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Transcript: Smart industry EXECUTION Smart Industry Intro Research Project Industry 4.0 Alex Kir Ion Arapu . Bas de Vries. Jean de Cuba Koen Strijder Kheir Almosally PROJECT SETTING Goal Problem description R&D APPROACH Research questions and strategies PROJECT MANAGEMENT EXECUTION DEMO FINAL RESULTS and the VALUE DELIVER SHARE EVALUATION INDEX INDEX Research for the standard IT security principle and applying best practice on industry 4.0.(smart industry) Goal Goal How to apply standard IT security principles in Industry 4.0? Main and sub questions R&D approach Sub question What is Industry 4.0? Library Literature study: Research on internet about industry 4.0 Field document analysis: Researching documents from TNO about industry 4.0. What kind of standard security principles exists? Library Literature study: Research on the internet about what security principles exist What are the threats to an industry 4.0 environment? Library Literature study: Research on the internet about what are the threats to an industry 4.0 environment. Field Document Analysis: Research document from TNO about threats to OT machines. What kind of IT security principles do we need to implement? Field interview: Ask the stakeholder what security principles he wants to see in our network Workshop Prototyping: Implement the standard security principles in our demo network. Lab Security test: Test the demo environment. Sub-question and methodology Using agile technique. Using ClickUp online Scrum board Using WhatsApp Separate the roles Standups Project Management Project Management Research document Research multiple security principles and select the ones that can be applied in Smart Industry Build the demo network & write the Cookbook EXECUTION EXECUTION Smart industry Smart industry Smart industry:: stand for far-reaching digitization,linking of all and the deployment of new production technology,This offers many opportunities for existing and new companies in all sectors. Establish secure defaults Principle of least privilege Separation of Duties Plan for failure Record Record Record Run frequent tests Minimize attack surface area IT security principles ITsP Visualization provision of information: ELK-stack visualizes network's data and information coming from intrusion detection system. Visualizes log data from the OPC-UA Server and Client. Vulnerabilities Scanner Network Vulnerabilities Scanner perform network vulnerabilities scanning OPC-UA OPC-UA Server&Bridge Updated to async-ua Added connection to bridge Added logging to visualize platform Added login function Added logging to script OPC-ua Client DEMO DEMO POC demo network Non-Visualized Cookbook Research report FINAL RESULTS & VALUE FINAL RESULTS and the VALUE Delivered PoC through presentations for the target audience. Hand-in cookbook to stakeholders. Cookbook = Transferability heaven Easy on-boarding for the next group Delivery & Transferability DELIVER Present the results of the research Present the network Sharing at Symposium SHARE Evaluation Evaluation Proud: - with the connection to bridge. - final demo product - Cookbook Tips: - Strict agile work-plan - Don't be late for group meetings Tops: - Hardworking, always finishes the work. - Good researchers. More integration Could be easier for end-users Reflection Reflection - Collaboration: weekly schedule + ClickUp scrum board - Strengths: dedicated to our work - Weaknesses: Being on time with the whole group Peer-assessments Peer-assessments Evaluation Recommendations Create proper requirements beforehand. Research the features of products that you want to use, make sure they integrate together. Use latest software(features/security) Use our cookbook Use open standards(and contribute Questions ? Questions!?!

