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Camouflage Presentation Background

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Transcript: In this 2nd Grade unit, the students will learn all about camouflage. For two weeks, they will engage in fun activities that pertain to all different kinds of animals who learn to blend into their environment. They will learn new vocabulary pertaining to the topic. They will also have the chance to be creative based on what they learned throughout the unit. Objectives 1 The students will watch the introductory video (Leopard stealth) and through group discussion, find 3 key points about the leopard in the video to type a short Power Point summary. 2 As a class, students will watch a portion of “Kings of Camouflage” and discuss what they observed the cuttlefish do, taking notes of all the key points the teacher mentions (which will also be displayed on the whiteboard). The students will then get into pairs to use Microsoft Word to create a Venn Diagram that compare and contrast the animals listing at least four differences and one similarity between the animals in regards to their environment and food source. 3 After the teacher has read 3-D Close Up: Animal Camouflage, the students will search online in groups for different kinds of camouflaged animals through child-friendly sites. The students will individually create “Inspiration” maps based on 2 different camouflage animals they choose and include 2 descriptions of each (one of their habitat and one of how they camouflage). 4 Individually, the students will create a camouflaged animal of their own on Kidpix using the lesson vocabulary to 1) describe what kind of animal it is, 2) how it camouflages, and 3) what kind of environment it lives in. 5 Individually, students will create a habitat that corresponds to the animals that they had previously created with KidPix and should include 2 things- food source, shelter/hiding place. What's Required? Materials Hardware Computers Printers DVD/VCR Resources Print outs coloring pages word puzzles student work 3-D Close Up: Animal Camouflage by Daniel Gilpin Software Microsoft Word Microsft PowerPoint Mozilla FireFox Inspiration KidPix Accomodations Resource Students Be aware of students IEP when teaching lesson Allow for more visual/ hands on material for student Allow for more time for completion Allow for other students to act as peer assistants OR allow for outside helpers/volunteers to come in for assistance Follow the students strong suits and incorporate them in the lesson English Language Learners (ELL) Provide vocabulary lists in English and Spanish if needed Provide extra time to complete assignments Provide after school tutoring lab Partner up with a peer assistant (try a bilingual student first) Gifted Students Provide material (coloring pages, puzzles, etc) that will expand their level of thinking Allow for them to act as peer assistants for students who need extra help Provide resources for more in depth research on an idea related to the lesson topic THE END miscellaneous craft material: pipe cleaners ribbons glitter sand/sandpaper cotton balls, etc Sheets of Plastic Material Subject Areas Include: English Reading Writing Science Technology Art Camouflage Unit notebook paper pencils glue markers/crayons construction paper child scissors cardboard boxes poster board whiteboard and dry-erase markers.


Transcript: Contents Matte surfaces viewing angle does not matter Glossy surfaces viewing angle matters. Illusory contours: and edge appears to be between light and dark Acoustical avoidance incurs cost Binocular stereo vision Other borders (not object borders) Strategies of making your body less detectable If the 2d symmetry does not resemble 3d symmetry then the object might not be correctly identified. Objects and Shape 2 dimensional symmetric coloration Disrupting edge detection process Akino et al. 2004 Strong edges perpendicular to the true border Make your boundaries hard to detect from the immediate background Camouflage and Visual Perception Recognizing 3d shape from 2d info Minimize motion itself Fringe lipped bat vs a frog chemical mimicry: Biston Robustum Shohet, A. J., Baddeley, R. J., Anderson, J. C., Kelman, E. J., & Osorio, D. (2006). Cuttlefish responses to visual orientation of substrates, water flow and a model of motion camouflage. Journal of Experimental Biology, 209(23), 4717–4723. doi:10.1242/jeb.02580 Brachyhypopomus pinnicaudatus Strong line stimulus can make weaker stimulus invisible Olfaction How to make object recognition difficult? Minimize motion signal created Behavior of light Reconstructing a 3D shape Electricity Mimic the movement (or its absence) of the immediate surroundings Internal texture Neurons prefer sharp edges - gradient pigmentation along the outline Other types of camouflage Motion signal minimization Edge detection: Looking for sudden changes in intensity Thank you Optic flow mimicry Intensity borders - Objects and illumination - Strategies of making oneself less detectable - Motion detection and camouflage - Recognizing 3d shape from 2d info - Other types of camouflage Razzle-Dazzle Motion disruption Provide false evidence of boundaries Sound Show high contrast internal detail Adaptively silent when or where predation risk is higher Effect still up for debate 2D shape and symmetry Motion camouflage Laboratory experiments suggest that the output of some fish might have evolved so that low-frequency parts of produced electric fields cancel each other out at a distance of more than couple of centimeters (Stoddard & Markham 2008) Motion Spectral composition and intensity of reflected light Material properties Fish that use electricity for navigation, prey detection and sexual signaling may also be attracting predators Shadows Illumination and objects


Transcript: Have you ever been outside and noticed how some animals blend into their surroundings? In today’s lesson, we’ll think about how they do that and how that might affect their survival. Share your answers with your group. What does camouflage mean? 1. What helped the moths survive? 2. Why did some moths survive while others perished? 3. How will the offspring of the survivors appear? What will they look like? 4. What are some advantages and disadvantages of camouflage as a survival strategy? How hard will it be to find the offspring of the survivors? Why? What is it called when traits are passed down to offspring that help them survive? 1. England’s industrial revolution gradually coated the countryside with dark soot from factories. How did this affect moth coloration over time? 2. Go outside and see if you can find examples of camouflage. How many moths were found? Now we are going to color in our moths. Try and camouflage them around the classroom. Rules: a. Moths must be visible from the center of the room. b. You may not put the moths under or behind things. c. You may not put them on the ceiling or outside a window. Then the Hungry Birds are going to try and find as many as they can in one minute! Answer in your journals: How can you hide paper moths in plain sight in the classroom? Camouflage Other examples of Camouflage Natural Selection! What questions do you have about the importance of camouflage?


