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Eeg Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: During - Electrodes are placed on the patient's scalp to detect electrical impulses within the brain - Normal findings are normal frequency, amplitude and characteristics of brain waves - Abnormal findings: seizures, brain tumor, brain abscess, intracranial hemorrhage, cerebral infarct, cerebral death, encephalitis, narcolepsy (detects sleep waves during normal waking hours), metabolic encephalopathy Overview Teaching Electroencephalography Highlights After - Instruct the patient to wash his hair the night before the test. Patient should not use any oils or sprays - Instruct patient not to drink any coffee, tea, cocoa, or cola the morning before the test - Instruct patient he will need to remain still during the test - Instruct the patient that he should not fast before the test. (Pt should eat to avoid hypoglycemia) *to identify brain function abnormalities * Due to the EEG's ability to evaluate the overall electrical activity of the brain, it can be used to determine trauma and cerebral death - Help the patient to remove the electrode paste with acetone - Instruct and help patient shampoo hair - Instruct patient who has had a sleep EEG not to drive home alone - Ensure safety precautions until the effects of any sedatives have worn off if sleep EEG indicated Before Complications/contraindication/ interfering factors * to identify and evaluate patients with seizures *identify conditions involving the brain cortex *tumors *infarction *abscess - Procedure performed by an EEG technician so nurse is generally not present for procedure - Help the patient to lie in a supine position - Patient is asked to hyperventilate by breathing deeply 20 times per minute for 3 minutes - Light may be flashed over the patient with the patient's eyes opened or closed - Electrodes will cover prefrontal, frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital areas of the skull - Patient may be asked to hyperventilate by breathing deeply 20 times per minute for 3 minutes - Light may be flashed over the patient with the patient's eyes closed or opened (to detect light-stimulated seizures) Procedure and Findings Purpose - Explain procedure to patient - Assure patient that the test cannot read minds or test senility - Assure patient that he will not feel anything during the procedure - Instruct the patient to wash his hair the night before the test. Patient should not use any oils or sprays - Check with physician if any medications need to be discontinued - Instruct patient if sleeping time should be shortened the night before the test - Instruct patient not to fast before study - Instruct patient not to drink any coffee, tea, cocoa, or cola the morning before the test - Instruct patient he will need to remain still during the test - Fasting causing hypoglycemia - Drinks containing caffeine - Movement during the test - Light can alter results - Drugs such as sedatives - Seizure can be induced due to the hyperventilation and flashing lights - EEG is primarily used for identifying epilepsy, but can also identify cerebral death as well as be used in a craniotomy - Be sure to instruct the patient to wash his hair the night before and not to use oils or lotions - Be sure to instruct the patient to eat before the test to avoid hypoglycemic reaction -Be sure to instruct patient to avoid caffeinated beverages EEG


Transcript: The EEG Signal Analysis Using Higher Order Spectra in Neuro-Marketing Application Problem Statement The EEG Signal Analysis Main Points Using Higher Order Spectra in Neuro-Marketing Application Previous Failures Previous Failures Failure in Traditional Marketing like Forms Failure in Packing & Pricing Failure in Designing of Advertisements Forecasts Necessary Forecasts Successful EEG Based Sails Demand Recognition Recognition Customer Behavior Normal Behavior Analysis Method Brain Analysis Method VS Literature Review Yadava et al. (2017) Morin et al. (2011) Vecchiato et al. (2011) Sebastian (2014) Golnar-Nik et al. (2019) Khushaba et al. (2013) Purpose Method Diagram Segmentation Normalization Classification Pre-Processing Diagram Feature Extraction EEG signals Eye Tracking Classification SVM or better classifier Theories Sum of the bispectrum magnitudes Sum of the squares of the bispectrum magnitudes Sum of the bicoherence magnitudes Sum of the squares of the bicoherence magnitudes Lambda Chi-square value Probability of false alarm Higher-Order Spectra Accurate tool Emotional states HOS WHY? Feature Normalization Y = norm -2Y' + Y' + Y' s max s s min Y' + Y' s min s max Innovations Innovations Using higher order spectra in neuro-marketing application to EEG signal analysis [1] M. Yadava, P. Kumar, R. Saini, P. P. Roy, and D. P. Dogra, “Analysis of EEG signals and its application to neuromarketing,” Multimedia Tools and Applications, vol. 76, no. 18, pp. 19087–19111, 2017. [2] C. Morin, “Neuromarketing: the new science of consumer behavior,” Society, vol. 48, no. 2, pp. 131–135, 2011. [3] G. Vecchiato et al., “On the use of EEG or MEG brain imaging tools in neuromarketing research,” Computational intelligence and neuroscience, vol. 2011, p. 3, 2011. [4] V. Sebastian, “Neuromarketing and evaluation of cognitive and emotional responses of consumers to marketing stimuli.,” Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol. 127, pp. 753–757, 2014. [5] R. N. Khushaba, C. Wise, S. Kodagoda, J. Louviere, B. E. Kahn, and C. Townsend, “Consumer neuroscience: Assessing the brain response to marketing stimuli using electroencephalogram (EEG) and eye tracking,” Expert Systems with Applications, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 3803–3812, 2013. [6] P. Golnar-Nik, S. Farashi, and M.-S. Safari, “The application of EEG power for the prediction and interpretation of consumer decision-making: A neuromarketing study,” Physiology & behavior, vol. 207, pp. 90–98, 2019. References Data Description


