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Climate Change Powerpoint Presentation Template

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Climate change presentation

Transcript: Evidence of global warming Clearing forests also releases large amounts of carbon dioxide. On top of that, plants and trees use it to grow. Worldwide deforestation means we don’t have as many trees to absorb the extra carbon dioxide.This means more of it stays in the atmosphere, trapping more heat. One of the most immediate and obvious effects of global warming is the increase in temperatures around the world. The average global temperature has increased by about 1.4 degrees Fahrenheit (0.8 degrees Celsius) over the past 100 years, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). Effects of global Warming Evidence of global warming Images of global warming Images of global warming Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human expansion of the "greenhouse effect"1 — warming that results when the atmosphere traps heat radiating from Earth toward space. Certain gases in the atmosphere block heat from escaping. Since 1970, the area of snow cover in the United States has steadily decreased, according to the EPA, and the average temperature of permafrost (soil that's at or below freezing temperature) has grown warmer.One of the most dramatic effects of global warming is the reduction in Arctic sea ice: In 2012, scientists saw the smallest amount of Arctic ice cover ever recorded. Most analyses project that, within a matter of years, the Arctic Sea will be completely ice-free during the summer months. Since record keeping began in 1895, the hottest year on record for the 48 contiguous U.S. states was 2012. Worldwide, 2012 was also the 10th-warmest year on record, according to NOAA. And nine of the warmest years on record have occurred since 2000. According to NOAA, 2013 tied with 2003 as the fourth warmest year globally since 1880. Detailed measurements of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) levels have been taken continuously for more than 50 years. The data show that CO2 levels have steadily increased every year. Today they are 25 percent higher than in 1957.What's more, scientists have detailed records of past CO2 levels from ice core studies, which show that CO2 levels are higher today than at any point since our distant ancestors began migrating out of Africa 800,000 years ago. Causes of global warming The heat-trapping nature of carbon dioxide and other gases was demonstrated in the mid-19th century. There is no question that increased levels of greenhouse gases must cause the earth to warm. ice cores from greenland, antarctica shows that the earth reaponds to change in the greenhouse levels. Images of global warming Images of global warming Global warming is projected to have a number of effects on the oceans. Ongoing effects include rising sea levels due to thermal expansion and melting of glaciers and ice sheets, and warming of the ocean surface, leading to increased temperature stratification. Images of global warming Effects of global Warming Effects of global Warming Declining sea ice is one of the most visible signs of global warming on our planet. Since 1979, Arctic sea ice extent in September (when the annual minimum is reached) has declined by over 30 percent, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center. The ice extent has been declining in other seasons, when its not supposed to. Evidence of global warming Effects of global Warming Evidence of global warming Extreme weather is an effect of global warming. While experiencing some of the hottest summers on record, much of the United States also has been experiencing colder than normal winters.Changes in climate can cause the jet stream to migrate south, bringing with it cold, Arctic air. This is why some states can have a sudden cold snap or colder than normal winter, even during the long-term trend of global warming. Causes of global warming Sea-level rise has been happening even faster than scientists anticipated a few years ago. If recent projections are accurate, 2-3°F warming could bring about 3 feet of global sea-level rise by 2100, displacing approximately 56 million people in 84 developing countries around the world. Effects of global Warming Climate change presentation Greenhouse gases are released into the atmosphere in many ways, including through the burning of fossil fuels (such as coal and petroleum) and by deforestation. As some environments warm (e.g. the Arctic tundra) they also release carbon that may have been stored for thousands of years. Quite simply, it hasn't. Even global surface temperatures (which is how Spencer is likely measuring 'global warming', although they only account for about 2% of the Earth's warming), have warmed about 0.2°C over the past 15 years, according to the best available measurements. Evidence of global warming Causes of global warming

