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Door Hanger Template Powerpoint

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Transcript: Visual Stimuli Our Research Question Background Manipulated: Do college students support cultural awareness? Subjects Hanger Null Is rejected Relationship exists between variable Hypotheses Hanger/Hangry -The act of being hungry and angry - Studies have shown... Hungry people have trouble regulating temperament when blood sugar levels drop Visual Stimuli -Handouts Cultural food Cultural traditions Survey -Scale for: Hunger Emotion Behavior Key Variables HANGER Gwynedd Students College Students Measurements Gender Clinical Implications Deeper understanding of one's behavior and emotions when hangry Teach others how to be more aware of hanger, possibly prevent it -Self-report survey -Approximately 100 Gwynedd Mercy University students -Randomly selected -Range of ages (young adults) -In order to find out if hanger can be induced by visual stimuli 1 - Disagree Strongly 2 - Disagree A Little 3 - Neither Agree Nor Disagree 4 - Agree A Little 5 - Agree Strongly References We expect that visual stimuli of food will promote hanger among college students. We also expect that Females will display symptoms linked to hanger more than men. Visual Stimuli -Pictures of Food -Popular Food vs. Cultural Emotion -Hanger (hungry/angry) Outside variable -Gender -Male vs. Female -Hormones 1. I'm aware of the different traditions of other cultures 2. I am open to new experiences inspired by other cultures 3. Ethnic foods appear appetizing to me 4. Food of any kind leads to happiness 5. When angry or upset, I turn to any kind of food for comfort 6. I fly off the handle easily when hungry 7. Others irritate me when they don't behave the way they should or act like they don't have the good sense of a head of lettuce H A N G E R Hypotheses Hunger and anger linked by the common gene Neuropeptide Y is a natural brain chemical released into brain when hungry Is hanger a survival mechanism? Future Direction Implications & Future Direction Examples of Questions Related Research Generalizing -Sample: Gwynedd Students -Population: All College Students Proposed Study Baker, D. & Keramidas, N. (2013). The psychology of hunger. American Psychological Association. 44(9). 66. Salis, A. (2015). The science of being 'hangry:' Why some people get grumpy when they're hungry. Retrieved from Schreiber, K. (2014). Should we break up or should I just eat a sandwich? Here's why it's a legit question. Retrieved from Threats to internal validity Gender - Hormones could play a factor Accurate self-report? Threats to external validity Not all college students are young adults Last meal time? Money/Meal Plan? Can Hanger Be Induced By Visual Stimulation? Sarah Johnson Marianne Mindanao -n=100 -Gwynedd Students Potential Limitations Minnesota Starvation Experiment -November 1944 -36 young men volunteered for an experiment on the psychological and physiological effects of starvation -Calorie intake was specified for months -Ended in October 1945 Should We Break Up or Should I Just Eat a Sandwich? -Ohio State University Research -21 days, 107 married couples -Blood sugar was tracked nightly Research Question Likert Scale

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