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Eye-catching Apparel: A Presentation

Transcript: Consistency Is Key Consistency in design, messaging, and customer experience helps build brand recognition and loyalty. Building a Strong Brand Image Creating a strong brand image is crucial for apparel products to differentiate themselves in a competitive market. Emotional Connection Creating emotional connections through storytelling and brand values can resonate with consumers and foster brand loyalty. Consumer Trust and Credibility Brand Identity Reinforcement Differentiation Strategy Consistent brand messaging and visuals across all touchpoints reinforce brand identity and enhance brand recall. A strong brand image builds consumer trust and credibility, leading to increased brand loyalty and positive word-of-mouth marketing. An authentic brand image sets apparel products apart from competitors, helping brands carve out a unique market position. Evolution of Fashion Trends Fashion trends evolve over time, reflecting societal changes, technological advancements, and cultural influences. Understanding the trajectory of fashion trends is essential for designing innovative and appealing apparel products that resonate with consumers. Consumer Preferences and Trends Impact of Design Innovation The Essence of Apparel Fashion Eye-catching Apparel: A Presentation Innovative design concepts and creative approaches play a significant role in shaping the fashion landscape and driving consumer interest. The fusion of artistry and functionality in apparel design sets the stage for unique and captivating fashion statements. Apparel fashion encompasses a wide range of styles, materials, and designs that cater to diverse consumer preferences and trends. By recognizing the importance of eye-catching designs, fashion brands can differentiate themselves in a competitive market and captivate their target audience effectively. Consumer preferences in fashion are influenced by factors such as individual style, cultural influences, and sustainability considerations. Understanding market trends and consumer behaviors is essential for creating apparel products that resonate with target audiences. Introduction to Apparel Fashion Artistic Expression in Fashion Design Fashion design serves as a form of artistic expression, blending creativity, aesthetics, and storytelling to create compelling fashion narratives. Artists and designers leverage their unique perspectives to craft visually stunning apparel pieces that inspire and resonate with audiences worldwide. Captivating Designs for Fashion Apparel fashion is a dynamic industry that constantly evolves with trends and styles, influencing consumer choices worldwide. Understanding the intricacies of apparel fashion and the significance of eye-catching designs is paramount in creating successful fashion products. Strategic Color Selection Strategically choosing color palettes can differentiate brands and attract target audiences. Research shows that 93% of consumers focus on visual appearance, making color a crucial element in creating eye-catching designs. The Art of Layout and Composition Impact of Patterns in Design Effective layout and composition involve arranging design elements to create a visually appealing and cohesive presentation of apparel products. Color Psychology in Fashion Visual Display Techniques for Apparel Color psychology influences consumer behavior in fashion, where each hue conveys specific emotions and perceptions. For example, red signifies passion and energy, while blue represents trust and professionalism. Patterns play a significant role in design aesthetics, offering versatility and customization. A study found that 67% of consumers prefer apparel with unique patterns, highlighting the importance of pattern diversity in fashion collections. Strategically showcasing apparel designs through layout and presentation techniques can significantly impact customer perception and engagement. Design Inspiration: Colors and Textures Creative Presentation Methods Strategic Color Palettes Understanding the impact of color palettes and patterns in apparel design can elevate the visual appeal and brand identity of fashion products. Carefully chosen color palettes can evoke emotions, convey brand identity, and attract target customers to apparel products. Implement creative presentation methods like mood boards, lookbooks, and virtual displays to showcase apparel designs in innovative and captivating ways. Innovative Patterns and Textures Engaging Layout Techniques Explore engaging layout techniques such as asymmetry, balance, and focal points to create visually compelling presentations of apparel products. Incorporating unique patterns and textures can add depth and visual interest to apparel designs, enriching the overall aesthetic appeal of the products. Market Trends Overview Stay ahead of the curve by understanding the current fashion landscape and consumer preferences, essential for apparel success. Consumer Preferences Current Fashion Trends Explore the latest