Climate Change Powerpoint

Transcript: Off the western coast of the continent Europe lies the United Kingdom, a country made up of both Northern Ireland and Great Britain. This country, which is a combination of islands, is in the eastern Atlantic Ocean. The United Kingdom is English speaking, and ruled under Queen Elizabeth II. These charts, which show the average temperatures and precipitations in the year 1990, give the approximate rainfall per year to be 12 degree Celsius per month, and the precipitation to be 8 days a month, or 567 mm in the year. Severe weather patterns have been occurring constantly throughout the years, as many instances have been recorded equally between 1990 and 2012. Impacts of Climate Change in the Region Current Climate Information Like any other country, the United Kingdom is affected everyday from differences in climate, whether in temperature, precipitation, or in storms. As both the average temperature and precipitation increases, which is proven in the previous slides, this country not only undergoes a rise in sea level and heat, but a change in humidity, and flooding. As more water both comes in and is evaporated by heat, humidity stretches over the United Kingdom to cause effects on plant growth, and surface temperature. As crops decrease, so then does food for livestock, causing a lack of food for both the animal and people. Heat then also brings an environment for unwanted bugs or pests to succeed in, such as the flea, mosquito, and cockroach, who may all cause disease. Tropical storms, which may build from the wind of the ocean, are also affected by climate change on the coasts of the country as evaporation and high waves causes a swirl by the wind which could lead to tornado or hurricane. United Kingdom Climate Change These graphs, which explain the average temperature and precipitation patterns for the United Kingdom in 2012, are ways in which to explain the weather. In terms of temperature, an average of 14 degrees Celsius occurred per month, while 588 mm was the average rainfall in the year. Both records differ throughout the months, however remain approximately in the same range. Severe weather patterns also effect the United Kingdom, as each month may bring a new storm. Although storms may sometimes be unexpected, this gives no regular times for weather to come, yet the waters which surround the country bring constant fear for tropical storms such as tornadoes or hurricanes in the summer months. Summary In summary to my findings, I have realized that over a period of 12 years, temperature patterns have increased by 2 degrees per month, while precipitation patterns have increased by 24 mm per year. Throughout the years, however, tropical storms and weather have remained a common happening within the country. Many different problems can be affected by climate change, such as lack of crop growth for both people and livestock, a weather for pests to succeed in, flooding, sea level rise, and many others. Over time, these may cause huge affects on the planet as climate change increasing becomes a worse problem. Although somethings may be out of the human population's hands, small changes can be made to slowly deteriorate climate change. These could be transportation means, recycling and garbage, or pollution through factories and manufacturing. Together, as both smoke and polluted extract reaches the atmosphere, causes in temperature can be made which affect our planet. As a population, alterations can easily be set forth to both achieve and successfully reach a goal to control climate change. Past Climate Information Location of the United Kingdom

Climate Change Presentation

Transcript: Engaging Citizens in reducing the carbon footprint of BC communities Long Term Thinking Broad in scope co-ordinated across community collaborative networks through community a "living" plan target and track results Results of competitions support community goals and and - calculators + validation process PERSONAL efforts by citizens elders citizen accounts - personal inputs to system club accounts - club inputs challenge accounts - terms of challenges Pacific Institute For Climate Solutions Cap and Trade Revenue Competition as motivator make it fun Use existing facilitators who know community accurate metrics User-friendly! FUN Bottom-up Community Development Expanded - online challenge admin system -- sets goals -- creates metrics -- provides facilitation Engage & support existing community networks Expertise "Smart Planning for Communities" many data sets disaggregated by community - priorities, citizen dialogue + voting Existing Networks Government: Our system supports Interactive monitoring of results relevant narratives from users to share ideas organized by concepts & 'hood build in useful apps & calculators & display results to communities "Social Mobilization Workshop Report" not PERFECTION experts Apartment building residents high school teams soccer moms company employees Contests neighbourhoods Motivate common Community * data visualized & interactive * interactive maps * data with narratives Brainstorming: Project Design - node view supports social infrastructure provides resources We'd love to develop a detailed proposal for the Climate Action Secretariat software designed for community engagement Competition among similar entities: employees of Bank "A" challenge those of Bank "B" would contribute to improve Goal publicity, success stories competition stories provide special access to data & stories insures inclusivity for all prizes, recognition initially "priming the pump" are our team has the facilitate networking Community "A" challenges others tracking tool keeps track of entity in multiple competitions validation process authenticates individual efforts semantic framework We have the right stuff! activities credible metrics more calculators wider tracking public to add ideas Inspire Grass Roots solutions Citizen engagement Individual efforts may be small but... citzens of their communities united interest creation of coefficients is a key task Climate Change Data Catalogue - citizens stories about experiences inspired new solutions engage everyone Narratives results reports and analysis Community Facilitation Inspired diverse Green commuter challenge i.e. Parks & Rec staff... pay an honorarium many new everyday tasks Get support of local media social mobilization can add up! Local Media to report on successes prize is recognition focus all on a Fraser Basin Council aggregate individuals' efforts Method: such benefit will cap Trade learn If proposed methods can be proven Community Facilitators support of community media in context of community goals Participants Facilitators develop "entity competitions" Competitions

