15 min presentation
Transcript: The school of St Charles links with the Sports and Recreation sub sector as we focus on trying to get everyone involved from EY-KS2. The school is very positive about pupils achieving the best they can in P.E, this is one of the reasons why they hire P.E apprentices like myself. We are also very involved in attending SSP events which allows children to experience competritions to build uppon their resiliance to sport. Personal trainer KS1 lead:Mrs Mac (Year 2 teacher) Mrs Bainbridge As staff we meet every monday night for our staff meeting. There are several staff traning opportunities things such as, first aid training which all staff have just recived a course on. Team teach and twighlight traning is also used as opportunities for development. As a sports apprentice the school are really strong about sending myself on courses.. This has give me the opportunity to do the multiskills course. The Outdoors Understanding the active leisure and learning sector Fitness and Leisure Mrs Stoker St. Charles School dates back to 1873, and is situated in extensive grounds on Durham Road in Spennymoor. St.Charels is a Roman Cathlic school which is voluntery aided. Our school has links with St.charels Rc church, which we visit on special occasions. I.e. first friday mass. Through out the scholl day children do prayes: first thing on a morning when they come in before dinner after dinner (which includes meditation) evening prayers before the go home . Aswell as a big focus on R.E we also focus on been an opal school. This is where we learn through play outside. I.E muddy kitchen, digging pit and den building. Our school has recently just opened our new outside classroom which will be used for outdoor learning lessons. Along side the classroom a bomb shellter and new pond was opened. Fitness and Leisure Female staff = 89% Mrs Brown Miss McBride Miss Hodkinson (Year 4 teacher) Caravans Lesiure, learning and wellbeing activities that take place in the natural environment. E.G. Climbing, hill walking, orienteering. All forms of physical activity aiming to improve physical fitness and mental wellbeing. (Recreational or competitive). Mrs Bailey Mrs. Longstaff Aqua Sports and Recreation Mr Hardy Staff Opportunities Mrs. Bonarius To progress with in this industry you need several skills these are things such as been able to stand in front of a group of people and teach them. Many personal qualities help towards this such as: having confidence good behaviour management organisation skills be able to communicate with staff and pubils (have a voice) You also need good experience in the industry and knowledge. Obeservations and planning are a good starting pathway to prepare you for teaching as it prepares you for a lesson you would be expected to do on a day to day basis. Having a level 3 qualifaication in sport from college has allowed me to progress onto this apprentiship. Completing the level 2 progressing onto level 3 has given me more experience and knowledge within this industry. Caravans Sports and recreation Miss Poulson By Erika Warren The Outdoors About my school ! Consisting of five main sub-sectors, of which are Sport and Recreation, Fitness and Leisure, The Outdoors, Play work and the Caravans. The Active leisure and Learning industry is represented by SkillsActive, which is the Sectors Skills Council. As a whole it’s estimated there are more than 36,800 businesses in the UK (public, private and voluntary organisations) employing more than 670 000 staff in many different job roles. Mrs Ingleby Care taker: Mrs. Russell Mrs Kennedy-Beard Overlap with the first three sub sectors. Within each sub sector there is different types of business. Recreation and lesiure activities and domestic tourism. I.E. Holiday home parks, touring, caravan sales and manufacture. Mrs Warren The Outdoors After my apprentership there are several carrer pathways for me. These are things such as: Becoming a T.A within the school Coach University Self employed The school of St Charles links, within the outdoors sub sector as we use things such as OPAL and outdoor learning to allow children to play and learn in an outdoor environment. Wthin OPAL outdoors we have things such as: digging pits muddy kitchen den building Each year group has access. Learners in ks2, year 3-6 are timetabled once a week for outdoor learning. WIthin this lesson they learn different types of outdoor skills such as: orienteering survival skills i.e.- how to light a fire Many more skills are learnt and its a great opportunity the children get to learn outside in the environment. Any Questions??? Miss Warren Miss. Tallentire Mrs O’Connor Sports apprentice: The school of St Charles doesn't link with the caravan sub-sector. This sub-sector is different than the others in structure, employment and training needs. It can be divided into three sections: caravan manufacturing and service caravan sales holiday, touring and residental parks This sub-sector is totally private. With most