Eating Disorders
Transcript: Also similar to anorexia, anyone can develop bulimia and it is also commonly found among females. Most cases are among athletes, models, and dancers. Anorexia Compulsive overeaters may suffer from severe depression, isolate themselves, hide food, and eat little in public. These are but a few of the many symptoms of an overeater. Like anorexia and bulimia, this disorder is found in athletes and models, but also in vegetarians. Vegetarians are commonly diagnosed as compulsive overeaters due to their lack of intelligence pertaining to dietary needs. No matter who has this disorder, they all fall victim to their self-esteem being suffocated. asdklfjaslkdfjasdf Maddie Fulkerson Chez Tarleton Coach Queen 4A Bulimia Anorexia is a mental disorder where the individuals have a distorted self-image of their body. They tend to weigh themselves repeatedly, consume small amounts of food, or stay away from food altogether. They normally seem sickly with brittle hair/nails, muscle weakness, with fatigue. EATING DISORDERS Intro Anyone can develop anorexia, but it is most common in industrialized areas. This disorder is dominant in females, but the ratio between them and males is 10:1. Adolescents and young adults develop low self-esteem due to models, television ads, and magazines promoting such slender figures. Eating disorders have become a major problem in our society in the recent years. They all stem from various types of depression and/or emotional or physical trauma. The three main types are anorexia, bulimia, and compulsive overeating. ...on that note, Compulsive overeaters over eat due to depression (mostly) or happiness. Most compulsive overeating victims were subject to sexual and/or physical abuse. Thus provoking their desire to have extra cushion for blows and/or to make themselves seem unattractive to offenders. Compulsive Overeating In mild cases of bulimia, they can talk out their problems with someone that they trust. With more extreme cases, they may require hospitalization and counseling. Even with said treatments, there have been reports of bulimics dying from organ failure or commiting suicide. Bulimia is similar to the anorexic disorder where they have a distorted mental image of themselves. Instead of avoiding food, they binge eat and then regurgitate or expel their food in some other manner. They normally have a healthy weight or slightly over their recommended weight. In mild cases, talking to friends and family members along with staying away from situations that will feed the obsession will usually help the anorexics recover. For more serious cases, hospitalization, anti-depressants, and organ transplants may be necessary. Though they may have the treatments, some still commit suicide due to their mental illness. Be happy with yourself despite the "perfect" bodies projected in the mass media and believe in your friends. The ways to treat a compulsive eaters habits are by: psychological therapy, nutritional therapy, exercise, and acting as a safety net for their problems.