Climate Change presentation

Transcript: While the Earth's Temperature rises naturally, humans are helping it, and making it worse. We have added a lot of green house gasses to our atmosphere, helping the temperature of the earth rise. Conclusion One major affect of global climate change, is the melting of the glaciers. The melting of these glaciers will affect the lives of animals, and also cause a rise in ocean water, creating floods. This will ruin many peoples homes, and lives. The melting of the glaciers become more noticeable as time passed. The earth started getting warmer, melting the glaciers. 1. The rising temperatures of the earth will have a direct affect on me. 2. The rising temperatures make the El Nino and la Nina years worse. An El Nino year is when parts of the ocean are hotter than normal, an El Nino year is when parts of the ocean are colder. 3. Climate change makes these years worse, affecting the weather and climate of where I live. 1. Studies have shown that the glaciers have been melting since 1850. 2. Currently, all glaciers are showing less mass than they have been before, and are melting. Data There is another aspect of climate change, though it wont directly affect me, I'm still concerned about Data Background Information Climate Change presentation By Courtney Douglas Climate Change Will Have a Direct Impact on My Life 1. The glacier cover on Mount Kilimanjaro has retreated 75%. 2. The volume of the glacier is now 80% less than it was a century ago. Conclusion Global climate change is a real issue, caused by real people, that needs real attention. If we continue to ignore the dangerous side affects of the global climate change, things could be very dangerous for humans, plants, animals, and the earth itself. People must be made aware, so that things can change, and life can become healthier. 1. Rising levels of CO2 in the atmosphere is dangerous for everything and everyone. 2. Rising CO2 are causing many health issues for people and even loss of life, for some. 3. Rising CO2 levels are causing our atmosphere to deplete. 4. Rising CO2 levels are causing harm to plants and animals. Background Information The glaciers are melting because of global climate change. The earth is warming because of our actions, and the glaciers melting is a consequence. There is documented proof of their melting since 1850. The melting of these glaciers will cause a loss of life, homes, fresh water that is available, and mountain climbing/viewing.. Date The earth is 5x warmer now, than it was a century ago. It is estimated that in 2036, earth will reach her boiling point... The earth's temperature has lowered 1.4 degrees since 1850. Date

Climate Change Presentation

Transcript: Deforestation and the destruction of rainforests have a huge affect on climate change. Trees absorb CO2 from the air as they grow. Using energy from the sun, they turn the carbon captured from the CO2 molecules into building blocks for their trunks, branches and foliage. This is all part of the carbon cycle. A mature forest doesn't necessarily absorb much more CO2 that it releases, however, because when each tree dies it either rots down or is burned, much of its stored carbon is released once again. In other words, Human activities contribute to climate change by causing changes in the Earth's atmosphere in the amount of greenhouse gases, small particles and cloudiness. Greenhouse gases and aerosols (small particles) affect climate change by changing incoming solar radiation and out going infrared radiation that are part of Earth’s energy balance. Changing the properties of these gases and particles can lead to a warming or cooling of the climate system. Human Causes How do humans affect climate change? When humans burn gasoline, coal, natural gas, and other common fuels to make electricity or drive cars, they release a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. For every gallon (or liter) of gasoline your car burns, 1300 times that volume of CO2 is released (a gallon of gas weighs about 6 pounds or 2.8 kilograms, but the released CO2 would weigh over 19 pounds or 8.75 kilograms). Climate Change talking about climate change, the most important thing about CO2 levels. - Pollution created by human activities - Carbon dioxide and other pollutants Other ways humans impact climate change Climate change has already had noticeable effects on the environment. Glaciers have shrunk, ice on rivers and lakes are breaking up earlier than suppose to, plant and animal ranges have shifted and trees are flowering sooner. Effects that scientists had predicted in the past would result from climate change are now occurring: loss of sea ice, accelerated sea level rise and longer, more intense heat waves. Decreased water resources in many semi-arid areas, including western U.S. and Mediterranean basin, increased frequency of hot extremes, heat waves and heavy precipitation, precipitation increases in high latitudes and precipitation decreases in subtropical land regions all have a high certainty on occurring in the future due to scientists predicaments. By: Nikolas and Rebecca Greenhouses: References: result from the burning of coal to All of the next three slides/ photos shown on your left focus on the adverse effects of climate change that have already happened or have a high risk of happening in the future. What can we do to help? produce electricity. As individuals we could help fix climate change by recycling, driving less, car pooling, using less water than what's needed for you and using less energy. As a society we could organize a protest on parliament where a group of people go and give their opinion on climate change and what we could do to help. forests is not that they reduce the amount of CO2 in the air but that they are huge reservoirs of stored carbon. If such a forest is burned or cleared then much of that carbon is released back into the atmosphere, adding to atmospheric Human Activities: Since the start of the industrial era (about 1750), the overall effect of human activities on climate change has been a warming influence. The human impact on climate during this era exceeds largely that due to known changes in natural action, such as solar changes and volcanic eruptions. Adverse Effects on Climate Change - Electricity generated at power plants is carried by power lines to users, sometimes hundreds of miles away. becoming worse. Conclusion Cars affecting climate change: Forest and Forestry: In conclusion, humans have a high impact on climate change and how our environment is till this day. Also, the harmful affects on climate change for the future are very high on our climate Continuation from last slide:

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