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Business Etiquette

Transcript: Business Etiquette Interviews By Tre Lewis Meeting behavior Be quiet and take notes so you can remember what was gone over during the meeting Offer your opinion and be active on the conversation the changes you want to see won't happen unless you work towards them Tips for a Good Handshake Speech in the office Be quiet and thoughtful of other workers Be punctual to meetings and after lunch I understand that if you don't get the promotion you might get mad but try to keep a positive attitude if the other employee fails at the promotion, the boss might come to you Netiquette is how you are supposed to behave in emails which includes grammar, punctuation, and capitalization it also includes how you are supposed to act in online meetings. Be smart and don't use curse words also be kind and keep your voice down so others can work A handshake is the deal sealer and it show what kind of person you are. Bibliography Hold hand firm, but don't squeeze Shake from the elbow for 2 or 3 reps Give your whole hand not your fingers If the persons hand is sweaty, don't wipe it off until about 5 minutes after the handshake to avoid embarrassment for the other party To be dressed in jeans and a beat up T-shirt in an office building would be ludicrous. Proper business attire would be dress shoes, dress pants, and a shirt and tie. For women, a nice shirt with a respectable cut and either dress pants or a dress skirt. Netiquette Behavior in the Office Attitude Make eye contact and be honest Try to speak in complete sentences and enunciate Explain each of your answers thoroughly Try to use bigger, better words to increase your vocabulary it makes u sound smarter Attire The Importance of Handshakes

business etiquette

Transcript: Business Etiquette It is an ethical and social acceptable behavior regarding professional practice of a profession in their dealing with each other. Business etiquette is based on hierarchy, power ,and good manners. Be punctual and know the importance of time management. We classify business etiquette to : Hand shaking Introducing yourself Body language Office etiquette Customer service Hand shaking A hand shaking may leave a lasting impression and often reveals the person character Don’t greet a visitor from behind your disk (get out from your disk to met him and shake hands). follow proper handshaking guidelines 1-comes with eye contact 2-lasts about 3 seconds 3-Takes only three or tow” shakes” Introducing yourself(first impression) Introducing yourself(first impression) introducing the younger to the elder, or the subordinate to the higher position maintaining personal space between you and who you are conversing with-not less than 70cm Body language Avoid telltale body language like fidgeting, tapping, finger drumming, foot shuffling or hair twirling Avoid standing or sitting with your hands or feet crossed when standing, your hands should be close to your body, the back straight, and the weight evenly distributed on both feet Office etiquette Duties of the Host: Welcome the visitor. let the visitor know where they have to set . when they exits from your office you must guide them to the door. Duties of the visitor: Do not put papers or bag on desk of others Customer service external customers: Telephone etiquette Names of customers Dealing with other nationalities Internal customers: Respect Help Avoid Avoid personal questions in general. Talking or laughing in a loud voice. Talking with others while wearing sunglasses. Remember Say thank you Smile Use Don’t use Please She/he is not available now Hello Thank you Good bye Mr or Ms/……… Do and don’t She/he is not here Hi Thanks Bye Honey , sweetie Don’t forget You only get one chance to make a first impression. First Impressions are lasting impressions. People will forget what you said. People will forget what you did. But, people will never forget how you made them feel. Always put a smile on your face. Business Etiquette Quiz Who is the person who fulfills the most of the points mentioned in this lecture? The End Thank you! Hand shaking The importance of business etiquette you have 90 seconds to make a good first impression Office etiquette Definition of etiquette Body language Customer service

Business Etiquette

Transcript: Hygiene By: Ilan Bruno Common Sense Exchanging First and foremost, having good manners is a must. Please and thank you never go out of style. Common courtesy towards others should be second nature. Interviews Keeping yourself clean is important, teeth should be white so your boss gets the impression that you take care of your self and also shows you won't blow the smell of your last dinner in someones face. B.O. should be gone, deodorant should be used so you don't contaminate the office or cashiering space. you also don't want to be serving any lobster with some dandruff so keep you head clean. Prepare yourself ahead of time for both things that you may want to contribute to the meeting, and any information that was given to you ahead of time to read or make notes on. Come prepared to participate in discussions and activities. There are many different shakes that have been made but really there is one that is used manly for business or formal jobs. use theses handshakes for jobs this one is most used Choose Your Path for Business Etiquette Netiquette Hand shakes By Ilan Bruno Choosing the right format for a business letter is key. using the right techniques for creating the document like left align and your signature. Interviews are key to making your new boss like you. Dress appropriately to the job that you are trying to get. if you have piercings take them out before hand and try to cover all your tattoos. Business Etiquette When you do speak out, be clear, concise, and stay on topic. Don't be afraid to present your point of view, but always be respectful of the point of view of others. Information exchanged in a meeting is generally considered confidential among those attending the meeting. Unless you are certain that the subject matter is common knowledge, it is best not to discuss issues with those that were not in attendance. Attire it really depends on what business you are in. If you are a CEO you would usually wear a suit, formal. If you work at a car dealer ship you would Bibliography

