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Church Welcome Powerpoint Template

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Vasana Welcome Powerpoint

Transcript: m 1 2 p V Mission Statement: To inspire minds and hearts through creative arts and well-being Vasana Inc. was created to provide a supportive, compassionate, and educational environment for youth to improve well-being through the teachings of visual and creative art classes and mindfulness. Who We Are What We Stand For Who We Are What We Stand For To inspire hearts and minds through class insruction and supportive environment Create a space that allows for creative expression To create a fun, learning environemtn that customers will be engaged, motivated and inspired Provide a holisitic space that incorporates best practives and is grounded in educational research Create an eco-friendly environment for our customers and staff To integrate midnfulness, service, compassion, and conectedness to our daily practice at Vasana To promote the overall well-being of our clients Our Goals Our Goals A Our Vision Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get better. It's not. Unless someone like you cares a whole awful lot, nothing is going to get bett... Dr. Seuss Just Getting Started! Our new employees help lay the foundation for our vision We have developed our own research based curriculum, schedule, highly qualified staff, and client base to continue to grow and reach our goals Just Getting Started! Build positive rapport with all current and potential clients Create an environment that is warm and welcoming for children and their families Promote a respectful and encouraging environment to all clients, families, and staff Your Role At Vasana Your Role At Vasana Attend all shifts on time and with positive demeanor Build positive relationships among staff Create and effectively implement lesson plans that are age and developmentally appropriate Know and abide to the standards laid out in the new employee handbook you have been provided with Expectations Expectations Background Check Fingerprinting CPR Certification (Child and Infant) First Aid Certification (Pediatric) AED Certification (Pediatric) Requirements Before Jumping on Board! Requirements Before Jumping on Board! Requirements Before Jumping on Board! Requirements Before Jumping on Board! Background Check Fingerprinting CPR Certification (Child and Infant) First Aid Certification (Pediatric) AED Certification (Pediatric) B "The more you that you read the more things that you know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go." - Dr. Seuss Importance of Reseach Based Curriculum: Provides information to develop high-quality well-informed programs Our curriculum has been developed through research in the field of the interrelationships between: Children's cognitive development Children's socio-emotional well-being Creative and visual arts Research Based Curriculum Mindfulness The practice of being aware of your body, mind, and feelings in the present moment, thought to create a sense of calm. Cambridge English Dictionary A way of training your mind to concentrate on the present, in order to feel calm and improve your mental state. Collins Dictionary Provides a unique way to support children's growth It has been shown to produce immediate, positive outcomes when implemented in learning center for children through an increased sense of well-being, greater ability to focus, increased relaxation, and enhanced self-regulation Pre-schoolers with mindfulness practicies incorporated in daily instruction demonstrated vast improvements in ability to self-regulate It has been shown to improve educational attainment within early childhood development Improves children's focus and attention skills, and socioemotional development Primary benfits for children are: increased happiness, sensitivity, self- awareness, and stress reduction Mindfulness Erwin & Robinson, 2015 Erwin, Robinson, McGrath, & Harney, 2017 Whitehead, 2011 C Age Related Developmental Milestones Developmentally Appropriate Practice An approach grounded in the research on how young children develop and laearn and in what is known about effective early education. It promotes teachers and child care professions to meet each children where they are developmentally in order to help children meet and achieve challenging learning goals Three Core Principles of DAP Knowing about child development and learning Knowing what is individually appropriate Knowing what is culturally important Developmentally Appropriate Practice Birth to Three Years Old Zero to 9 months: Seek security 9 months to 18 months: Eager to explore 18 months to 36 months: Working on identity development and roles (i.e. who they are and who is in charge) Three to Five Years Old Thrive when experiencing new materials, roles, ideas & activities Take great interest in feelings and improving ability to express their emotions and identify others Make important cognitive gains that invite them to represent their world in pretend play, symbols, objects, drawings, and words Maslow's

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