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Dr. Bain

Transcript: Became part of the St. John Fisher college faculty in 1975. He twice received the College's Award for Teaching Excellence Dr. Bain held positions as associate and full professor, History Department Chair, Dean of Faculty, Provost and Dean of the College, Vice President for Administration. Path to Presidency President of St. John Fisher College Interested in history and law- went on to obtain both a bachelor's and master's degree. Was later awarded his Ph.D. from The State University of New York at Buffalo. Served in the U.S. Navy as a member of the combat aircrew. Is now a U.S. Vietnam veteran Relevance Path to Presidency Dr. Bain acted as a research assistant at Columbia University. He was also awarded an NEH fellowship at Yale and received a graduate certificate in educational management from Harvard, He is a specialist in 20th Century American National Security- he also has been a Visiting Scholar at the Defense Intelligence Agency and has held a senior appointment in the Military Strategy Division of the Department of Defense. Dr. Bain was elected to four terms as a Town Justice in Williamson, New York. He is a member of the New York State Magistrates Association. Dr. Bain was named President of St. John Fisher College in September of 2004. Dr. Bain Path to Presidency Dr. Bain is a large part of each of us and our education at St. John Fisher College. By attending this college, we are supporting the philosophy of education that this college and Dr. Bain represent. Dr. Bain is very much like Aristotle. Aristotle placed great emphasis on balancing the theoretical and practical aspects of subjects Dr. Bain agrees with this- he believes that the college experience is one that matures students into adults through many aspects beyond the classroom. Additionally, Aristotle focused very heavily on virtue. Dr. Bain also focuses on virtue by subscribing to the motto of the college: "teach me goodness, discipline, and knowledge."


Transcript: Victim described rapist: a mustache bushy sideburns aprox. 17 or 18 claimed his name was "Jim" or "Jimmy" In 2001, a Florida statue made it possible to retest certain cases. Bain asked 5 times and the court denied all 5 cases. The INNOCENCE PROJECT then helped Bain get a post-conviction DNA testing. The DNA came back negative. Bain was convicted of rape, burglary, and kidnapping based mostly on the police lineup. A man with not a scratch on his criminal record, was sentenced to life in prsion Forensic Science used... James Bain is no Bane... :D On December 17, 2009, Judge James Yancey released Bain after 35 years wasted in prison. Sources Post Conviction DNA testing on the semen on the victim's underwear DNA testing on Bain's jockey underwear Blood testing Police investigation Only Bain and one other suspect had sideburns in a police lineup FREEDOM! Wrongfully Accused Victim's uncle thought it sounded like a student of his and took Bain's student file for a picture JAMES BAIN. The trial occurred, however, before DNA testing was available, so Bain could not be definitively tied to the semen found on the victim's underwear the American who spent the most time in prison for a crime he did not commit. Bain claimed he had been home watching TV with his sister to be his alibi but the police didn't buy it and arrested him March 4, 1974 On a quiet night in Lake Wales, Florida, a nine year old boy was lifted from his bed, dragged out the window, forced into a nearby baseball field and brutally and forcibly raped. The man convicted: James Bain Police collected Bain's jockey underwear and sent it to the FBI to be tested

Alexander Bain

Transcript: WHO: Lived 1818-1903 Educated in Aberdeen, Scotland Studied at Marischal College Chair of moral philosophy at Marischal College (1841-1843) Good friend of John Stuart Mill WORKS: "The Senses of the Intellect" (1855) "The Emotions and the Will" (1859) proposed that traditional psychology could be expressed with reference to the laws of association both physiological and psychological processes were linked introduced a new classification of the mind: as consciousness, thought and action "English Compostion and Rhetoric" (1866) ERA THEMES: Development of instruction in composition Transition of speaking to writing Instruction in technical subjects and vernacular Vernacular= shift in language instruction toward grammar and mordern literature, and away from Latin and rhetoric Writing > Speaking Used as a pedagogical tool and practical expression of knowledge Analysis of style and usage emphasizing economy and recommending use of images for effect Personal Themes: Treat psychology in relation to physiology (works) Theory of Written composition adapting of associationism, and physchological pyschology theories to identify specific mental operations (descrimination, retentiveness, and agreement) Brings theories together through contrast, contiguity, and similarity Modes of discourse for future textbooks description narration exposition persuasion Quotes: "The most essential nature of a sentient being, which is to move to pleasure and from pain" "The arguments for the two substances [mind and body] have, we believe, entirely lost their validity; they are no longer compatible with ascertained science and clear thinking. The one substance, with two sets of properties, two sides, the physical and the mental—a double-faced unity—would appear to comply with all the exigencies of the case" "Instinct ins untaught abilility" "Superior intellect is a large development of the faculty of association by similarity." Quotes from Work: "The command of language is a grand total, resulting from the practice of life" "In speaking there are three prinicpal ends- to inform, to persuade, and please ALEXANDER BAIN

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