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Blue And White Presentation Template

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blue and white porcelain

Transcript: Extras. Blue and White Porcelain was started in the Tang Dynasty. Up till the Yuan Dynasty the manufacturing of this item went into maturity. It was used for vases, jars, plates, bowls and more. What was the impact of it in China? Who Invented It? Manufacturing: The making of goods or wares by manual, labor or by machinery, especially on a large scale Tang Dynasty: the imperial dynasty of China from 618 to 907 Yuan Dynasty: the imperial dynasty of China from 1279 to 1368 Vocab. It is still a treasure to some because it can still still be rare to some and also it has value everywhere. Maturity: full development; perfected condition: Its Okay To Clap For Me. $1.25 It was helpful because it as something value able, also it was in your home to make you home look better. Monday, February 17, 2014 What the impact of it for the rest of the world? This Is What It Looks Like. This story is by: Leslee Whatmore It was invented in Ancient China in the Tang Dynasty. (618-907 AD) Why was it important to China? About. Why was it important for the rest of the world? It was important to China because it was a treasure to some and it was good to trade with. When and where was it invented? People are wanting to see is in China. People often have to guard this treasure from other people taking it. Aka: Blue and white ceramic. Craftsmen all around the world attempted to copy it as there own inventions. Vol XCIII, No. 311 Blue and White Porcelain. What was it used for? Why was it helpful?


Transcript: By a blue collar - worker General timeline - In the form of indirect discrimination, occuring by means of hidden activities. - A Vietnamese mind-set. - Morally necessary: blue-collar workers receive excessively unfair treatment. - Encourage people to take other kinds of actions like comment share like comment share - 6/11 – 16/11: Recruitment + Training volunteers - 10/11: Release Promotion video - 16/11 – 2/12: Provide lectures to secondary students (with real experiences) - 5/12 (Sunday): Organize workshop (with book fair) - 6/12: Fieldtrip White&Blue From Matcha with love 1. Beneficiaries 2. Format Photos Promotion plan: Activities Engage 1. Online: - Organize mini games, quizzes -Open public discussion in forums -Provide the results of each project’s stage - Run the “Humans of White&Blue” 2. Offline: Direct discussion Content: Lecture 1 • Activities - Psychologists giving talks in the form of friendly “coffee talk” - Discussion session - Participate in interesting games/ activities: perform a play. - Coffee break. - Book Fair: exchange books. Content: Lecture 2 Inspirational quote Budget plan like comment share like comment share Risk managment plan Content: Field trip Beneficiaries - Format Shared a Link like comment share 1. Content - Lecture: Interaction problems - Fieldtrip: Weather + Volunteers - Workshop: Little attendance 2. Budget: Inadequate funds 3. Promotion: Not reach goal number + Inappropriate posts Shared a Photo INCOME 12,000,000 Sponsorship 1. Hanvico Company 7,000,000 2. AIESEC VietNam 2,000,000 3. Apollo Center 1,000,000 4. Oxfam UK 2,000,000 EXPENSES 10,385,980 • Location: Hanoi • Targeted subject: Students over 12 years old, parents • Duration: approximately 2 hours • Aim - Share knowledge - Give a chance to share their stories and thoughts. - Share videos/ photos of the journey of White& Blue - Provide opportunities to raise voice and contribute ideas Children and The community Lectures (with real experiences) Workshop (with book fair) Watch and learn Period 2: Practice • Location: A primary/ secondary school in Hanoi • Duration: 2 sessions (approximately 30 minutes/ session) • Activities - Session 1 + Two groups take turns to partake in working as school cleaners/ kitchen hand + Homework: Prepare detailed content of a lesson of any subject. - Session 2: 1 group presents their work + Homework: Write down some notes/ draw pictures Content: Workshop: WRAP – WE RESPECT ALL PROFESSIONS like comment share like comment share Amplify 1.Online: - Post stories, videos, images, documentary and reportage - Recruit volunteers for the project - Have a close-up video: summarize - Upload real interviews 2. Offline: - Book fair - Seminar Purpose: Spread the project message "Know – Respect – Appreciate" Mission - Provoke sympathy and trigger deeper understanding - Increase the number of followers and supporters. - Recruit potential volunteers for the project. - Attract sponsorships. Target Audience - Students in Hanoi - Sponsors - The community Big Idea: PRIDE Key Message: Every profession merits respect. Strategy PR offline PR online • Location: 4 different locations: Cau Giay, My Dinh, Hoan Kiem lake – old streets, Dong Da – Kim Lien • Duration: 8.00 a.m – 11.30 a.m • Activities (For all volunteers) - 4 groups + Present thank you notes. Offer them help. Take a picture with them. + Interview for a survey - Each group is accompanied by one-two members of the organizing team. - The survey and pictures collected will be posted to the project’s fanpage. Promotion Plan Trigger 1. Online: -Design the fanpage -Have a trailer for the project -Photo collection of Occupation -Promote the project through online newspaper 2. Offline - Design posters, leaflets: school notice board. Lectures with real experiences Period 1: Theory • Location: A primary/ secondary school in Hanoi • Duration: 1 session (approximately 40 minutes) • Activities - Lead-in: Evoke emotions in discussion sessions - Perform a play - Provide basic knowledge - Present videos Dash for Impact - Team Matcha Why is there a need? Definition 1. Blue-collar workers 2. White-collar workers Perform manual labour Perform professional, managerial, or administrative work

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