Eye Catching Advertisment

Transcript: - Often Corperations/Authors use Psychological Avertisment tactics to grasp the attention of the consumer/reader. -Authors and Publishing companys know through studies and survays that the average time spand for a reader to be intreged by a Ad is about 3 seconds Other uses Eye Catching Advertisment -The vision 2000 is a head mounted camera -This revise is basically a companys pair of eyes attached to the reader - This device records everything in the readers point of view - This tool measures his or her eye position 120 times per second. - There is a red light that follows the readers eyes and tells the author where his or her attention is. By: Andrea Pirisi Adverising tools This product is also used in the medical feild. - This products helps doctors diagnose and find eye or brain injurys. - This product has a honorable reputation with canadian professor of biomed, Moshe Eizenman (Ph.D) says " A symptom the machine readily detects" (Talking about brain injurys) Negatives -Vision 2000 - The vision 2000 is a Instrument used by Authors and publishing companys to see which ad best attracts readers, which part attracted the reader, and which part attracts the reader. The conclussion to this product is the postives over weigh the barley harsh negatives. This product may be the future of Advertisment. Conclussion - Although a very usefull tool this product can not read minds. What do i mean? - I mean, this product can not predict weather the reader intends to buy the product thats followed in the Ad. However there is a plus negative This is, Although it cant predict the future purchase, it shows if our eyes are drawn to a funny Ad or catch phrase or photo that the goal of the company is complete (which is noticing their product. Eye Catching Advertisment Hows it used?

Eye Catching Posters

Transcript: Where to start and where to go next - Directing of the viewer's eye People have a natural tendency to read down a page and to the right. A large heading or slogan in the upper left corner will catch the initial attention of the viewer, since this is where their eye will naturally start. Position contact details, company logos and slogans at the lower right corner of the poster, in order to provide the interested reader with such content immediately after they have read the main body of the poster. I'm Amy WHITE SPACE IMAGES CANVA Who are you? Space between lines and content (negative space) Define and separate different sections Lets work breathe, lets people take in knowledge. When it comes to posters, use exaggerated spacing between elements. It may look a little funny to you at first, but the extra spacing will dramatically increase visual impact and readability at distances. CONTRAST You want to align and have neatness Especially with text Consistent, equal and clear - it helps people make sense The hook that draws the viewer in Compelling visuals can help you connect with the audience and make a strong impression before they have even read a single word Viewers are drawn to images that look authentic and not generic Best images are open to interpretation – set the tone but let people work it out for themselves they add their own ideas to it. Draw eye to image, evoke mood emotion, communicate without words Hue = colour Saturation = intensity/ subtle or vibrant Value = dark to light Readability is important, legible and engaging Can help focus on key elements and messages YOU ONLY HAVE 3 SECONDS TO GET MESSAGE ACROSS Make it Easy to Read from a Distance A poster must capture the attention and get the message across in a matter of seconds Think about size – does it work large and viewed on a phone Title is important Content Is Important, but Keep It Concise Posters Should Have Your Personality and should match brand and vibe for what it is promoting Make it different to what is already around The emotional impact it will have on the different individuals is an important element to consider. Move the Eye and the Information will Follow TEXT & INFO The FREE tool to help TYPOGRAPHY Headline: This is the main (and largest) text element in the design. It can be in addition to an art element or it can be the art element. Opt for a readable typeface that is interesting and demands attention. Details: What, when, where? Answer these questions in the second level of text. What information does someone need to do what your poster is asking of them? Provide the information here in a concise manner. The fine print: Everything else that someone decided needed to be on the poster. Make it small and keep it out of the way. Making Eye Catching & Quality Posters What is it for? Where will it be used/seen? What do you want people to feel? And then what do you want them to do? Amiable Communications @amyhetherington WHAT WE'RE DOING TODAY Tips for Canva Shuttershock Piktochart Photoshop and professional software programs Word/Powerpoint can be used Echo elements to make it work together Colour palette, header style Makes it easier to read, focus on content PRO TIP Use one big visual and keep it simple and clear The goal of every poster is to expose people to something Most of these “touches” involve inviting someone to something Give it a high-level of prominence in the design Once you know what users are supposed to do when they see the poster, then you can design the call to action. Always save work – web hosted software Use high res images Use templates – but make it your own Limited if you have branding guidelines to meet REPETITION ALIGNMENT Basics in designing a good poster What tools can you use apps and resources Interactive workshop for businesses who want to learn more and save on design costs! This workshop is based on designing a poster so come up with an event (work or home) What's your idea???? One item is different to another Catch readers eye, create emphasis or call attention to something important Size, colours, weight etc This workshop can be used for all graphics The basic difference between the poster and other visual communication methods is that the poster speaks to the audience "on the move." As posters are supposed to cause a great instant impact, they should be precise regarding the message and the elements used to convey it. Can be a key marketing element that is capable of conveying an unforgettable message immediately. COLOURS THE MESSAGE IS KEY DESIGN 101 HIERARCHY WHY POSTERS? CALL TO ACTION FINAL POINTS EYE FOR IT LAYOUT AND COMPOSITION Introduction Needs to be high quality Blurry or pixelated images send wrong impression If you enlarge a small image it loses quality

Now you can make any subject more engaging and memorable