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Chains Powerpoint Template

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Transcript: Master Lockton flees because the rebels discover him working with the British and he leaves Madam Lockton in charge of their house. Madam Lockton sells Ruth because of her sickness, Isabel gets mad and Isabel threatens Madam Lockton Isabel is beaten because she disobeyed her master and is branded with an "I" for insolence. Isabel meets Lady Seymour for the first time while she is being nursed to health by Lady Seymour and her servent. Isabel is shocked by how nice she is. everything is pretty much going normally for now but...wait...what's that??? Everything is normal for a while and Isabel is worried about Curzon who joined the rebel army. This prezi was brought to you by... Emenzie and Macalee Co. Bringing info to you... whenever you need it <3 main character Has a corn husk doll Isabel saves some Lady Seymour's tresured items, including a portrait of her husband who passed away. Miss Mary Fintch's former slave Master Lockton Has 4 children and a dog. Madam Lockton discovers that Isabel is working with the rebels. Isabel finds out that Ruth had not actually been sold. Isabel breaks Curzon out of Jail and take a rowboat and paddle until they reach freedom on a deserted island in search of Ruth. "Laurie Halse Anderson's Chains is searing and has so many brilliant sparks. I became lost in it. Isabel's harrowing journey into a nightmare realm of slavery, betrayal, loss, and untimately hope quite literally had me sobbing."-Angela Johnson Has a medical problem that is very serious and causes Ruth to faint oftenly hatred Rich New places Laurie Halse Anderson Nephew to Lady Seymour Curzon's Hat slavery Isabel's younger sister "The distress of the prisoners cannot be comMUNICATED IN WORDS. 20 OR 30 DIED EVERY Day; they lie in heaps unburied; what numbers of my countryman have died by cold and hunger, parished for want of the common necessaries of life! I have seen it! This, sir, is the boasted British clemency!-Letter written from New york describing prisoners captured at fort Washington" Both parents dead "It was lonely sleeping without that fool doll" (Ruth's corn husk doll) Author of "Twisted" "Speak" "Fever 1793" "Thank you Sarah" and "Independent Dames" She is currently living in Mexico, New York. Ruth and Isabel's old master There is a fight and the British capture all of the rebel fighters Chains that Isabel is held back by She was born October 23, 1961. slaves for sale sign Madam Locktons youngest slave. Laurie Halse Anderson Sequel Ruth and Isabel's new master Review Welcome to the Lockton Home. This is where Isabel and Ruth start their new life as the Lockton's slaves. They also meet Becky, Isabels companion in the kitchen. The only difference between them is that Becky gets paid. The rebels fight back and set almost all of the houses on fire. Isabel saves Lady Seymour, but she is sick, old, and becomes paralized. Ruth's Doll "If an entire nation could seek its freedom, why not a girl?" Madam Lockton Madam Locktons husband Mean The British take over New York City and the rebels retreat. love Chains Ruth Our story begins in Rhode Island where Isabel's master, Miss Mary Finch has passed away. Neice to lady Seymour Anger Quotes The girls are shipped off in horrible conditions. There is little if no food, and many people are cramped in this tight space for a long journey. Isabel and Ruth are taken to the grave yard to attend the funneral and pray for their former master. Their mother is also burried here so as they pass by Isabel prays for her mother also. Ruth's older sister Themes of "Chains" Isabel is told to wait on Master Locktons guests as they are discussing the plans of the Patriots against the rebels. Curzon had earlier told Isabel to listen for these types of conversations. That night she was able to sneak out to tell Curzon the news. Cruel FORGE Miss Mary Finch's only relative gets controll over the girls and decides to sell them. He takes them to the tavern in town and has a couple from New York waiting for the buy. He sells both girls and they are shipped to New York. Lady Seymour Kind Lady Seymour moves into the Lockton's house as she is paralized and needs care. Both parents dead Kitchen maid of the Locktons Friendship Miss Mary Finch Kind hearted Ruth and Isabel's new master story told in her point of view befriends Isabel the moment she steops of the ship The British are in New York, and are ready to attack. Struggle for freedom Isabel and Ruth arrive in New York and are greeted by (Isabel's soon to be new friend) Curzon, and their new master... Madam Lockton. Enemies Aunt of Lady Seymour and Aunt in-law of Master Lockton Becomes paralized CurZon Madam Locktons slave prejudice Hobbies include running, hiking and gardening. Hardships Older woman Chains portrays many emotions and themes... Loves Isabel struggles Is harsh at first, but eventually befriends Isabel and Ruth. Is helping the rebels and Isabel reach freedom 13 years old Husband died and lives alone Isabel