Transcript: A new product called Eeg™, short for Eeg Superegg Solution™, just hit the market, changing the game forever. Nothing will ever be the same in this world. Unregulated, objectively experimental, the places this product can reach are limitless. The creator, Ben Bayer, remarks than even he does not know the full potential Eeg™ possesses. Enhanced dexterity, super speed, computational powers beyond anything you've ever dreamed, you can have it all. You cannot, and will not, be prepared for what it will do to you. John Nownes: Greatest Athlete of All Time Creighton Prep's very own John Nownes, greatest athlete ever to be born on this earth, has said in a recent interview that it was only possible because of Eeg™. "It changed my life forever," he said while on his daily marathon. "I never could have been here if it wasn't for Eeg™, it made my every dream come true." "Eeg™ is everything to me" -Jude Peal "Eeg™ won me the lottery!" -Tom Ernatt "Without Eeg™, I would've had no chance of getting through finals" -every single Creighton Prep student Ben Bayer, creator of Eeg Superegg Solution™, has remained predominately silent these past few days despite now being possibly the most successful, influential, and powerful man in the world. Here at CP Daily News we are still trying to get an interview, but until later notice we do not have confirmation. Some say he's undoubtedly retreated to a remote cave in rural Tibet, yet others say with certainty he is hiding out at a college preparatory school. So for now, keep your eyes open, and God bless America. How is he so godly? Story by Liam Keating, voice of Operation Others $2.50 Saturday, December 10, 2016 What Does The Creator Have To Say? Trump Reveals His Secret CUSTOMERS RAVE! Buy Eeg™ Now! EEG CHANGES THE MARKET FOREVER Eeg: The Future How did he really get elected? Despite the news, little said so far Now that Trump has secured the presidency, he is finally revealing how he really got there. The answer? Eeg™. But not just any Eeg™, he had his own personalized presidential Eeg™. Vol XCIII, No. 217 CP DAILY NEWS Hear their real stories


Transcript: What is Alzheimer's Disease How can we convert brian waves graphics and music Healthy People The forest flourishes: the tree will have more branches, they are in full bloom, and you can hear the birds sound singig happily in the forest. Contributors PI: Justin Dauwels, EEE, NTU, Singapore Co-PI: Martin Constable, ADM, NTU, Singapore Postdoc: Mohamed Elgendi, IMI, NTU, Singapore Collaborator : Brice Rebsamen, NUS, Singapore Collaborator : Francois Vialatte, ESPCI, France Collaborator : Andrzej Cichocki, RIKEN, Japan Research Assistant: Jorge Gamez, UNAM, Mexico Student: Rohit Shukla, IIIT, India Student: Niu ZePing, NTU, Singapore Student: Amrish Nair, EEE, NTU, Singapore Student: Bangying Ho, HC Institution, Singapore Student: Vasilisa Mishuhina, BSUIR, Belarus Student: Niteesh Prasad, Drexel University, USA Sponsors EEG Virtual Reality for Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease Objective Electroencephalogram (EEG) is the recording of electrical activity along the scalp. EEG measures voltage fluctuations resulting from ionic current flows within the neurons of the brain. EEG activity therefore always reflects the summation of the synchronous activity of thousands or millions of neurons. EEG signals are commonly used for diagnosis of brain disorders such as Alzheimer’s and epilepsy. The activity of each brain area of the brain is represented by a different tree, where trees grow and bloom, and birds whistle. The forest is less active: the trees are less developed, there are hardly any red flowers, and there are few birds sound. Brain waves measured by a wireless headset Alzheimer's Patients The aim of this study is to provide an alternative tool for analyzing and exploring brain signals (specifically for Alzheimer's disease) through novel graphical and auditory representations. What is EEG ? Four brain areas will be mapped into four trees

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