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Transcript: The Book Of Negroes Storytelling Elements Writing Elements Written By: Lawrence Hill Presentation By: Zeineb Muhsen The Book of Negroes Title The Book of Negroes is a page turning historical fiction novel told in the first person perspective of a fictional character named Aminata Diallo. This novel is a great work of literature that outlines the life of a girl living in the 1700s as she goes from being a free African child, to an abducted slave and finally to a woman. The remarkable storytelling and writing elements immerse the reader into the life of Aminata. Thus, the reader not only learns about a dark portion of history but is able to empathize with the experiences of slaves on a human level. A Great Work of Literature 1745- The story starts off with Aminata's abduction from her village in west Africa by slave traders at the tender age of 11 years old. She details how she was forced to walk in a coffle- a string of slaves- for months to the ocean. On this treacherous journey, she meets Chekura, a young boy that soon becomes her close friend. As Aminata describes her horrific experience on a slave vessel, the audience is able to witness the lack of humanity of the slave trade. Early Life Plot Summary Aminata survives the crossing of the ocean and lands in America. She is taken to South Carolina where she is forced to work on an indigo plantation. On the plantation, she is subject to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of her slave owner, Mr. Appleby. Despite her lack of physical freedom, Aminata possesses a very intellectual mind and is able to learn to read and write in secret. This skill becomes her saving grace as she is sold to a Jewish man named Solomon Lindo for her literacy skills. Although still a slave, she is treated with more humanity in Lindo's home. Life as a Slave Life as a Slave When Mr. Lindo travels to New York, he takes Aminata with him. At this point, it is the 1770s and the American revolution is intensifying, so she is able to escape during the conflict. Due to her literacy, she is able to get work with the British army writing the names of Black British loyalists who are allowed to set sail from New York to other British colonies. The document she writes in is called ‘The Book of Negroes’. Aminata is then able to travel to the British colony of Nova Scotia where she is promised a life of freedom. Escape From Slavery Escape From Slavery In Nova Scotia, the black loyalists are not given the rights that had been promised to them by the British. When the chance comes to travel back to Africa and settle in a place called Sierra Leone, Aminata takes another voyage across the ocean, this time by her own will. Journey Back Home Journey Back Home Oftentimes, people remember the slave trade as a political and economic event rather than an event that devastated the lives of millions of people. The number of black people forced into slavery in Western countries is seen as a mere statistic, lacking any human connection. This novel is able to ground these statistics into reality by seamlessly incorporating the historic suffering into Aminata's emotional story. The experiences of Aminata are vividly described and strike empathy in the reader. Establishes Deeper Understanding of the Impact of Slavery Deeper Understanding of Slavery Quote 1 The author sheds light on the experience of kidnapped Africans aboard slave ships: “Everywhere I turned, men were lying naked, chained to each other and their sleeping boards, groaning and crying. Waste and blood streamed along the floorboards, covering my toes.” (Hill 63) In this quote, Aminata describes her experience as she enters the hold of the slave ship. The author uses the perspective of the main character to reveal the sickening conditions that slaves endured on their journey across the ocean. Aminata comes to the conclusion that living as a slave makes you "invisible" and you have "no claim on your future". This truth hits home to any reader that has felt helpless in their lives and fosters an understanding for people forced into slavery. "Near the platform stood a group of Africans, some barely able to stand and others with pus dripping from sores on their legs…I could do nothing to change their prospects or even my own. That, I decided, was what it meant to be a slave: your past didn't matter; in the present you were invisible, and you had no claim on your future” (Hill 189) Quote 2 In this quotation, the author identifies the helpless feeling that a slave is forced to have: Patriarchy Timeless Theme- Patriarchy The patriarchal world is evident throughout the novel and establishes a timeless theme. Hill expertly portrays the challenges that Aminata faces due to being a slave but also her disadvantages due to being a female. Female slaves were not only abused physically, but also sexually, mentally and emotionally. Their bodies were not their own and were abused by the men in power. Although Hill is a male, he is able to connect to the feelings that

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Transcript: Assessing the Maritime Students’ Perceptions and Preparedness of Coastal Resilience: A Descriptive Correlational Study BSMT SII-BRAVO (GROUP1) OBJECTIVES: The sole purpose of the descriptive correlational study is to investigate fundamental research inquiries through a comprehensive assessment of the level of awareness, perception, and readiness among maritime students about coastal resilience. The chapter presents the findings from the data gathered. The chapter is organized into themes that go along with the sub-themes obtained through thematic analysis which is also derived from the research questions. The result is hereby integrated with the information gathered from the interviews. To examine the extent of maritime students' awareness of coastal resilience and its importance. To investigate the opinions of maritime students regarding coastal hazards and theirpossible impact on many elements of maritime activity. To evaluate the preparedness of maritime students in implementing coastal resiliencemethods within their field focuses on assessing their readiness. To recommend practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training ofmaritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems. CONCLUSION: 1. The extent of maritime students' awareness of coastal resilience and its importance is very pivotal in achieving success. 2. The opinions of maritime students regarding coastal hazards and their possible impact on many elements of maritime activity differs from their educational backgrounds, views, opinions, and perspectives that can be seen from positive and negative statements. 3. The preparedness of maritime students in implementing coastal resilience methods within their field focuses on assessing their readiness. 4. The recommended practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems will be a great leap towards total quality achievement. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1. School administrators may support the development of practical suggestions for enhancing the education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems. 2. Strengthen or maintain development programs for maritime students that nurture the development of their personal life and professional role. 3. The education and training of maritime students within the framework of coastal resilience and monitoring systems may be reviewed, refined, and later used to guide researchers. 4. Future researchers may use this study as a reference for further study on variables that were not explored in this study. This descriptive correlational study evaluated maritime students' views of and readiness for coastal resilience in order to prevent problems in the near future. The purpose of this study was to determine how good the maritime students were in understanding the ideas of coastal resilience and how equipped they were to handle issues that may arise along the coast. The findings showed that most of the participants had awareness and comprehension about the topic. While most of them also agreed that it is still dangerous for reducing the effects of climate change and natural disasters. Findings also revealed that there were differences in their level of practical readiness to deal with these problems since they differ from aspects as observed in their demographic profiles. This study which is a qualitative research provided themes and subthemes, through thematic analysis of the concept the focuses on the information and solicited opinions of the female participants. Findings from the data analysis have been organized by themes, with each theme referencing several sub themes and codes from the analysis

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