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Best Presentation Background For Internet Safety

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Internet Safety Presentation

Transcript: Phone Calls Picture from Picture from - Only send appropriate pictures. - Don't send pictures that may offend or hurt someone else. - Pictures that are photo shopped are a good example of pictures that can hurt someone's feelings. Cell Phone Safety Picture Picture from Picture from By: Casey Kopylov Internet - Our advances in technology allow us to have access through our phone to the internet and therefore it's easier for us to post stuff from our phone to the internet. - Remember that once something from your phone is posted on the internet it will remain there forever. - Make sure that your phone also has some kind of security system. That way your phone will sense when the internet is trying to download something off your phone that you might not want to be downloaded. Pictures - If you wouldn't say it in person don't say it in text. - Remember that your texts can be forwarded, so don't send something to someone that you don't want other people knowing. - Write appropriate things (Grandma approved(: ) - Don't say something you'll regret. - Even thought its in text rumors are still rumors, don't spread them. - Always delete texts after reading them that way no one can read what you were talking about. Picture from Texts - Better than texts because in a phone call you can at least hear the person and know its them. - Don't answer a call from a person you don't know. - If someone is talking on the phone respect their privacy and they will respect your privacy in the future. Picture from Picture from

Internet Safety Presentation

Transcript: Internet Safety By Àlex Montoro Martínez Cyberbulling Cyberbulling Cyberbullying is bullying that takes place over digital devices like cell phones, computers, and tablets. Cyberbullying can occur through SMS, Text, and apps, or online in social media, forums, or gaming where people can view, participate in, or share content. Cyberbullying includes sending, posting, or sharing negative, harmful, false, or mean content about someone else. It can include sharing personal or private information about someone else causing embarrassment or humiliation. What means Netiquette? Netiquette Netiquette comprises the rules of etiquette on the network, what should be done and what should not be done in online communication. They are behavioral recommendations that refer to online courtesy and the informal rules of cyberspace, a more complex communication channel as there is face-to-face on rare occasions (although connections such as videoconferences are increasingly frequent) and frequently connect unknown users. Grooming Grooming Grooming is when someone builds a relationship, trust and emotional connection with a child or young person so they can manipulate, exploit and abuse them. Children and young people who are groomed can be sexually abused, exploited or trafficked. What is the Digital identity? Digital Identity A digital identity is information used by computer systems to represent an external agent – a person, organization, application, or device. Digital identities allow access to services provided with computers to be automated and make it possible for computers to mediate relationships. Phising Phishing is a cybercrime in which a target or targets are contacted by email, telephone or text message by someone posing as a legitimate institution to lure individuals into providing sensitive data such as personally identifiable information, banking and credit card details, and passwords. The information is then used to access important accounts and can result in identity Phising What is the sexting? Sexting Sexting is sending, receiving, or forwarding sexually explicit messages, photographs, or videos, primarily between mobile phones. It may also include the use of a computer or any digital device.

Guidelines for Internet Safety Presentation

Transcript: Guidelines for Internet Safety Jacklyn Corpas Let's Get Started Digital literacy is when one can understand information and show it through writing or other platforms, such as the usage of digital devices Digital Citizenship is the way a person uses the information, and resources that they find online Internet Safety is the knowledge of how to stay safe online, to avoid security risks What is …? What is...? Digital Literacy: It makes sure that an individual is understanding what they are reading. Also, educates how and when to use digital technology. Digital Citizenship: Helps an individual uses their sources from internet and technology is a responsible way. Being educated on citizenship helps avoid cyberbullying and academic plagiarism. Internet Safety: Keeps a person safe from what/those who are online. Helps prevent personal information to be used by another. Privacy is kept private. Why is it important? Important Suggested Videos Quizlet Kahoot Remind101 Blackboard Apps from app stores Edmodo Microsoft Office 365 YouTube Social Media Internet and Digital Resources Students Use Potential Concerns Internet Safety: An individual may encounter exposure to inappropriate material, harassment, interactions with online strangers online or in real life. Potential Concerns Potential Concerns Privacy and Security: If not careful one's identity could be stolen, credit card information, passwords, and other personal/private information. Cyberbullying: Can cause the victim to suffer from low self-esteem, depression, feel hopeless, and suicidal. Next Relationship and Communication: When communicating with others online one must be careful, not everyone is who they say they are online. Be sure not to give out personal information to someone you met online. Self-Image and Identity: An individual may suffer from an identity crisis from their real life and their online life. Also, what an individual post online it can forever affect their lives. Next Digital Footprint and Reputation: Whatever an individual posted online is forever in the cloud, even if is deleted. If unaware of this individual can mess up their life due to something they posted long ago. Bring Your Own Device: Students can find a way to open restricted apps/websites. Not everyone has the money to have their own device. A teacher is unaware of what the students have on their devices. Copyright: If an individual copyrights something they may suffer legal issues. Next Students should be aware of the all the potential concerns that comes from using technology and the internet. They should also know that it should be taken very serious. What should students know and do? Solutions Keep passwords to themselves Not to share personal information Not to meet up with online strangers Cite their sources NOT TO PLAGIARIZE Parents need to know what their child is doing online. What should parents know and do? Parents Educate their children about online safety Be informed on child's passwords Kid-proof their computers and internet Guides for Social Media, Cyberbullying, Cyber Security, and Internet Safety Online Safety Tips for Parents Resources for parents to be educated on safety and privacy Resources Website Videos on online issues (Social Media, Cyberbullying, Online Safety, Online Privacy, etc.) Tip Sheets Presentations Game Online safety activities, games and quizzes that help reinforce key online safety messages to children. Topics: Cyberbullying, Online Security, Sharing Passwords, Free Downloads, Online Friends Resources parents can use to teach their children about Internet Safety Parents teach Internet Safety Safety Contract: My Classroom rules and guidelines Rules and Guidelines 1. Respect others. 2. Come prepared to class with supplies and homework completed. 3. Keep your feet and hands to yourself. 4. Listen to when the teacher is talking, and follow directions. 5. Raise your hand when you would like to speak in class. Summary Summary Both parents and children need to be aware that the internet and technology is not always safe. they need to know how to stay safe when online. Online issues. (n.d.). Retrieved July 7, 2018, from Magid, L. (2013, May 26). Retrieved July 7, 2018, from Heirman, W., & Walrave, M. (2008, November 01). Assessing Concerns and Issues about the Mediation of Technology in Cyberbullying. Retrieved July 6, 2018, from (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2018, from