Transcript: invisibility cloak using optical camouflage by susumu tachi OP trees OBJECT MIMICRY uniform camouflage mimicry to help concealing industrial design form starfish city lászló moholy-nagy 1917 ship camouflage changes from grey to dazzle camouflage - more visible, but harder to target (break up form, confuse in course, speed) active camouflage technique using patterns, shadows, and moving parts PRACTICE II developed rapidly during the First World War counterillumination making animals or objects hard to sense trojan horse eric sloane - camouflage simplified (book 1942) not at home - private space knitted cocoon 1919 "dazzle ball" at the Chelsea Arts Club fusag - the ghost army IDEA POOL tobias rehberger strongly contrasting, non-repeating markings (spots or stripes) to break up the outlines decorating with pieces from the environment, to break up outlines, to conceal the features of bodies and to match the background Picasso claimed Cubists had invented dazzle camo cardboard box pattern disguising animals or object as something else which is of no special interest to the observer, imitation, masquerade changeable skin pattern / colour leibermuster / GER / 1945 ship camoufleur artists during WWI mainly marine animals that float near the surface with gelatinous bodies urban camouflage by aya tsukioka liu bolin fashion designers often use camouflage fabric for its striking designs, its "patterned disorder" and its symbolism AUDIO MULTICAM / US / 2002-2004, 2010- the ugly-green notebooks stand out by their colour, changing the cover to fit into the castle surroundings submerged hiding [our objects] camouflage against face-recognition algorithms just for fun erbsenmuster / GER / 1944-1945 study by How and Zanker in 2014 suggests that when moving, the stripes may confuse observers by two visual illusions: the wagon-wheel effect, where the perceived motion is inverted, and the barberpole illusion, where the perceived motion is in a wrong direction everyday camo patterns dazzle-pattern influenced fashion survaillance camera camouflage exploring graphic & textural qualities in camouflage bodies flattened, with the sides thinning to an edge, sides are fringed with white scales to hide and disrupt any remaining areas of shadow PRACTICE III URBAN CAMO cecilia paredes a vision for fashion that addresses the rise of surveillance, the power of those who surveil, and the growing need to exert control over what we are slowly losing, our privacy exploring new ways of cleaning urban camouflage (DE) marginalized urban groups (refugees, homeless, protesters) may need something against police repression based on cctv or other forms of digital surveillance. how to look something else? by clothing, shelter, vehicle DESIGN TASK present we & our work urme survaillance mask uses graded colour to counteract the effect of self-shadowing, creating an illusion of flatness can a painting or screenshot from a film act as a surrounding? what should be hidden and how in the chosen frame? hiding in a picture PRACTICE 1 reflection M90 / SWE / 1980's- ZSENNYE woodland / US / 1981-2006 patterns for everyday concealment concealing & emphasizing zsennye values countersurvaillance dress motion dazzle conceal shape TARGET GROUP faux facades • mesterséges intelligencia összezavarása / arcfelismerés átverése - privacy vagy pl google fotók megtévesztése • autók önjáró rendszereit összezavaró (sávtartó, követési távolság tartó, tábla felismerő rendszerek) metódusok • nem vizuális camo, hanem digitális, infravörös ourselves beginnings of military camouflage variety of camouflage schemes were used for aircraft and for ground vehicles in Second World War ghillie suits • bűvészet - egy nagy kamuflázs - álcázni azt, ahogy bemászik a dobozba • társadalmi különbség - egyenlősítés • optikai illúziók • robot mozgás ügyetlenségének másolása principles & techniques transparency edward wadsworth / norman wilkinson print all over me homeware disruptive break up the visual outline VIDEO MAPPING disguising something unwanted RANDOM IDEAS designs for people scared of crime DBDU / US / 1981-1995 aka. silvering a way to credibly threaten Pas-de-Calais dummies animals' colours and patterns resemble a particular natural background, their coloration matches the hues of its habitat home / moving rubber tanks, sound effects and carefully crafted illusions VR előadás • üres tér (papírtér) - VR egy változtatható layer rajta • szándékos megváltoztatás - félrevezetés olfatory auditory / sonar visual PRACTICE III misleading • eltűnés a városi tömegből - meditáció, privacy tereinek kialakítása • turista veszélyes környezetben - értékek elrejtése - ne legyen támadás áldozata • office camouflage Thayer's Law: "Animals are painted by Nature, darkest on those parts which tend to be most lighted by the sky's light, and vice versa" increasing range and accuracy of firearms in the 19th century / Napoleonic Wars personal concealment becomes essential camouflage as a defence against political

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