diploma!


Transcript: Frequently Asked Questions Things to do When Planning for College 01 Begin application process If not find colleges that offer your major Theres no best way to begin "Web Site Resources" address of websites info. about how to apply, deadlines,requirements,passwrords,tests and records you may need to access,finacial aid,and passwords to access the CSU system contact Information(phone numbers and emails) research about your college Things to take note of Applications Your college major Deadlines What can you do with the major? Admission Requirements Which college offer your major? Majors and impacted majors What sort of things do majors read and study? Address and contract Grades and Tests The kind of college you want to attend Financial Aid Who goes to college? CAl Grant Requirements What is the graduation rate? Deadlines What kind of support is offered there? Federal Grant Requirement What is life around the college like? Things to consider When Building Your FAQ Things to Do When Planning for a Career 02 - Takes patience and little imagination - " Expand your sense of what is possible for you as a highschool graduate hoping to enter the workforce" - John Hollands " Theory of Career Choice" - Consider your personal interest - Oklahoma Career Planner and Oklahoma Career Information System -The California Careers Website provides information California Career Center, San Joaquin County Office of Education for the California Department of Education, 17 Jan. 2008, A Folder for Keeping Imporant Records 03 Keep a folder with the follwing Notes on new discoveries Web addresses Relevant information to yourself Resources Organization A Plan 04 For Example: What are the working conditions? What skills will this career require? Is there any chance in advancement? Are there resources I can access to help me learn more about this particular career? How do people get hired? What is the outlook for this kind of work? -Have a list of questions to help with researching a career your interested in -Keeping research will help with informed decisions -Preparing ourselves for future opportunities -Writing a letter of introduction to future employers


Transcript: FR€QU€NT£¥ A$K€D QU€$TION$ 1) Is our system based on consumerism sustainable? LUCAS: 1) Is our system based on consumerism sustainable? Capitalism Capitalism Problems Problems In Spain In Spain 2) How can we help our planet when going shopping? UXUE: 2) How can we help the planet when going shopping? Don't use plastic bags when shopping Don't use plastic bags when shopping Plastic bags: 10-1,000 to decompose Paper bags: 1 month to decompose Avoid impulsive buys Avoid impulsive buys Marketing strategies + pollution Buy local products Local products not shipped Shipped products emit damaging gases waste natural resources Buy local products OIER: 3) Which are the consequences of massive consumerism events like Black Friday or Christmas? Which are the consequences of massive consumerism events like Black Friday or Christmas? POLLUTION Pollution Endangering species Wild-life moved from habitats Waste dumped Overexplotation→ Natural resources Everybody contributing Disposable products Tempted by bargains Child-slavery Child-slavery The chocolate chase (documentary) Dutch-persuade grate companies-stop slavery Create fair trade chocolate co. Child-trade market (Mali) UNICEF- 200.000 children Globalized culture Our culture - disappear National producers - bankruptcy Globalized culture Anxiety and overexcitement Many people die-crushing Overexcitement for bargains Anxiety & overexcitement 4) How much money does the average person spend on clothes per year? ALEX: 4) How much money does the average person spend on clothes per year? Average American The average person spends around $161 per month on cloth. Women spend nearly 76% more than men do on clothing in a year. The average family of four spends around $1800 per year on clothes, with $388 of this on shoes.w average american The average Spanish Canada hasn't been known for being a fashion capital. that doesn't mean they don't like to dress well. In fact, the average Canadian household spent $3,371 on clothing and accessories in 2016 A recent study confirms that canadians spend more when products are discounted. Average Canadian person The average uk person Average UK person The most popular amount spent per year on clothing items is 51 to 100 British pounds spending more than 3,000 pounds on clothing in an average. Yes How many of this things does a person buy per year? XABIER: 5) How many of this things does a person buy per year? Egg The average person consumes 433 eggs per year. This is equal to 20 kilos of eggs. Egg Pasta The average italian purchases 8 kilos of pasta per year. This quantity has increased since 2017, when the italalians adquired 6 kilos each. Pasta Pizza Domino's pizza, the most popular pizza bussiness in the world, sells an average of 1.5 million of pizzas per day. Pizza

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