Internet Safety Presentation

Transcript: Shelby Guillory April 14, 2019 Safety Internet What Is It? Internet Safety Internet safety is about trying to stay safe online. The goal of internet safety is to maximize personal safety and minimize security risks. Personal information is used to identify yourself. Personal Information This includes information such as: Full Name Date of Birth Home Address Social Security Number Pictures of Yourself Passwords Family Names School Address Payment Information Text KEEP YOUR PERSONAL INFORMATION PRIVATE!!! How Can We Use The Internet? Incorporating technology in the classroom can lead to the following advantages: Increases responsibility over one's own learning Creates assignments that can be more engaging and relevant Promotes mindfulness in the classroom over one's own behaviors Builds upon 21st Century Skills that will create more successful career pathways Tips for Online Safety Safety Tips 1.) Do not give out personal identifying information. 2.) Never agree to meet up with someone you have only met online. 3.) Do not send photos of yourself to strangers. 4.) Think before you post pictures on Instagram, Snapchat, or Twitter. 5.) Do not give your password to ANYONE! 6.) Immediately let your parents and teachers know if you think something is wrong or inappropriate online. 7.) Set your social media accounts to private. Do Now: Now What? Write a brief paragraph (3-4 COMPLETE sentences) that responds to the following questions: 1.) What do you know about the importance of internet safety? 2.) What did you learn about internet safety? 3.) How will you increase your internet safety?

Internet Safety for

Transcript: One student really wants to search the internet without adult supervision 1. Take a virtual field trip. Discuss similarities between virtual safety and real-life safety while on a field trip (i.e. follow directions, stay with the group or on the assigned webpage, etc) Check out common sense media for more ideas! 2. Show & Discuss a Brainpop Jr. Video to help demonstrate how to be safe on the internet, including chat windows or other scams. 3. Create a class set of internet rules. Compare how online rules are very similar to classroom rules. Have a class discussion about internet safety. Be sure to stress that if you wouldn't do something in real life, you should do it online! Students generally are excited to go on the internet and discover new ideas and places. But how do we teach them to use the internet safely at such a young age? Common Sense Media Staying Safe Online (K-2). (n.d). Reviews & Age Ratings. Retrieved April 8, 2014, from Scenario Background There are two young students sitting at a computer without adult supervision. Primary Internet Safety Lesson Plan: Identifying and Using Safe Web Sites. (n.d.). BrainPOP Educators Primary Internet Safety Lesson Plan Identifying and Using Safe Web Sites Comments. Retrieved April 9, 2014, from Internet Safety for Elementary Students Safety Tips. (2010, September 14). FBI. Retrieved April 9, 2014, from Bibliography The other student reminds her that they are not allowed to because certain sites may be inappropriate. By Jen Billiet There are many things to consider when teaching students about internet safety, like setting ground rules, restricting certain websites, and possible chats & scams Brainpop Jr. Suggested Lessons for Internet Safety How Do We Teach Young Students To Be Safe Online? FBI Safety Tips Internet Safety for Elementary Students

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