Transcript: After the 19th century the chains advanced. They first made chains that were detachable. They were made of several links. In the late 1800s they created bushings, which allowed chains to have a greater resistance and protects the pin. Before the invention of medals. People used vines or animal sinew that are tied together and shells, bones, or teeth that were added for decoration. Before weaving and the invention of string, durable vines or pieces of animal sinew left over from hunts were tied together and added with shells, bones or teeth or colorful skins of human prey animals, bird feathers, corals, carved pieces of wood, colorful seeds or stones or naturally occurring gems, or other beautiful or artful natural elements found nearby. Metalmaking greatly expanded the jewelry available to humans. After the Bronze Age began and humans discovered how to melt metal and cast it into shapes, bronze, copper, silver, gold, electrum, platinum and a variety of other metals were used to make eye-catching necklaces for both men and women, and metal chains became possible. Gold chains were the first to be used my ancient Romans and Greeks. It was very popular and valued because it was very delicate and difficult to make. The Roman chains involves cutting hundreds of links by hand, soldering them, then weaving them together to form a chain. Today we have new materials like stainless steel and titanium; electroplating that has enabled mass ownership of gold Works Cited In the early 16th century chains were used to draw a bucket of water up from a well. These chains were made of serveral links that were unable to be disconnected. Later chains were used new technologies such as bicycle, or a "Gull chain" which is used to hang applications. Chains


Transcript: Akeria Shoto Chains by: Laurie Halse Anderson main characters: The main characters are Isabel, a thirteen-year-old slave who works for the Locktons, a Loyalist family in New York with her sister, Ruth who is also a main character, who is 5 years old. They both suffer brutal punishments and discover the true meaning of trust when their lives are put in jeopardy.Curzon is also another main character, the boy she met on her first day in New York. He soon helps Isabel plot their escape to freedom, which had been promised to Isabel and her sister upon Mrs. Finch's, their owner's, death. Setting: The setting was during the Revolutionary War in 1776 and 1777, which was a time when tensions between loyalists and patriots were high. Isabel and Ruth are sold to a cruel loyalist family living in New York. When they arrive at the Lockton's house they are provided with a small room, in which they went to when their chores were done. This is also where they were told that they would be there for a while because they were useless. Setting's influence on the mood: This made Isabel become determined and self-confident, even though people told her that she wouldn't be able to make it on her own because they were African American slaves. This made Isabel angry ,and she became determined to prove the others wrong that doubted her. Also, to stand up for her sister, she was eager to voice her opinion. Basic plot: A thirteen-year old girl,Isabel, begins her jouney in Rhode Island on the day of the funeral of her owner, Miss Mary Finch, . She taught her slaves to read and write and she assured her will to include the freedom of her slaves upon her death. Unfortunately, Miss Finch's scandalous nephew has inherited her estate and sells Isabel and her five-year old sister Ruth the same day as the funeral. Isabel and Ruth are bought by wealthy Loyalists, the Locktons, and taken to New York City. Isabel has her first lesson on how she should take her life into her own hands when she and Ruth are standing in the diner waiting to be sold. But, Jenny, a servant and friend of her mother's, warns Isabel about running. Isabel follows her advice, but lives to regret it. Once in the Lockton's home, their mistress proves to be a cruel, vengeful woman who takes her miseries out on Isabel. In addition to anxiety over the coming war and the safety of her walnut chest, she and her husband have issues with their marriage. It is a violent marriage, where they are both verbally and physically abused. Setting: 1776 in New York City at the Lockton's house. 1776 in Rhode Island Isabel's and Ruths former home.


Transcript: The Beginning The two girls are sold and leave their home in Rhode island to live in New York with their new owners, this all takes place during the American Revolution. The journey has begun Isabel's mistress, Mrs.Lockton is harsh to the girls especially little Ruth who isn't very old at all. Isabel meets a boy named Curzon who s a slave of a rebel his master suspects that the Locktons are loyalists and wants Isabel to spy for them. At first she says no but, later on in the story she agrees to become a spy. The call to adventure, the threshold- overcoming her fear The Lockton's have no idea that Isabels a spy, and they're in fact loyalists. in a point in the story Mrs.Lockton sells Ruth away from Isabel, she loses it. Mrs.Lockton has her beat and branded The lowest point in Isabel's life The Abyss Trials their mother dying and father being sold being sold to the Lockton's finding the courage to become a spy Ruth being sold, being beat and branded The Transformation and the Atonement The Main Character Isabel realizes that she has done more than she ever thought she would've, she entered the story a scared girl and came out strong, courageous, and rebellious. She runs away with the salve boy Curzon to go and find Ruth. The main character in this story is a salve girl named Isabel; she has no family except for her little sister Ruth, her mother has died and her father was sold. The Decent Isabel continues to spy on the locktons and she eventually gets caught, she has to face Mrs.Lockton and disobey her to her face. Mrs.Lockton tells Isabel that she'll e hung for what she has The story starts by telling the reader that Isabel's former owner, Miss Mary Finch had just died, she had freed the two girls in her will; but Robert Finch her nephew had kept that in the dark. Chains By Laurie Halse Anderson The Mistress

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