Business Etiquette

Transcript: Interviewing At an interview, have good body language and a conservative outfit- you're not just selling your services, but yourself! Keep eye contact, be intelligent, make good decisions, but be personalized. Be prompt! listen carefully, have creative feedback. Whe it's your turn to speak, be on topic, and speak with purpose. Don't: be late, be tense, criticize, chew gum, or pull out a cigarette!! But do send a thank-you note, even if the meeting does not turn out well. Dress for business Dress professionally, it makes an impression. Wear conservative clothing, and nothing completely outragious, such as wild jewelry, stiletto heels, low-cut tops, short skirts, wrinkled shirts, a crazy tie, or unpolished shoes. Restaurant Behavior If you are planning for a business lunch, Find a convenient, respective restaurant. Make sure everyone orders their food before you begin to talk business. When you are finished with your meal, be sure to place the knife and fork in the "finished position." Office rules Have good body language- Present yourself nicely Clothing: wear controlled clothing- no wild jewelry. Communication- Speak with confidence and clarity. Manners: be simple and polite- a good handshake, no interruptions, no foul language. Business Protocol Taking a telephone call: Smile when answering the phone and be prepared for questions needing answered or where to transfer the call if you don't know the answer Meetings: When you are in a meeting, silence your phone! Also, keep your emails professional- it isn't private, so don't say anything that would ruin your day if someone else read it. Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette

Transcript: Names Business Etiquette Works Cited "Do Not" Dress Tips Business A neutral colored suit-dark color A cotton or silk blouse Panty hose in a nude or conservative color Basic pumps with 1"-2" heels Simple acessories (no longer than 13") Business Casual Casual skirt or dress Tailored denim/chambray shirts Blouses, blazers, nice sweaters, turtlenecks Slacks, Khakis, Dockers & Cords Sleeveless: okay with jacket or cardigan Business Cards -Do not put picture on business card -Keep in card holder rather than wallet -Uses Tell people who you are and how to contact you -Handing Them Out Be selective Wait for senior executives to ask for card Be discreet Do not bring them out during meals Only use cards in good condition Accountability Being respectful, restraint, consideration Listening Being Inclusive Giving credit where credit is due Constructive Criticism Business 2 piece suit - navy blue or dark color Simple pattern tie A button down dress shirt Polished dress shoes in a dark color Leather shoes Business Casual Sports shirts w/ collars or polo Tailored denim/chambray shirts Sport coat, blaers Nice sweaters, turtlenecks Clacks, Khakis, Chinos, Dockers & cords Loafers Sarcasm Profanity Accusing Yelling Avoiding Assumptions -Four inches down from your right shoulder -Titles-only professional -Partners Well-known: Just their name Unknown: Partner's name as well -Visiting Companies Should include company names. Proper Handshakes "You never get a second chance to make a first impression" Head & Shoulders Name Tags First Impressions Speech Jeans Flip Flops T-Shirts Hats Tennis Shoes/Sneakers Men's Dress Questions? Improper Office Etiquette When? Meeting and Leaving Host comes first How? Stand 3-4 seconds firm grasp Smile Exception? Full/saucy hands Prosthesis or arthritic hands Forearm or upper arm Women's Dress Presented by: Matthew Goulet Chantal Gipson Alexander Fornaciari Stephen Cavallaro Ricardo Daher Lupi Introductions Without title Establish common ground It is better to improperly introduce someone than not introduce someone at all. Remembering names Mispronunciation Repeat the name as you are talking Association Write facts down Choosing Civility

Business Etiquette

Transcript: Business Etiquette Often at smaller venues Usually a lighter ordering menu Is in a more relaxed, yet still professional atmosphere Maintain eye contact and firmly shake their hands Thank them for the opportunity Be seated only after the host Greeting Re-cap Usually the host covers the bill Leave your card and résumé Extend gratuity for the opportunity Thank them for the opportunity Follow up with a hand-written thank you note Closing Formal Luncheon Two types of luncheons Table Etiquette Always be seated after your guests Work inward with silverware Always cut food into manageable pieces, one piece at a time Only start eating when the guest of honor does Napkin on lap under table When finished with a meal leave silverware in the plate Butter each bread piece individually Order in accordance to the host (in price) Know the time, place, and route of the meeting Get there early Familiarize yourself with menu and the surroundings Turn off all electric devices Casual Be on time and early Dress accordingly Use proper and professional table etiquette Résumé Gratuity note Getting there Dress professionally Know the company Know the position Also know who will be interviewing for this position Prepare your résumé Questions? To brief you on the proper techniques used at a business luncheon, and to ensure you have all the necessary skills to be used during such an occasion. Getting Prepared Thank you for your time. At this time, are there any questions? Purpose Usually a more expensive venue Typically lasts longer than causal luncheons Larger option for ordering Professional and serious atmosphere

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