Heart Broken...
Transcript: Heart Broken... According to The Weight of the Nation, every twenty-five seconds someone in this country has a heart attack. It is ranked as the number one cause of death for both men and women. More people die from heart-related problems than cancer. AIDS, respiratory disease, or even accidents. Being obese or overweight places you at a higher risk of developing heart disease and stroke. Increased body size causes the heart to pump harder, which causes the arteries to narrow with elevated cholesterol, inevitably, blood pressure to begin to climb. Hypertension is a major risk factor for heart disease and stroke. Statistics show that sixty-nine percent of people suffering their first attack and seventy-four percent of stroke victims have high blood pressure . The most common contributors are being overweight, not engaging in enough physical activity, and eating a poor diet high in sodium. Conclusion When someone has high Levels of LDL, the "bad" cholesterol, it can stick to inflamed section of the artery walls and eventually build up into deposits called plaque. Backed up coronary arteries interrupts the blood supply to the heart muscle, causing a heart attack. Optimal cholesterol (less than 200mg/dL) Normal blood pressure (120/80 or lower) Not having diabetes Learn body mass index (BMI of less than 25) (mine is 24.4 I am 5'4 and I weigh 140 Not Smoking Physical activity (my opinion is thirty to sixty minutes a day at least five days a week.) Healthy diet (my opinion is being caution of your diet when you're shopping (going shopping hungry, always leads to getting all the foods... i have "taste" for. Clogged Pipes 7 Steps to a Healthy A High-Pressure Situation